Park / Autumn's Kiss
31-December 23
- Views 1,934
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- Comments 9
65.50%(required: 65%)
pants 70% RWE 70% Scoop 70% Xtreme97 70% CoasterCreator9 65% Jappy 65% Liampie 65% Mulpje 65% ottersalad 65% posix 60% wheres_walto 60% Cocoa 55% 65.50% -
While visiting Liesberg, American coaster enthusiasts were enamored with Helix. Upon returning to the states, they contacted Mack Rides to install their very own recreation in Northern Ohio, but with one notable enhancement. It might not be October anymore, but I hope your ride on Autumn’s Kiss brings back those warm, Fall memories.
This park placed 2nd in Deurklink's LSM Contest with a score of 9.24.
A special thanks to:
- the_bru, for his incredible Asylum palette. You should give it a go sometime
- Ballpit, for his pretty logo
- And Hex, for his log flume layout, wisdom, and advisement throughout the project -
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The clever rockwork here really elevates the stretching landscape, and the fallen leaves and tree placement keeps it all very pleasant without taking away from your coaster. The support work is very good, and I love the log cabin feeling architecture sprawled throughout the map. The log flume fills in some space around the corner nicely and interacts well with the coaster. The colors are all really nice here. Layout is great.
I think pathing and different macro planning that allowed guests to better interact with the coaster + took advantage of the landscaping more would of greatly elevated this build, but I think what is already here is great. My rating- 75%
This is pretty lovely. The coaster itself I think has decent flow and utilises the landscape well, and the setting is a nice autumnal vibe. The foliage and landscaping is definitely one of the more interesting aspects of the map, great use of the invisible colour to create new textures and flower effects out of the colourable vanilla scenery. Also really love the apple orchard and how you used the bullrushes there. The rockwork feels like a novel use of those objects to create a nice effect, though I don't fully buy the castle turrets as rocks. But attempting it and experimenting with objects is great to see.
Cool submission. I especially liked the log flume and (the placement of) its station.
Interesting take on rockwork, somewhat succesful.
Some things were a bit confusing for me, like why the water was purple.
Foliage could have been a bit stronger imo.
Congrats on another nice release. I like how you managed to make the coaster the main focus point of the map. I really enjoyed the coaster layout too, it had some interesting sections and nice interacting moments. I also really liked the big drop of the log flume, although i thought that the first part of the ride before that was a bit weird.
Bold choice regarding your rockwork. I think in the end it paid off and got you a nice look. I agree with Faas about the foliage though. The colors have been nice and i loved how you did the falling leafs, but some tree objects just felt a little bit out of place and i think the foliage could have used some more structure. I must say that i really loved the creative way you did the map edge though.
I think the architecture and pathwork was quite enjoyable as well. Although i do think that some object choices felt a little weird here too. For example i have no idea why there are mint gums in the air or treasure chests floating above the entrance of the coaster station building. I think your style would really benefit from using a proper bench here. Would love to see you work with one of the good cso benches one day.
All in all i think this definitely should win a design accolade. Good job!
Agree with the above comments on the rockwork.. it seems like a lot of visual noise, especially with the grey colored trees mixed in. Honestly would've preferred regular terraforming with just different ground textures. Would suggest following Alex's lead when it comes to waterfalls. Also agree on foliage - seems a bit scattered/sporadic outside of the orchard which was nice. With the nod to Blue Hen Falls (Cuyahoga Valley National Park for non Ohioans), I would've liked to have seen a dense forest setting, or perhaps a river valley. I'm envisioning Boston Store Visitor Center and Boston Mills plus a roller coaster.
The layout is pretty neat though - perhaps needs 1-2 too many launches to get through the layout and back up to the station, but I think there are still quite a few good elements in here. Good creativity on display here, despite my comments about the rockwork.
Very curious choice of objects here, not always succesful IMO. The rockwork is a tad cluttered IMO, and little inconsistencies like the actual smoke for the coaster station, but gumdrops everywhere else irk me.
But still some really cool things here! The apple orchard as mentioned before is amazing, the log flume is great and really like the length you've gone for. The use of TNT for fallen leaves must be my favorite innovation in here.
Love the fall atmosphere, especially around the farm (Also cool fallen leaf effect). I like the elevation changes and how the coaster follows it, and especially like the moment where the trains interact a bit, was a cool moment.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to review and leave a rating, this park was nothing but pure fun for me to build!
I agree, that would have been fun for the guests, maybe seeing them actually navigate some of the rockwork?
This also goes for Faas's feedback, in retrospect, I would opt for just replacing the castle turrets with volcano pieces. Blends more with the prison corner fences.
Thanks RWE! cso is on my list of things to tackle in the future. But...I do want to push the dkso workbench to the limits, and see how far I can take things (that said, there are definitely better objects I could have used besides the floating treasure chests, haha).
I probably should have went with a different nod, you're absolutely right! The foliage up there is much more dense. I'll keep things thicker for future landscaping entries, while also showing the fallen leaf effect on the parameters.
That's a fair point, consistency across the board. I actually had your feedback in mind while working on my current park last night. But I appreciate the love with the Fall themed stuff! The apple orchard seems to be a hit.
Thanks for encouraging me to put this on NE, Lurker! I was hesitant to at first, since this was yet another contest park, but your recommendation was a good one!
Late review #4: Autumn's Kiss
I did look at this map when it came out, as evidenced by my vote, here are my belated comments to accompany the score...
For a design the coaster is the most important thing, and I think you did a great job here. I love the scope of the coaster. It's huge, and it plays with its surroundings well. Flow could've been better, but it doens't have to be great to be good. The surroundings are pretty atmospheric; lively and convincingly autumnal. I must say I also thought the landscaping was very unrefined. I found the architecture to be not very cohesive, but when looking at buildings in isolation I thought some of them were great, notably the white building overlooking the valley and the dark looking thing with the mill in the back. The farm at the lowest level of the map was also really well done! The apple orchard is a nice idea well done. Overall I think it scrapes by as a design thanks to the coaster. Deserved design win, and a nice piece of RCT!