Six entries came in for Thailand, inviting viewers to experience a country and culture with many unique facets. To help you vote in this match, please see the round objectives below:
1. Your park must be set in or themed to Thailand.
2. Your park must feature or refer to a specific plant species of your choosing.
3. Your park must include dueling tracked rides.
How to vote
Before you vote, you have to make sure you've viewed all parks with thought and care. Voting happens through the polls above. The submissions will be judged on two criteria. First, you are asked to vote for the parks that you think completed the three objectives for this round the best. Second, you are asked to judge the parks on their overall quality - separate from the round objectives. After 72 hours, the polls will close and we will add up the votes from each poll. The submission with the most votes in total will earn the creator(s) a ticket to the final round!
For centuries, the Temple of the Golden Tree has served as a space for spirituality and quiet contemplation. It served predominantly locals but also attracted some pilgrims from the wider region. Even after Thailand began to attract more and more tourists, the temple remained in blissful obscurity and peace, despite the military installation built in a nearby cave. This all changed in 2018, however, when the famous Australian Influencer Cocoa visited the site and immediately shared a vlog about his “discovery”. Overnight the temple became a huge tourist attraction and the region attracted large international investments, turning the quiet and peaceful temple into a center of tourism.
Swasdi! Nestled among the iconic limestone cliffs of Phang Nga Bay, Thailand Action Park is a one of a kind attraction for visitors of all ages to enjoy! Guests can stay in one of our luxury bungalows on the water, enjoy our inflatable water course, take the plunge down one of our slides, shop in the neighboring town, ride one of our many hilltop rides, or even compete in our famous Banana Grand Prix. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll even see some of our local wildlife!
Discover Siam Park, Tenerife's remarkable water kingdom. Inspired by Thailand, this captivating paradise in Costa Adeje offers thrilling attractions, serene landscapes, and authentic architectural wonders.
The former seat of the Lanna kingdom is a blissfully calm place to relax and recharge your batteries - in a city still firmly Thai in its atmosphere and attitude. Wander through the night market taking in the sights and sounds of this bustling city, or take a trip to the Kratom fields and get lost in Euphoria.
If anyone is encountering issues opening Tripp'in Chiang Mai, please try placing this object in your OpenRCT2 object folder and reloading the game. Thanks.
alex---loving this expo exploit. this map is fantastic, full of detail so subtle it just feels completely natural. the building with the octagonal windows coming out of it is just chef kiss. the log flume doesn't do much for me but the wild mouse is perfectly awkward
(f+j)k---excellent work, completely stunning archy as always. the amount of detail and texture is always hard to believe. i love the trippy coaster, its a bold move compositionally but i think it really works here, maybe the best trippy work i've seen in rct yet, and its plopped surprisingly gracefully on top of the city. vibes are immaculate and overall just so lively. i particularly like all the brickwork throughout, that feels really legit
rwe---this is a gorgeous little waterpark. love the slightly reserved landscaping, esp around the buddha statue. slide layouts are all fun and atmospheric, and the archy feels natural and not stereotypical
josh97---I'm loving this action park saga. another great addition to the series, especially the town which is stunningly detailed, very textural and built at all kinds of ridiculously creative angles. the foliage surprisingly works for me and I love the hilarious soundtrack as always. btw that little ferris wheel at the top is perfect. sg
v1---obviously i love this, flattering in the best way possible. turning the kind of serious mystery into a silly tourist trap is such a hilarious and perfectly executed idea. theres some lovely work here, especially around the entrance town, but generally all of the construction is pretty high quality. landscaping feels a bit blocky here or there but its all good fun.
lurker---nice little map, i particularly like the coconut collecting area/ride. woodie is pretty decent, landscaping has a good vibe, and the little archy works pretty well. nice work
Not much time to really look at these because vacation so this'll be more of a first impressions review.
expo77: The Eastern Gate (alex): So classy. Again, you make this look so easy! Love the huge Expo '77 sign up front and I'm really happy to see you sticking to that wacky '70s font you pulled out with Gemini in the first round. Dueling tracked rides are an interesting idea, although I'd say it's more concrete gardens. Love the swaths of bamboo though, and that ugly yellow works so well for the wooden path roofs. Love the extra dueling with the monorail as well; that earns you bonus points for sure. The little market is so cute. Jade River looks incredible with the mine track track and custom supports over the water. Also a huge fan of the elephant enclosure and the use of mini helicopter track for the wild mouse for that janky look. Really this just fires on all cylinders and there's not much to hate.
Coconut Shore (Lurker): Bad news; I'm on a travel laptop with no LL. I even contemplated getting LL on it right before I left but had no time. Still looks mostly correct so I'll still review it as such. Very nice LLittLLe map with a great centerpiece dueler. The use of barrels for coconuts is just too good dude; thinking about it I've definitely used those barrels for the same purpose in scenario play. Coconut Collection I think hits the Thai vibe the most, and the canoe dock under the path looks seamless even if it means there are two canoe rides. Problem with this map for me is that the foliage doesn't really read Thai, although that may be the fault of the LLimited tree palette. Still, I feel like more of the jungle trees could have really helped with this map. Overall a very solid LL map, your entries are always a joy to see.
Siam Park (RWE): Was insane tuning into the Discord livestream to see you steamrolling this bastard with hours to go. You crushed it man. A waterpark is a unique take on the themes presented and you integrated them seamlessly. Love Lotus and the big fake flowers in between the turns. The normal curved base blocks work surprisingly well. The way the slides are worked into the landscape came out really well as well. Unfortunately the lack of finish isn't lost on me; some of the landscaping and especially foliage feels rushed and a little spammy. I'll take it if it means getting another Dubbya gem like this. Well done!
Thailand Action Park (Josh & Xtreme97): You're devouring the entire globe with these life-threatening nightmare waterparks and I love it. Elephants running rampant, monkeys craving human flesh, DJ Dubbya; the whole nine yards. The super crammed riverside village feels very lifelike and gives me Anchor Bay vibes; I'm suspecting this was Xtreme's handiwork. Honest to god the gradient Krypton rocks might get me to start using Krypton rocks more often. So damn crunchy and vibey. Love all the ziplines leading into the ocean as well; a classic Action Park move which fits in perfectly here and provides some very nice leading lines. My favorite area is the temple up top. Such a calming vibe in contrast to the chaotic Action Park area with some nice flat rides. All the names are funny as hell and it's always nice stumbling upon myself. Only downside is it doesn't tie into the objectives as well as some of the others. Great park kings, y'all are making me want some Pad Thai now.
Tripp'in Chiang Mai (FK & J K): JFK! I was hoping to god J K would show up for the Thailand round. Like come on, he had to. Leave it to FK to really trip up this bitch and absolutely crush it with the archi as well. Kratom and its effects are such a cool idea for this round. My parents swear by that stuff. Love how the coasters represent tripping on kratom while the rest of the park has a more grounded foundation. Really clever way to justify a coaster and tie it in with those themes. Such a damn good dueler as well with some incredible interactions. Also love how the opal effect from my Ethiopia park played a different role in this one. Really not much to fault in this one, this is the clear winner to me. Y'all crushed it and I'm honored to have helped with the palette and custom music. Just spend more of your budget on staff next time.
Discovered Mekong (Version1): Really nice seeing you finish a solo entry for GT after not making it R1 and helping me clutch things out R3. I love the little fairground area with the dueling Vekoma family boomerangs; a clever idea for the dueler requirement. I feel like you should have started the save here to build the suspense of going up the mountain. Nearby village is nice as well. Going up the mountain, I really love the temple of the golden tree. While I don't think it's the strongest execution of the foliage theme, it's a very nice piece on its own. Also FISCH ROCKS! So glad to see you working those into your vernacular. Shapes are nice; next step is working them into the nearby land a little more using those second colors. Foliage is so dense and lush on this second level and the Jungle Cruise station is adorable. Really loving the top level as well, especially First Strike. Very cool layout and the station cutaway is amazing. Hotel attractions are nice as well. Very happy to see all the frozen staff in this park as well. You've really been evolving your style this year and I'd call this some of your best work yet. Very well done!
Wonderful parks y'all. Top 2 overall for me are Tripp'in Chiang Mai and Thailand Action Park. Objective-wise, expo77: The Eastern Gate wins best use of objectives for me followed by Tripp'in Chiang Mai. Great work everyone!
Discovered Mekong: I like the 3 area/tier layout of this, and the whole concept. I like how it'd executed too, the somewhat cheap tourist park in front (With a nice set of dueling family coasters), the temple itself and the resort in back hiding the military base. It really gets the atmosphere all the way through. Also, love the station and elevators on the main coaster, all the clickable staff too.
Thailand Action Park: Lmao that radio station intro, these action parks always give a good laugh. Love how lively this is, all the chaos, wacky scenes and sketchy rides (My favorite is probably the high seed death zipline) I'd expect. Also great on a technical level, I especially like the foliage and landscaping.
Siam Park: A really nice water park that's well laid out. Good pathing, the slides are nice eye catchers and I like how it's built into the cliff side. I also really like lotus slide with how the giant flowers were done. Architecture is nice too, especially the entrance. Side note, it's extra impressive to me since I saw the deadline crunch.
Tripp'in Chiang Mai: Absolutely stunning. Just an amazing amount of micro-detailing and scenes to build in a month, architecture is fantastic, the texture work is so good and the atmosphere is great. I love the way this meets the requirements, a great concept for it that does both so well with the coaster's theme and effects. The main coaster has a good layout and it's synced up amazingly. Also, I like the palette, dark palettes are kind of a risk but I think it's just the right one for this concept, and I had no issues with being able to see with it.
Expo77: The Eastern Gate: A clean and polished map with some nice architecture (Especially The Lantern Theatre) and a clever way of getting the dueling tracked ride in. Also, love the Mad Mouse, great use of the mini helicopter track and some really good support work.
Discovered Mekong. The aesthetics are simpler than some of the others but also have a bit of a more personal spin. The coaster is neat. The rockwork was a bit on the familiar side and most of it was foliage but that's understandable as a one person entry. The dueling shuttle coasters were a nice idea and I like the color schemes of them.
Thailand Action Park. I really like the aesthetics and the different styles of rides. The music isn't quite to my taste but everything else I really like. I'm a huge fan of ziplines. The water slides were also interesting and bolder than the ones in Siam Park, if less extensive.
Siam Park. The park was very beautiful, one of the most initially striking entries. However, several others had just a bit more unusual content. The lazy river and the wave pool were all neat though. A very good entry that while it won't get my vote due to being conventional water park content, probably will get many.
Tripp'in Chiang Mai. The positives are the duelers and the overall atmosphere. I'm not a fan of the overall color scheme but I can appreciate it in context. Unlike Thailand Action Park, I quite liked all the music. I congratulate you on doing what stumped Fatha all those years ago, making a drug themed RCT park.
Coconut Shores. I like the aesthetics. A very different take on the theme. The canoes between the palm trees were a neat ride. Were those to collect the coconuts? The dueling coasters were the big flaw for me. They look nice but the one on the left seems to outpace the one on the right for the whole course.
expo 77: The Eastern Gate. I like it all. It's got better fulfillment of ride objectives than the Ethiopian one which felt a bit shoehorned in. It is just a lot of fun to look at, very detailed or not. The theater building was very aesthetically interesting. This would probably be my third favorite of the six entries.
Now to the vote which is going to break some hearts. I vote Tripp'in Chiang Mai for best fulfillment of the round objectives and for best park, I vote for Thailand Action Park. It just came down to the fact that I liked the rides better than the urban happenings of Tripp'in Chiang Mai. One more interesting ride in the latter may have flipped my vote. Good job to both park's builders, and for that matter, everyone else. These were all good parks.
Amazing parks all around; I can genuinely say I had a lot of fun looking at all of these and found each and every one to be a very enjoyable and entertaining viewing experience. Really makes me want to try some more out of the box stuff someday.
What a lovely piece of Thailand. Great architecture all around and so much details that makes the city come alive and real. The duellers are the highlight here, really great layouts and awesome to see them duelling until the end. That's a hard thing to do but you nailed it. Fan of the added custom music to enhance the atmosphere, not a fan of the palette.
Coconut Shore
Love to see your LL entries each round, I think you're getting better at it each round you build. I quite like the landscaping and foliage though I think there could be a bit more exotic trees in the mix. I really like the station of the duellers, that's well done. The wooden duellers are also neat. Great entrie, I think this is my favorite Lurker park from GT so far!
Discovered Mekong
Park felt a bit underwhelming at first but I started to like it the more I looked at it. The duelling boomerangs are cute and nicely duel. First Strike is of course the star of the show here, unconventional layout but I really like that. Great use of the cliffs. I was kinda shocked when I rotated the map and saw the station was underground... how the hell did you do those lifts?! I think the fish rocks here aren't used to its full potential, they are all too straights and there's a too hard edge with the land above it. Nonetheless enjoyable entrie.
Thailand Action Park
Great, another action park. Once again it's awesome, great and I can't really find anything to nitpick about. Just love it. Great rockwork, foliage, rides, archy and detailing. The banana GP is funny, just as naming your funicalars "duelling tracked ride" to make it clear for us dummies That floating market also is amazing btw. Love it.
Siam Park
I was hoping someone would do Tenerife's Siam Park! Almost doubted to try it myself. You did great and it feels very recognazible. The shark tank slides are a great center piece. I think you managed to get in quite a lot given the small map size. Wonderfull entry, liked it a lot.
Expo 77 Eastern gate
Once again very interesting archy to see here. The lantern theatre is done nice, I also like the little market. Also like the wild mouse with a more unusual lay-out than the ones we mostly see at NE. Great job on the support work as well, looks believable crappy.
Themed to Thailand
Thought most of these were super clever. V1 and TAP got a nice twist on the ongoing commerciallization in Thailand. Liked RWE's idea of themeing a waterpark to the country.
Not a botanist so some may have gone over my head. Felt like most of these weren't very apparent. Or maybe not as apparent as I would've preferred. The Banana field in TAP was probably my favorite. But Coconut shores and Siam had a nice vibe with their foliage too!
Quite bummed that most went for an excuse for duelers instead of cool duelers. Liked the one in Coconut Shores, but FK/JK really take this category!
Overall fave
My fave was probably TAP in achieving the objectives as for the park itself. Siam Park being a second. Really digged its vibe.
Had a tougher time picking a third favorite, but went for Alex'. Thought he did well with the objectives but never really took the prize and I'm really digging what he's doing this contest. Such a consistent output of parks. Every time finding clever ways of fulfilling the objectives.
TAP: This was my overall favorite due to the landscaping and palette, which were both excellent. I thought it was themed to Thailand quite well and the banana plants completed that objective well. I think more of a focus on dueling tracked rides would have been helpful.
Coconut Shore: Great entry here. Nails the tropical, SE Asian vibe in LL which is hard to do. The duelers were also really fun to watch.
Expo 77: I must admit, I liked the Ethiopia one more. Wasn't a huge fan of the big steel temple-like structures. The log flume was done quite well, though, so credit there.
Trippin': It took me a while to get adjusted to the palette, but once I did I liked it. The architecture was stunning and the duelers were great. Not much else I can say other than maybe the areas around the river could have used more detail?
Siam Park: Very solid little water park, and very impressive given how rushed it was. I think the foliage could have been amplified with some splashes of color here and there, maybe with some flowers?
Discovered Mekong: Some cool stuff here for sure. I especially like the architecture in the town. I think the foliage could have looked more tropical, and the Fisch rocks could have been utilized better. You want to avoid having too many straight, parallel edges where they meet the cliff face. It's important to vary their placement to make it look more natural.
Coconut Shore: the coasters are obviously the focal point here, and they are a lot of fun for their (limited) size. The colours are also great. The ride colours are referencing the Thai flag I suppose? Conceptually the map is a bit thin. ‘Coconut tower’ as a name for an unthemed observation tower is just weak. But Coconut Collection is more like it. On the other hand, you have another canoes ride and that one is just called ‘Canoes’... Landscaping and archy aren’t particularly Thai I think but overall this is a lovely map that shows progress in your game in terms of map composition, I think.
Siam Park: impressive indeed… Despite this being less great than your last few works, considering the speed at which you built this, I think you’re having a breakthrough that could make you a very impactful player in the next H2H. The drawbacks are the glitchiness and the spammy foliage. The positives are the overall lovely aesthetic (I’m being reminded of Glacier Cove, a big compliment to you) and features like the wave pool and the underwater slides. I love that everything is functional. The Buddha sculpture with waterfall backdrop is a lovely touch. Lotus is pretty cool, and a nice interpretation of the round’s plant objective.
Expo 77 - Eastern Gate: this name can’t be a coincidence. That alone is a nice idea. The map itself is probably the weakest of the four you’ve done so far, but there’s plenty to like again. Original interpretation of dueling rides (though I’m not sure they’ll get you my vote). The bamboo architecture is fantastic, especially the roof. Elephant exhibit is also great. The steel roofed pavilion I can’t get into. Some nice texturing on the walls though. The market is obviously nice. Lantern Theatre? One of the coolest structures so far! What a cool shape. The tiled texture is so cool, I need to find an excuse to use those as well… The long awnings around the entrance structure are easily overlooked, but another example of you nailing the 70s aesthetic in my opinion. Log Flume is a bit of an unexpected inclusion for me, I don’t think it’s that well integrated, nor does it have many noteworthy aspects. The Mad Mouse is better in that regard. Shame you couldn’t find a better link to Thailand here though. Anyway, I can’t wait for the next installment and the eventual full map. This is special.
Discovered Mekong: I’m enjoying the parallels with Forgotten Mekong, but on a conceptual level I really like how you turned a punny name into something meaningful with tourism taking over as kind of a theme. I think you could’ve taken that a bit further, as some of the stuff on the map was a tad generic (ride names for example). The execution was generally good, sometimes great. I love the little theme park, feels like a modern Pokey Park variant. Coasters are some of the better duelers this round. The town has good archy, temple as well. The yellow tree looks great, but if that’s the only thing to connect this to the round objective it’s a bit weak. First Strike is a great coaster, very unique. Good station. The rocket looks like a wine bottle. I can point out some more things, but it boils down to this map being really good and among your very best work. Enjoying it a lot!
Thailand Action Park: I’m kind of thinking your wasting your talent on these farcical parks, fun as they may be. The most enjoyable parts of this map are the village (we needed this look with cables and crap for Yirgacheffe…) and the temple/theme park complex at the top of the hill - not Action Park itself. The temple is beautiful. Elephants and monkeys snacking on food is a nice detail that adds life. Rice paddies are cool, dueling tracked rides not so much. The village has a lot going on. Peeing monkey, a shrine, shops… Using umbrellas for satellite dishes on the radio tower is a clever idea, didn’t think of that when I built a similar thing in the last Grand Tour.
Tripp’in Chiang Mai: yet another example of FK finding excuses to do fantastical shit in a realistic environment. And J K is such a good partner to further infuse life (and local knowledge?) into this map. It’s impossible to point out all the amazing architectural moments here, but a small selection: the 7/11 building, the tall white building with large curved window and brick balconies in the front, the red/yellow gate in the corner of the map near the canal with the shops, the weathered fortification walls, the central yellow shrine, the curved green corner building… Nearly every building has something to love. Architecture is on point. Good job on the cable madness. I think this map transports me to Thailand the most, despite the wacky psychedelic shit going on. I didn’t even talk about that yet… Best duelers in the round, and thematically relevant. Obvious winner in the objectives department. Roll into the launch. So good! I love the trippy shit in the corner. Amazing work guys.
1. Tripp'in Chaing Mai
2. Thailand Action Park
3. Expo 77
4. Discovered Mekong
5. Siam Park
6. Coconut Shore
(loved all six)
1. Tripp'in Chiang Mai
2. Coconut Shore
3. Expo 77
4. Discovered Mekong
5. Siam Park
6. Thailand Action Park
Voted for my top three in each category. Sorry V1, for just missing out.
Coconut Shore
Love your single-wide path LL style as always. It looks so fun and relaxing to build and has a joyful energy as a result. The duelling woodies have such a classic look with the way they are embedded into the rocks, trees and each other. On a map like this though where they’re the centrepiece I only wish they were a bit longer!
Amazing architecture everywhere I look here! The tackier buildings in particular are really well executed. Love the chaotic feeling you’ve created with the overhead wires, traffic, and food stalls (esp with all the smoke and fire effects, and drumming peep object as someone tending to a wok - brilliant!). I wasn’t a huge fan of how you executed the ‘tripping’ concept, just felt a bit jarring with the rest of the map, but the coaster layouts themselves are fantastic. My favourite park of the round, I think.
Discovered Mekong
Such a fun idea! I’m really drawn to the more simplistic style here, especially because it’s consistent throughout. The temple especially is very tastefully done and easy to read. I do wish the rockwork was a bit smoother in places, there’s a strange stepped style to the landscaping as well as lots of straight lines where surface meets cliff edge. Still, it was consistent throughout and gave it very much it’s ‘own look’.
Siam Park
I like the tight colour scheme you’ve got going on here with the dark peach, white and all the cool greens in the extremely bushy foliage. You did a great job making all the pathing flow and organic (although I’m curious why you opted for the giant steps?). Great achievement getting this finished in the last few hours.
Thailand Action Park
The level of detail in all these maps is always super impressive. I don’t know how you have the stamina for it! Nice duelling tracked ride, zipline/death trap and floating obstacle course. I actually don’t think I’ve seen anything like that before in RCT and it works great. The rockwork I found a bit too noisy but the overall shape of the landscaping and map composition was top. The village looks fantastic.
The results are in for Round 4, and it's FK+Coastermind and J K who take the lead and earn a spot in the Grand Tour Final! Their entry Tripp'in Chiang Mai received a total 65 points from the two questions, with In:Cities and Xtreme97 taking second place. As FK+Coastermind has already won a spot in the final with Hydroportal in Round 1, he may choose which partner to work with for the Grand Final. The other player may then invite someone else to work with them in the final, as if they had qualified as a solo entrant.
Find the results table below. The total score for each entry has been calculated from the following formula. The builders of the winning entry are eligible to compete in the Grand Final.
I completely missed the voting for this, but would have pretty much voted as the final results, so no biggie.
Chiang Mai was the perfect blend of "what am i looking at" and ".... it looks fucking cool though". Different for the sake of different doesn't always work for me, but different to achieve a focused goal is a winner. This is definitely the second one... outstanding park quality, some amazing little sections and a strong overall vibe. the palette made it hard to see what was happening in places, but that didn't detract from the overall content. Deserved winner.
another action park, and i have to say that i didn't like this one as much as the previous ones... definitely Ethiopia i preferred. i appreciate the unorthodox layout, and everything else was super on brand - messiness, weird scenery choices, delightful little scenes to explore. still one of the strongest parks, and deserved 2nd place for sure, but i just didn't quite vibe with the park as much as the last version. looking forward to the next one!
expo thailand was really nice, and i'm really looking forward to how everything fits together at the end. the commitment to build every single month is so impressive. i thought that the theme could have been slightly more reflected in the architecture, but that might be a drawback of the overall setting.
i felt that siam park could have placed higher, i really enjoyed it. bright colors, interesting setting and rides, great stuff! congrats to all the other entrants, great to see 6 entries again.
What a great round, Thailand has a special place in my heart so it was great to see everyone's take on the country.
TAP – What can I say, another great Action Park, love the new objects you created specifically for the park, the rocks and water colours were on point and the rides were pretty dangerous... a lot like Thailand! I didn't care too much for the aesthetic of the banana tree, but it was paired with a great ride and micro moments. Music was very playful, it dragged me in, it didn't give me the feels as much as EAP, but still meticulous detailing that I'm so used to from your style of parkmaking. Great colours, great vibes, Action Park stan for sure!
Expo Thailand – Jeez that lotus flower style building just got me, it is one of the best structures I've seen in the game. Street food structures could'a been a bit more scatty and haphazard to reflect Thailand, I feel this was your moment to break out of the structured expo style tents. The elephant enclosure was beautifully done, the colours you used were great and this placed in Expo 77 is going to be a great attraction for guests. Those bamboo roofs you did were awesome, I love how you're playing with different type of structures, textures, shapes and items to execute your vision. It really does pay off!
Siam – I saw this on VC hours before the deadline and was worried for you, but damn...I had nothing to worry about! I'd love to see more waterparks from you because I think you nailed the concept and it looks like you had a lot of fun building it. Architecture was great, I wanted to see a few more Thai structures in the park, styled differently to the main architectural format, but the buildings that were present, landed really well. I loved the sunken Buddah with the waterfall behind it, that was a really nice moment.
Coconut – Nice duellers, nice foliage placed in rows really reminded me of Thailand, great to see you so active and smashing it with every release!
Discovered – Nice map, those family duellers were a nice idea that I'll definitely be trying to execute soon, really fun moment. I wanted the architecture a bit more Thai in places just to nail the brief, but the opening architecture (with the golden tree in the middle) was one of the best structures in the park. Another great showing from you with this and Ethiopia!
As for Tripp'in... it was just everything and more that I expected it to be. The partnership with FK was pretty special in the fact we both stuck to our guns and never compromised each others building style, even though we're both pretty strong-minded in areas of our parkmaking. We had a couple of concepts in mind and this felt like the strongest idea to pursue. We didn't have the most time at the start but once the duellers were in, we kicked it up a gear and made it happen. There's lots of areas from Google maps that we based our ideas off, but there's also some nuances that I remember from my time there, it felt incredibly special to me to execute some small micro-moments that reminded me of travelling.
alex expo 69 - This was well done. I like the texture choices. The granite looking building stone texture is cool. The red building was very nice. Love the mouse ride supports. Nice elephant enclosure, fountains, bamboo theming. The little wood frame deco for asian walls was really smart. I don't know if I like these awning with the holes in them but being able to see through them sometimes is cool. The sloped entrance buildings feel so 80's I love them.
tripping - This entry is really rich just fantastic detailing everywhere. Compared to fk's last grand tour with asian theme Nepal entry this is crazy. The patience you have for building like this is a blessing. I probably could say something negative about it but I really liked the end product so I'm not complaining.
siam - Good bit of rct this had a nice classic rct feeling. Nice slides, neat lift, fun wavepool, lazy river. Nice to just see like a water park. The dark tunnels were a cool feature. I dont like this summersplash umbrella you and josh use lol. The big main slide that goes under the shark pool was cool I like those slides.
discovered mekong - I was pretty lost here. This is like three separate areas and i struggled to find how they were connected. Individual there was good moments but with the cliffs and dense foliage I couldn't really navigate anything.
Thailand action park - wake up babe new action park just dropped. Your palette really nailed the iconic features for me. The rocks and water looked really good. Seeing this park churned out so fast would break me so kudos for that. Overall this park probably had the best rides. The little mountain top with all the cute rides was like my favorite moment in this contest. The cut section of city was good too and I like these dirty river parks or whatever.
Coconut shores - Coconut boat rice palm trees fields was a cool feature. The elevated farms were nice. Rest of this was a pretty solid LL park but only those two things gave me the Thailand vibe.
An all around nicely executed park!/ THe dueling boomeran coaster is pretty sweet. The actual mekong area is quaint and well executed, and the “FIrst Strike” which I would consider the headlining coaster is really exciting.
Other stuff I liked:
I think the overall tree palette/eselection is reall great and dense
The dock and nearby architecture is quaint and lovely
THe cutaway indoor section is outstanding
I do appreciate the full table-with0umbrella motifs you have, it adds a lot to the atmosphere
The drop track is so awesome, so glad to see this plugin being used
Thailand Action Park
This park has a really beautiful and unique macro composition. The urban buildings and housing as well as that super fantastic gas station is so gorgeous. THe banana farm concept is absolutely fantastic as well as these new rock objects. THe overall aesthetic is so fresh and the execution is absolutely excellent!
Other things I liked:
Cheeky incorporation of two “””dueling tracked rides”””
The trademark custom action park ride design is as great as ever
The architecture at the peak of the hill/cliff is super sweet
REsort entrance thing is both grandiose ut perfectly subtle. IT looks phenomenal.
I really appreciate the second hill slope thing with the radio tower, it makes teh macro even better
The boat and car stuff is some of the best I’ve sene really! All so good and alive with atmosphere
The little shrine and the stands, all excellent
SIam Park
Really impressive how fast you got this done. THe composition is really strong and the overall design of your rides and what have you is great. I do really respect these sater park submissions because they are naturally few an far between, so when I see this with such nice design and infrastructure it is always a joy to look at !
Other stuff I liked
The crunch and path worm around the wave pool is so good
The lazy river is classy and I feel like I haven’t seen it done this well
Nice color on the architecture na entrance, the motifs are water tight!
The foliage is very lively
Nice incorporation of the flower/vegetation theme. The motif is a really nice touch for a water park design
The large temple diving water slide is amazing
Coconut Shore
Wow the dueling woodies is classic and this layout is great. The farms and plantations designed are som awesome and give this park such a charming macro. The overall incorporation of some subtle colors and consistent architectural motifs is really nice. THis is a really well executed LL park. I am watching this coaster and they duel so well! THe way the ques are wrapped into the landscaping is also really nice
Other things I iked
The dock pier thing has a really lovely shape
I love that the guests are riding the canoes around the water reserves of the plantation farm
THe incorporation of the maze is grgeoujs. THese rides take a little bit of effort and it pays off from a compositional standpoint
Nice use of the default entrances for the wooden coaster stations!
The drops for the wooden coasters are really cool. These layouts are awesome, especially for LL!
Expo 77 Eastern Gate
OH cool, nice tease of the proper entrance! THis is yety another class example of the awning work and the heomyry in this architecture. Just so awesome. YThe abstractions of the thai architectural shapes is so awseom and with the other pieces of this park it works very well. This log flume is to die for, there is osmething about it that eels very correct. Maybe its that overpass building with the two tracking in opposing directions into the second and third lifthiulls or the bamboo reserves, but it is just so great. I dont know, maybe IM just on the alex hype haha. I also always appreciate how you go above andbeyond to put working park benches and thingslike the overflow queues and interactive stalls! YOur peeping skills are so inspiring without relying heavily on peep objects. Yhey just navigate your parks so welL!
Other things I liked:
I appreciate the dueling coaster concept, it feels quite cared for even if it sint particularly “exciting”m for the dueler prompt
Subtle underwater landscaping is really sweet!
Overall foliage stands pout to me here
The awnings are , once again, absolutely on point.
LOve the subtle textures of your block choices like the Japanese sort of tile buildings as opposed to base block/marble
This park has an ogeerlal really awesome presence kof yellow that I noticed for a lot of this park as a whole. The yellow and grey are excellent choices as like over-hauls of the expo 77 park! And the overall use of primaries across this area is, of course, very awesome.
Tripp’in Chiang Mai
This park is oozing with atmosphere with this whole color palette, the foliage, and this absolutely insane duelling coaster with gorgeous, vibrant colors. THis park has sp much to explore and revisit
Other things I liked
These powe rlines are absolutely insane and I love them very much
YOur stands and stuff and the pepe picro is just so insane
I like the little purple gradient for that mmape
This architecture all around is simply fantastic
I love the sort of infection of these iridescent colors in these temple sytructures towards the launch of the coaster
Asm well as the sawirling stardust, man so awesome
The lantern and lighting stuff is so good oh my gosh
The coaster has these artsy supports and they are some of the best of these kinds I have sign
Of course the signage is also insane
The walls and the coaster staton and stuff is so epic.
TYHe temple structures that are analogous to the oyster sation adn what have you is wellm done and continues to tie this park so well together
Congrats to JK and FK, this park is awesome and surely one of the highjlights of the contest!
Round 4 - Thailand
Six entries came in for Thailand, inviting viewers to experience a country and culture with many unique facets. To help you vote in this match, please see the round objectives below:
1. Your park must be set in or themed to Thailand.
2. Your park must feature or refer to a specific plant species of your choosing.
3. Your park must include dueling tracked rides.
How to vote
Before you vote, you have to make sure you've viewed all parks with thought and care. Voting happens through the polls above. The submissions will be judged on two criteria. First, you are asked to vote for the parks that you think completed the three objectives for this round the best. Second, you are asked to judge the parks on their overall quality - separate from the round objectives. After 72 hours, the polls will close and we will add up the votes from each poll. The submission with the most votes in total will earn the creator(s) a ticket to the final round!
download All parks batch download download
Discovered Mekong
by Version1 (100%)
Thailand Action Park
by In:Cities (60%) and Xtreme97 (40%)
This all changed in 2018, however, when the famous Australian Influencer Cocoa visited the site and immediately shared a vlog about his “discovery”. Overnight the temple became a huge tourist attraction and the region attracted large international investments, turning the quiet and peaceful temple into a center of tourism.
Siam Park
by RWE (100%)
Tripp'in Chiang Mai
by FK+Coastermind (55%) and J K (45%)
Coconut Shores
by Lurker (100%)
expo77: The Eastern Gate
by alex (100%)
If anyone is encountering issues opening Tripp'in Chiang Mai, please try placing this object in your OpenRCT2 object folder and reloading the game. Thanks.
Attached Files
downloads: 166
alex---loving this expo exploit. this map is fantastic, full of detail so subtle it just feels completely natural. the building with the octagonal windows coming out of it is just chef kiss. the log flume doesn't do much for me but the wild mouse is perfectly awkward
(f+j)k---excellent work, completely stunning archy as always. the amount of detail and texture is always hard to believe. i love the trippy coaster, its a bold move compositionally but i think it really works here, maybe the best trippy work i've seen in rct yet, and its plopped surprisingly gracefully on top of the city. vibes are immaculate and overall just so lively. i particularly like all the brickwork throughout, that feels really legit
rwe---this is a gorgeous little waterpark. love the slightly reserved landscaping, esp around the buddha statue. slide layouts are all fun and atmospheric, and the archy feels natural and not stereotypical
josh97---I'm loving this action park saga. another great addition to the series, especially the town which is stunningly detailed, very textural and built at all kinds of ridiculously creative angles. the foliage surprisingly works for me and I love the hilarious soundtrack as always. btw that little ferris wheel at the top is perfect. sg
v1---obviously i love this, flattering in the best way possible. turning the kind of serious mystery into a silly tourist trap is such a hilarious and perfectly executed idea. theres some lovely work here, especially around the entrance town, but generally all of the construction is pretty high quality. landscaping feels a bit blocky here or there but its all good fun.
lurker---nice little map, i particularly like the coconut collecting area/ride. woodie is pretty decent, landscaping has a good vibe, and the little archy works pretty well. nice work
Not much time to really look at these because vacation so this'll be more of a first impressions review.
expo77: The Eastern Gate (alex): So classy. Again, you make this look so easy! Love the huge Expo '77 sign up front and I'm really happy to see you sticking to that wacky '70s font you pulled out with Gemini in the first round. Dueling tracked rides are an interesting idea, although I'd say it's more concrete gardens. Love the swaths of bamboo though, and that ugly yellow works so well for the wooden path roofs. Love the extra dueling with the monorail as well; that earns you bonus points for sure. The little market is so cute. Jade River looks incredible with the mine track track and custom supports over the water. Also a huge fan of the elephant enclosure and the use of mini helicopter track for the wild mouse for that janky look. Really this just fires on all cylinders and there's not much to hate.
Coconut Shore (Lurker): Bad news; I'm on a travel laptop with no LL. I even contemplated getting LL on it right before I left but had no time. Still looks mostly correct so I'll still review it as such. Very nice LLittLLe map with a great centerpiece dueler. The use of barrels for coconuts is just too good dude; thinking about it I've definitely used those barrels for the same purpose in scenario play. Coconut Collection I think hits the Thai vibe the most, and the canoe dock under the path looks seamless even if it means there are two canoe rides. Problem with this map for me is that the foliage doesn't really read Thai, although that may be the fault of the LLimited tree palette. Still, I feel like more of the jungle trees could have really helped with this map. Overall a very solid LL map, your entries are always a joy to see.
Siam Park (RWE): Was insane tuning into the Discord livestream to see you steamrolling this bastard with hours to go. You crushed it man. A waterpark is a unique take on the themes presented and you integrated them seamlessly. Love Lotus and the big fake flowers in between the turns. The normal curved base blocks work surprisingly well. The way the slides are worked into the landscape came out really well as well. Unfortunately the lack of finish isn't lost on me; some of the landscaping and especially foliage feels rushed and a little spammy. I'll take it if it means getting another Dubbya gem like this. Well done!
Thailand Action Park (Josh & Xtreme97): You're devouring the entire globe with these life-threatening nightmare waterparks and I love it. Elephants running rampant, monkeys craving human flesh, DJ Dubbya; the whole nine yards. The super crammed riverside village feels very lifelike and gives me Anchor Bay vibes; I'm suspecting this was Xtreme's handiwork. Honest to god the gradient Krypton rocks might get me to start using Krypton rocks more often. So damn crunchy and vibey. Love all the ziplines leading into the ocean as well; a classic Action Park move which fits in perfectly here and provides some very nice leading lines. My favorite area is the temple up top. Such a calming vibe in contrast to the chaotic Action Park area with some nice flat rides. All the names are funny as hell and it's always nice stumbling upon myself. Only downside is it doesn't tie into the objectives as well as some of the others. Great park kings, y'all are making me want some Pad Thai now.
Tripp'in Chiang Mai (FK & J K): JFK! I was hoping to god J K would show up for the Thailand round. Like come on, he had to. Leave it to FK to really trip up this bitch and absolutely crush it with the archi as well. Kratom and its effects are such a cool idea for this round. My parents swear by that stuff. Love how the coasters represent tripping on kratom while the rest of the park has a more grounded foundation. Really clever way to justify a coaster and tie it in with those themes. Such a damn good dueler as well with some incredible interactions. Also love how the opal effect from my Ethiopia park played a different role in this one. Really not much to fault in this one, this is the clear winner to me. Y'all crushed it and I'm honored to have helped with the palette and custom music. Just spend more of your budget on staff next time.
Discovered Mekong (Version1): Really nice seeing you finish a solo entry for GT after not making it R1 and helping me clutch things out R3. I love the little fairground area with the dueling Vekoma family boomerangs; a clever idea for the dueler requirement. I feel like you should have started the save here to build the suspense of going up the mountain. Nearby village is nice as well. Going up the mountain, I really love the temple of the golden tree. While I don't think it's the strongest execution of the foliage theme, it's a very nice piece on its own. Also FISCH ROCKS! So glad to see you working those into your vernacular. Shapes are nice; next step is working them into the nearby land a little more using those second colors. Foliage is so dense and lush on this second level and the Jungle Cruise station is adorable. Really loving the top level as well, especially First Strike. Very cool layout and the station cutaway is amazing. Hotel attractions are nice as well. Very happy to see all the frozen staff in this park as well. You've really been evolving your style this year and I'd call this some of your best work yet. Very well done!
Wonderful parks y'all. Top 2 overall for me are Tripp'in Chiang Mai and Thailand Action Park. Objective-wise, expo77: The Eastern Gate wins best use of objectives for me followed by Tripp'in Chiang Mai. Great work everyone!
Discovered Mekong: I like the 3 area/tier layout of this, and the whole concept. I like how it'd executed too, the somewhat cheap tourist park in front (With a nice set of dueling family coasters), the temple itself and the resort in back hiding the military base. It really gets the atmosphere all the way through. Also, love the station and elevators on the main coaster, all the clickable staff too.
Thailand Action Park: Lmao that radio station intro, these action parks always give a good laugh. Love how lively this is, all the chaos, wacky scenes and sketchy rides (My favorite is probably the high seed death zipline) I'd expect. Also great on a technical level, I especially like the foliage and landscaping.
Siam Park: A really nice water park that's well laid out. Good pathing, the slides are nice eye catchers and I like how it's built into the cliff side. I also really like lotus slide with how the giant flowers were done. Architecture is nice too, especially the entrance. Side note, it's extra impressive to me since I saw the deadline crunch.
Tripp'in Chiang Mai: Absolutely stunning. Just an amazing amount of micro-detailing and scenes to build in a month, architecture is fantastic, the texture work is so good and the atmosphere is great. I love the way this meets the requirements, a great concept for it that does both so well with the coaster's theme and effects. The main coaster has a good layout and it's synced up amazingly. Also, I like the palette, dark palettes are kind of a risk but I think it's just the right one for this concept, and I had no issues with being able to see with it.
Expo77: The Eastern Gate: A clean and polished map with some nice architecture (Especially The Lantern Theatre) and a clever way of getting the dueling tracked ride in. Also, love the Mad Mouse, great use of the mini helicopter track and some really good support work.
This is a tough one.
Discovered Mekong. The aesthetics are simpler than some of the others but also have a bit of a more personal spin. The coaster is neat. The rockwork was a bit on the familiar side and most of it was foliage but that's understandable as a one person entry. The dueling shuttle coasters were a nice idea and I like the color schemes of them.
Thailand Action Park. I really like the aesthetics and the different styles of rides. The music isn't quite to my taste but everything else I really like. I'm a huge fan of ziplines. The water slides were also interesting and bolder than the ones in Siam Park, if less extensive.
Siam Park. The park was very beautiful, one of the most initially striking entries. However, several others had just a bit more unusual content. The lazy river and the wave pool were all neat though. A very good entry that while it won't get my vote due to being conventional water park content, probably will get many.
Tripp'in Chiang Mai. The positives are the duelers and the overall atmosphere. I'm not a fan of the overall color scheme but I can appreciate it in context. Unlike Thailand Action Park, I quite liked all the music. I congratulate you on doing what stumped Fatha all those years ago, making a drug themed RCT park.
Coconut Shores. I like the aesthetics. A very different take on the theme. The canoes between the palm trees were a neat ride. Were those to collect the coconuts? The dueling coasters were the big flaw for me. They look nice but the one on the left seems to outpace the one on the right for the whole course.
expo 77: The Eastern Gate. I like it all. It's got better fulfillment of ride objectives than the Ethiopian one which felt a bit shoehorned in. It is just a lot of fun to look at, very detailed or not. The theater building was very aesthetically interesting. This would probably be my third favorite of the six entries.
Now to the vote which is going to break some hearts. I vote Tripp'in Chiang Mai for best fulfillment of the round objectives and for best park, I vote for Thailand Action Park. It just came down to the fact that I liked the rides better than the urban happenings of Tripp'in Chiang Mai. One more interesting ride in the latter may have flipped my vote. Good job to both park's builders, and for that matter, everyone else. These were all good parks.
Amazing parks all around; I can genuinely say I had a lot of fun looking at all of these and found each and every one to be a very enjoyable and entertaining viewing experience. Really makes me want to try some more out of the box stuff someday.
Trippin Chiang Mai
What a lovely piece of Thailand. Great architecture all around and so much details that makes the city come alive and real. The duellers are the highlight here, really great layouts and awesome to see them duelling until the end. That's a hard thing to do but you nailed it. Fan of the added custom music to enhance the atmosphere, not a fan of the palette.
Coconut Shore
Love to see your LL entries each round, I think you're getting better at it each round you build. I quite like the landscaping and foliage though I think there could be a bit more exotic trees in the mix. I really like the station of the duellers, that's well done. The wooden duellers are also neat. Great entrie, I think this is my favorite Lurker park from GT so far!
Discovered Mekong
Park felt a bit underwhelming at first but I started to like it the more I looked at it. The duelling boomerangs are cute and nicely duel. First Strike is of course the star of the show here, unconventional layout but I really like that. Great use of the cliffs. I was kinda shocked when I rotated the map and saw the station was underground... how the hell did you do those lifts?! I think the fish rocks here aren't used to its full potential, they are all too straights and there's a too hard edge with the land above it. Nonetheless enjoyable entrie.
Thailand Action Park
Great, another action park. Once again it's awesome, great and I can't really find anything to nitpick about. Just love it. Great rockwork, foliage, rides, archy and detailing. The banana GP is funny, just as naming your funicalars "duelling tracked ride" to make it clear for us dummies
That floating market also is amazing btw. Love it.
Siam Park
I was hoping someone would do Tenerife's Siam Park! Almost doubted to try it myself. You did great and it feels very recognazible. The shark tank slides are a great center piece. I think you managed to get in quite a lot given the small map size. Wonderfull entry, liked it a lot.
Expo 77 Eastern gate
Once again very interesting archy to see here. The lantern theatre is done nice, I also like the little market. Also like the wild mouse with a more unusual lay-out than the ones we mostly see at NE. Great job on the support work as well, looks believable crappy.
Nice round again! Thanks everyone.
Themed to Thailand
Thought most of these were super clever. V1 and TAP got a nice twist on the ongoing commerciallization in Thailand. Liked RWE's idea of themeing a waterpark to the country.
Not a botanist so some may have gone over my head. Felt like most of these weren't very apparent. Or maybe not as apparent as I would've preferred. The Banana field in TAP was probably my favorite. But Coconut shores and Siam had a nice vibe with their foliage too!
Quite bummed that most went for an excuse for duelers instead of cool duelers. Liked the one in Coconut Shores, but FK/JK really take this category!
Overall fave
My fave was probably TAP in achieving the objectives as for the park itself. Siam Park being a second. Really digged its vibe.
Had a tougher time picking a third favorite, but went for Alex'. Thought he did well with the objectives but never really took the prize and I'm really digging what he's doing this contest. Such a consistent output of parks. Every time finding clever ways of fulfilling the objectives.
Great round, everyone.
TAP: This was my overall favorite due to the landscaping and palette, which were both excellent. I thought it was themed to Thailand quite well and the banana plants completed that objective well. I think more of a focus on dueling tracked rides would have been helpful.
Coconut Shore: Great entry here. Nails the tropical, SE Asian vibe in LL which is hard to do. The duelers were also really fun to watch.
Expo 77: I must admit, I liked the Ethiopia one more. Wasn't a huge fan of the big steel temple-like structures. The log flume was done quite well, though, so credit there.
Trippin': It took me a while to get adjusted to the palette, but once I did I liked it. The architecture was stunning and the duelers were great. Not much else I can say other than maybe the areas around the river could have used more detail?
Siam Park: Very solid little water park, and very impressive given how rushed it was. I think the foliage could have been amplified with some splashes of color here and there, maybe with some flowers?
Discovered Mekong: Some cool stuff here for sure. I especially like the architecture in the town. I think the foliage could have looked more tropical, and the Fisch rocks could have been utilized better. You want to avoid having too many straight, parallel edges where they meet the cliff face. It's important to vary their placement to make it look more natural.
Coconut Shore: the coasters are obviously the focal point here, and they are a lot of fun for their (limited) size. The colours are also great. The ride colours are referencing the Thai flag I suppose? Conceptually the map is a bit thin. ‘Coconut tower’ as a name for an unthemed observation tower is just weak. But Coconut Collection is more like it. On the other hand, you have another canoes ride and that one is just called ‘Canoes’... Landscaping and archy aren’t particularly Thai I think but overall this is a lovely map that shows progress in your game in terms of map composition, I think.
Siam Park: impressive indeed… Despite this being less great than your last few works, considering the speed at which you built this, I think you’re having a breakthrough that could make you a very impactful player in the next H2H. The drawbacks are the glitchiness and the spammy foliage. The positives are the overall lovely aesthetic (I’m being reminded of Glacier Cove, a big compliment to you) and features like the wave pool and the underwater slides. I love that everything is functional. The Buddha sculpture with waterfall backdrop is a lovely touch. Lotus is pretty cool, and a nice interpretation of the round’s plant objective.
Expo 77 - Eastern Gate: this name can’t be a coincidence. That alone is a nice idea. The map itself is probably the weakest of the four you’ve done so far, but there’s plenty to like again. Original interpretation of dueling rides (though I’m not sure they’ll get you my vote). The bamboo architecture is fantastic, especially the roof. Elephant exhibit is also great. The steel roofed pavilion I can’t get into. Some nice texturing on the walls though. The market is obviously nice. Lantern Theatre? One of the coolest structures so far! What a cool shape. The tiled texture is so cool, I need to find an excuse to use those as well… The long awnings around the entrance structure are easily overlooked, but another example of you nailing the 70s aesthetic in my opinion. Log Flume is a bit of an unexpected inclusion for me, I don’t think it’s that well integrated, nor does it have many noteworthy aspects. The Mad Mouse is better in that regard. Shame you couldn’t find a better link to Thailand here though. Anyway, I can’t wait for the next installment and the eventual full map. This is special.
Discovered Mekong: I’m enjoying the parallels with Forgotten Mekong, but on a conceptual level I really like how you turned a punny name into something meaningful with tourism taking over as kind of a theme. I think you could’ve taken that a bit further, as some of the stuff on the map was a tad generic (ride names for example). The execution was generally good, sometimes great. I love the little theme park, feels like a modern Pokey Park variant. Coasters are some of the better duelers this round. The town has good archy, temple as well. The yellow tree looks great, but if that’s the only thing to connect this to the round objective it’s a bit weak. First Strike is a great coaster, very unique. Good station. The rocket looks like a wine bottle. I can point out some more things, but it boils down to this map being really good and among your very best work. Enjoying it a lot!
Thailand Action Park: I’m kind of thinking your wasting your talent on these farcical parks, fun as they may be. The most enjoyable parts of this map are the village (we needed this look with cables and crap for Yirgacheffe…) and the temple/theme park complex at the top of the hill - not Action Park itself. The temple is beautiful. Elephants and monkeys snacking on food is a nice detail that adds life. Rice paddies are cool, dueling tracked rides not so much. The village has a lot going on. Peeing monkey, a shrine, shops… Using umbrellas for satellite dishes on the radio tower is a clever idea, didn’t think of that when I built a similar thing in the last Grand Tour.
Tripp’in Chiang Mai: yet another example of FK finding excuses to do fantastical shit in a realistic environment. And J K is such a good partner to further infuse life (and local knowledge?) into this map. It’s impossible to point out all the amazing architectural moments here, but a small selection: the 7/11 building, the tall white building with large curved window and brick balconies in the front, the red/yellow gate in the corner of the map near the canal with the shops, the weathered fortification walls, the central yellow shrine, the curved green corner building… Nearly every building has something to love. Architecture is on point. Good job on the cable madness. I think this map transports me to Thailand the most, despite the wacky psychedelic shit going on. I didn’t even talk about that yet… Best duelers in the round, and thematically relevant. Obvious winner in the objectives department. Roll into the launch. So good! I love the trippy shit in the corner. Amazing work guys.
1. Tripp'in Chaing Mai
2. Thailand Action Park
3. Expo 77
4. Discovered Mekong
5. Siam Park
6. Coconut Shore
(loved all six)
1. Tripp'in Chiang Mai
2. Coconut Shore
3. Expo 77
4. Discovered Mekong
5. Siam Park
6. Thailand Action Park
Voted for my top three in each category. Sorry V1, for just missing out.
Coconut Shore
Love your single-wide path LL style as always. It looks so fun and relaxing to build and has a joyful energy as a result. The duelling woodies have such a classic look with the way they are embedded into the rocks, trees and each other. On a map like this though where they’re the centrepiece I only wish they were a bit longer!
Amazing architecture everywhere I look here! The tackier buildings in particular are really well executed. Love the chaotic feeling you’ve created with the overhead wires, traffic, and food stalls (esp with all the smoke and fire effects, and drumming peep object as someone tending to a wok - brilliant!). I wasn’t a huge fan of how you executed the ‘tripping’ concept, just felt a bit jarring with the rest of the map, but the coaster layouts themselves are fantastic. My favourite park of the round, I think.
Discovered Mekong
Such a fun idea! I’m really drawn to the more simplistic style here, especially because it’s consistent throughout. The temple especially is very tastefully done and easy to read. I do wish the rockwork was a bit smoother in places, there’s a strange stepped style to the landscaping as well as lots of straight lines where surface meets cliff edge. Still, it was consistent throughout and gave it very much it’s ‘own look’.
Siam Park
I like the tight colour scheme you’ve got going on here with the dark peach, white and all the cool greens in the extremely bushy foliage. You did a great job making all the pathing flow and organic (although I’m curious why you opted for the giant steps?). Great achievement getting this finished in the last few hours.
Thailand Action Park
The level of detail in all these maps is always super impressive. I don’t know how you have the stamina for it! Nice duelling tracked ride, zipline/death trap and floating obstacle course. I actually don’t think I’ve seen anything like that before in RCT and it works great. The rockwork I found a bit too noisy but the overall shape of the landscaping and map composition was top. The village looks fantastic.
Round 4 - Thailand
The results are in for Round 4, and it's FK+Coastermind and J K who take the lead and earn a spot in the Grand Tour Final! Their entry Tripp'in Chiang Mai received a total 65 points from the two questions, with In:Cities and Xtreme97 taking second place. As FK+Coastermind has already won a spot in the final with Hydroportal in Round 1, he may choose which partner to work with for the Grand Final. The other player may then invite someone else to work with them in the final, as if they had qualified as a solo entrant.
Find the results table below. The total score for each entry has been calculated from the following formula. The builders of the winning entry are eligible to compete in the Grand Final.
Score = Objectives votes + Quality votes
Tripp'in Chiang Mai
by FK+Coastermind and J K
Thailand Action Park
by In:Cities and Xtreme97
expo77: The Eastern Gate
by alex
Coconut Shores
by Lurker
Siam Park
by RWE
Discovered Mekong
by Version1
Join us for Round 5 in Turkey!
I completely missed the voting for this, but would have pretty much voted as the final results, so no biggie.
Chiang Mai was the perfect blend of "what am i looking at" and ".... it looks fucking cool though". Different for the sake of different doesn't always work for me, but different to achieve a focused goal is a winner. This is definitely the second one... outstanding park quality, some amazing little sections and a strong overall vibe. the palette made it hard to see what was happening in places, but that didn't detract from the overall content. Deserved winner.
another action park, and i have to say that i didn't like this one as much as the previous ones... definitely Ethiopia i preferred. i appreciate the unorthodox layout, and everything else was super on brand - messiness, weird scenery choices, delightful little scenes to explore. still one of the strongest parks, and deserved 2nd place for sure, but i just didn't quite vibe with the park as much as the last version. looking forward to the next one!
expo thailand was really nice, and i'm really looking forward to how everything fits together at the end. the commitment to build every single month is so impressive. i thought that the theme could have been slightly more reflected in the architecture, but that might be a drawback of the overall setting.
i felt that siam park could have placed higher, i really enjoyed it. bright colors, interesting setting and rides, great stuff! congrats to all the other entrants, great to see 6 entries again.
What a great round, Thailand has a special place in my heart so it was great to see everyone's take on the country.
TAP – What can I say, another great Action Park, love the new objects you created specifically for the park, the rocks and water colours were on point and the rides were pretty dangerous... a lot like Thailand! I didn't care too much for the aesthetic of the banana tree, but it was paired with a great ride and micro moments. Music was very playful, it dragged me in, it didn't give me the feels as much as EAP, but still meticulous detailing that I'm so used to from your style of parkmaking. Great colours, great vibes, Action Park stan for sure!
Expo Thailand – Jeez that lotus flower style building just got me, it is one of the best structures I've seen in the game. Street food structures could'a been a bit more scatty and haphazard to reflect Thailand, I feel this was your moment to break out of the structured expo style tents. The elephant enclosure was beautifully done, the colours you used were great and this placed in Expo 77 is going to be a great attraction for guests. Those bamboo roofs you did were awesome, I love how you're playing with different type of structures, textures, shapes and items to execute your vision. It really does pay off!
Siam – I saw this on VC hours before the deadline and was worried for you, but damn...I had nothing to worry about! I'd love to see more waterparks from you because I think you nailed the concept and it looks like you had a lot of fun building it. Architecture was great, I wanted to see a few more Thai structures in the park, styled differently to the main architectural format, but the buildings that were present, landed really well. I loved the sunken Buddah with the waterfall behind it, that was a really nice moment.
Coconut – Nice duellers, nice foliage placed in rows really reminded me of Thailand, great to see you so active and smashing it with every release!
Discovered – Nice map, those family duellers were a nice idea that I'll definitely be trying to execute soon, really fun moment. I wanted the architecture a bit more Thai in places just to nail the brief, but the opening architecture (with the golden tree in the middle) was one of the best structures in the park. Another great showing from you with this and Ethiopia!
As for Tripp'in... it was just everything and more that I expected it to be. The partnership with FK was pretty special in the fact we both stuck to our guns and never compromised each others building style, even though we're both pretty strong-minded in areas of our parkmaking. We had a couple of concepts in mind and this felt like the strongest idea to pursue. We didn't have the most time at the start but once the duellers were in, we kicked it up a gear and made it happen. There's lots of areas from Google maps that we based our ideas off, but there's also some nuances that I remember from my time there, it felt incredibly special to me to execute some small micro-moments that reminded me of travelling.
Great round everyone, some amazing RCT!
alex expo 69 - This was well done. I like the texture choices. The granite looking building stone texture is cool. The red building was very nice. Love the mouse ride supports. Nice elephant enclosure, fountains, bamboo theming. The little wood frame deco for asian walls was really smart. I don't know if I like these awning with the holes in them but being able to see through them sometimes is cool. The sloped entrance buildings feel so 80's I love them.
tripping - This entry is really rich just fantastic detailing everywhere. Compared to fk's last grand tour with asian theme Nepal entry this is crazy. The patience you have for building like this is a blessing. I probably could say something negative about it but I really liked the end product so I'm not complaining.
siam - Good bit of rct this had a nice classic rct feeling. Nice slides, neat lift, fun wavepool, lazy river. Nice to just see like a water park. The dark tunnels were a cool feature. I dont like this summersplash umbrella you and josh use lol. The big main slide that goes under the shark pool was cool I like those slides.
discovered mekong - I was pretty lost here. This is like three separate areas and i struggled to find how they were connected. Individual there was good moments but with the cliffs and dense foliage I couldn't really navigate anything.
Thailand action park - wake up babe new action park just dropped. Your palette really nailed the iconic features for me. The rocks and water looked really good. Seeing this park churned out so fast would break me so kudos for that. Overall this park probably had the best rides. The little mountain top with all the cute rides was like my favorite moment in this contest. The cut section of city was good too and I like these dirty river parks or whatever.
Coconut shores - Coconut boat rice palm trees fields was a cool feature. The elevated farms were nice. Rest of this was a pretty solid LL park but only those two things gave me the Thailand vibe.
Discovered Mekong
An all around nicely executed park!/ THe dueling boomeran coaster is pretty sweet. The actual mekong area is quaint and well executed, and the “FIrst Strike” which I would consider the headlining coaster is really exciting.
Other stuff I liked:
I think the overall tree palette/eselection is reall great and dense
The dock and nearby architecture is quaint and lovely
THe cutaway indoor section is outstanding
I do appreciate the full table-with0umbrella motifs you have, it adds a lot to the atmosphere
The drop track is so awesome, so glad to see this plugin being used
Thailand Action Park
This park has a really beautiful and unique macro composition. The urban buildings and housing as well as that super fantastic gas station is so gorgeous. THe banana farm concept is absolutely fantastic as well as these new rock objects. THe overall aesthetic is so fresh and the execution is absolutely excellent!
Other things I liked:
Cheeky incorporation of two “””dueling tracked rides”””
The trademark custom action park ride design is as great as ever
The architecture at the peak of the hill/cliff is super sweet
REsort entrance thing is both grandiose ut perfectly subtle. IT looks phenomenal.
I really appreciate the second hill slope thing with the radio tower, it makes teh macro even better
The boat and car stuff is some of the best I’ve sene really! All so good and alive with atmosphere
The little shrine and the stands, all excellent
SIam Park
Really impressive how fast you got this done. THe composition is really strong and the overall design of your rides and what have you is great. I do really respect these sater park submissions because they are naturally few an far between, so when I see this with such nice design and infrastructure it is always a joy to look at !
Other stuff I liked
The crunch and path worm around the wave pool is so good
The lazy river is classy and I feel like I haven’t seen it done this well
Nice color on the architecture na entrance, the motifs are water tight!
The foliage is very lively
Nice incorporation of the flower/vegetation theme. The motif is a really nice touch for a water park design
The large temple diving water slide is amazing
Coconut Shore
Wow the dueling woodies is classic and this layout is great. The farms and plantations designed are som awesome and give this park such a charming macro. The overall incorporation of some subtle colors and consistent architectural motifs is really nice. THis is a really well executed LL park. I am watching this coaster and they duel so well! THe way the ques are wrapped into the landscaping is also really nice
Other things I iked
The dock pier thing has a really lovely shape
I love that the guests are riding the canoes around the water reserves of the plantation farm
THe incorporation of the maze is grgeoujs. THese rides take a little bit of effort and it pays off from a compositional standpoint
Nice use of the default entrances for the wooden coaster stations!
The drops for the wooden coasters are really cool. These layouts are awesome, especially for LL!
Expo 77 Eastern Gate
OH cool, nice tease of the proper entrance! THis is yety another class example of the awning work and the heomyry in this architecture. Just so awesome. YThe abstractions of the thai architectural shapes is so awseom and with the other pieces of this park it works very well. This log flume is to die for, there is osmething about it that eels very correct. Maybe its that overpass building with the two tracking in opposing directions into the second and third lifthiulls or the bamboo reserves, but it is just so great. I dont know, maybe IM just on the alex hype haha. I also always appreciate how you go above andbeyond to put working park benches and thingslike the overflow queues and interactive stalls! YOur peeping skills are so inspiring without relying heavily on peep objects. Yhey just navigate your parks so welL!
Other things I liked:
I appreciate the dueling coaster concept, it feels quite cared for even if it sint particularly “exciting”m for the dueler prompt
Subtle underwater landscaping is really sweet!
Overall foliage stands pout to me here
The awnings are , once again, absolutely on point.
LOve the subtle textures of your block choices like the Japanese sort of tile buildings as opposed to base block/marble
This park has an ogeerlal really awesome presence kof yellow that I noticed for a lot of this park as a whole. The yellow and grey are excellent choices as like over-hauls of the expo 77 park! And the overall use of primaries across this area is, of course, very awesome.
Tripp’in Chiang Mai
This park is oozing with atmosphere with this whole color palette, the foliage, and this absolutely insane duelling coaster with gorgeous, vibrant colors. THis park has sp much to explore and revisit
Other things I liked
These powe rlines are absolutely insane and I love them very much
YOur stands and stuff and the pepe picro is just so insane
I like the little purple gradient for that mmape
This architecture all around is simply fantastic
I love the sort of infection of these iridescent colors in these temple sytructures towards the launch of the coaster
Asm well as the sawirling stardust, man so awesome
The lantern and lighting stuff is so good oh my gosh
The coaster has these artsy supports and they are some of the best of these kinds I have sign
Of course the signage is also insane
The walls and the coaster staton and stuff is so epic.
TYHe temple structures that are analogous to the oyster sation adn what have you is wellm done and continues to tie this park so well together
Congrats to JK and FK, this park is awesome and surely one of the highjlights of the contest!