NE Concept Creations have only existed for a few months, but already we have our first two time winner, the infamous James "RCTNW" Thurston. Once again James brings us a further addition to his fabled Marriot project that has involved so many maps I am not even sure if he can keep track of them all. Today he gives us something that has been long due in RCT, full scale sports stadiums and not just one, but two representing a football and baseball field in this amazing concept creation called Target Fields!
I tried to look at it in game, but I seem to be missing some sort of object called CONE in all caps or something like that. Could somebody please send that to me through PM or directly on these forums? It looks fantastic from the screens.
That might be the most epic thing i've ever seen in the game. I am astounded by how far you're willing to go with this game James, everything was lovely, and fits in so well with what you've done before. I'd love to see an overview of all 9 maps now..
It looks like the original download may not have had objects exported. The current download does so if you missing an object, please redownload the file.
well, what can you say. i look at it and can only shake my head over it in amazement.
even the overview already looks so beautiful. rctnw, you are one of the reasons left why i visit this site.
That was absolutely amazing. I can't imagine what the map would look like with the amount of detail you'd planned to add before hitting the data limit. This will be amazing with all nine maps complete. If I hadn't waited until this morning to look at these than I never would have gotten any sleep.
This map started out in my mind several months ago however I had just finished the resort map as was a bit tired of large structures like this. As I was working on the MMW map, I found myself really enjoying the show stadiums for that map which got me thinking about the football stadium. The problem was that I had no way of adding it to the original 9 map project logically so it got put on hold. Once I figured out that problem, the actual construction went very quickly.
The final piece of the puzzle was the billboard signs and the escalators that I remembered seeing from RCTMart. Once I had that, the actual construction began although I was still missing the football field markings and goal posts. I tried using toon’s supports however they just didn’t do it for me. That’s when Kumba offered to build me a set which I have yet to see the final version in game. I have no doubt that are top notch! Thanks Darren! The inspiration for this was Qwest Field here in Seattle which I’m sure those familiar with it will see the resemblance. Shortly after the construction for the football stadium was complete, I notice I had some extra room (not counting the parking lot) and decided to see if I could build a baseball stadium not realizing the object problem I was soon going to face. Once I hit the limit, I knew I was in trouble as I had already finished the parking area and the two stadiums but had no landscaping or other structures (monorail, ticket booths, etc) in place. The parking area took the biggest hit as it was originally a 4 story parking garage that turned into a 2 story area. That freed up enough objects to at least finish the area around the stadiums. Although I have a few objects left, there was not enough to finish the landscaping around the parking area (hence why it is all grass).
The baseball stadium posed a significant problem in the design. The area around home plate should wrap around however the objects don’t allow me to do this. The solution was to move the press and luxury boxes to a center tower design behind home plate. Although no real world stadium would have done this, I was happy with the end result. The only other problem I had (after I build it was that I think I made the field a bit to large down the foul lines in comparison to the football stadium. It wasn’t until after it was all build did I realize this and it was too late to make the change.
Some of the items I really liked
Baseball Stadium - Upper Level Seats – I really like how the custom steps came out
Baseball Stadium - Center Field Fence – Not much to it but I really like the look of it
Escalators – Makes the thought of getting to the upper levels a bit easier for the peeps
Monorail Station – Although I goofed and had the platform too high (I build it in the SE), I liked the glass work over the station
Football Stadium – The Hawks Nest – Being able to fit the bathrooms under it was a bit a surprise for me
The overhangs on the stadiums – This was perhaps my favorite aspect of the two. Clearly inspired by Qwest Field. The planning it took for this alone was well worth it in the end!
Again, many thanks to Darren for the goal posts and geewhzz for some objects that although didn’t make it here, will get some use soon enough!
Turtle, Peeee, posix & Ge-Ride – Thanks for the kind words and I’m glad you like it! As for the overview, I’ll try and get a new one up in a few weeks!
That is huge! I thought, that it would be a little bit smaller .. but that huge! wow ... just amazing!
But it looks better, when you're looking at it 1 step zoomed out.
I love that!
Thanks for the exported bench... finally got to look at it.
The scope that you're able to build on is just incomprehensible to me. It's so huge, but everything comes together and looks incredible. I think one of your greatest strengths is in layout. You can build something that I could see mysel walking around. The amount of planning that must go into something like this must be immense. I run into problems if I build up 4 storeys. But this is just amazing how you're making something so tall work and still have order and beauty. Very nice.
Pfft, a football stadium in RCT2? Been there, done that...
Seriously, this is huge, James. I love it. Because you build on such a large scale, you're able to incorporate more details into your work. The escalators and support structures are my favorite. It's all very impressive.
By the way, there's already a sports arena sponsored by Target, but it's not a football stadium or baseball park. The Minnesota Timberwolves' home court is the Target Center in downtown Minneapolis, about a mile from my house.
I think one of your greatest strengths is in layout. You can build something that I could see mysel walking around. The amount of planning that must go into something like this must be immense.
If truth be told on this one, I didn't do a good job on the planning this one as I had the football stadium to far into one corner and caused problems with other areas. I don't think it's a planning that I do well at but rather being able to make adjustments to make it work. I also use the land colors to help the intial planning. It's amazing what that can do for you!
gir, on Nov 15 2007, 12:03 PM, said:
Brings back memories of Tropico Fields, which is incredible. Actually the whole Marriot Project reminds me a lot of Tropico Resort.
Once I get back up on my PC, I'll have to take a look at those. Thanks
cBass, on Nov 15 2007, 12:27 PM, said:
Pfft, a football stadium in RCT2? Been there, done that...
I am so impressed by this one, that this seems to be all I can say for now... have to view it a few more more times to fully grasp what you did here.....someone called it "epic" and I think that's the only and best word for it!!
And yes for sure, this one, together with cBass's one, are the first ones that in my view fully and for 200% deserve the title of a "Concept Creation"......speaking about "concepts", if I ever saw one, this is one.......and it makes a laugh of anything else that ever got that title before (oh...well...let's not be too hard....everyone is trying his/her best and deserves something, but imo this is what a "CC" is supposed to be, even if not everybody can execute it as perfectly as you did)
Amazing and completely deserving of it's title as a CC.
I'd go into more detail but there's really no need considering what's already been said. The layout of the whole this is quite impressive, the way the pathing works its way around the structures and the smaller supporting building throughout make it look & feel incredibly like the sporting facilities it represents.
I saw the Quest Field similarities right away with the football stadium. I think the baseball stadium could have been worked a bit different, but with the diagnol limitations in the game, I know this makes it hard. Is it possible to make those stadium seats diagnolly? That would be great for any future seating projects. Also, no bullpens? lol. Overall, excellent work you got here.
NE Concept Creations have only existed for a few months, but already we have our first two time winner, the infamous James "RCTNW" Thurston. Once again James brings us a further addition to his fabled Marriot project that has involved so many maps I am not even sure if he can keep track of them all. Today he gives us something that has been long due in RCT, full scale sports stadiums and not just one, but two representing a football and baseball field in this amazing concept creation called Target Fields!
Please post your feedback below.
here's the file
As for the park, it was excellent. I'm always amazed how you don't get tired to build so damn huge structures. I think Turtle summed it up perfectly.
It'd be awesome if you do a european soccer stadium sometime. Oh well...
Keep going!
even the overview already looks so beautiful. rctnw, you are one of the reasons left why i visit this site.
The final piece of the puzzle was the billboard signs and the escalators that I remembered seeing from RCTMart. Once I had that, the actual construction began although I was still missing the football field markings and goal posts. I tried using toon’s supports however they just didn’t do it for me. That’s when Kumba offered to build me a set which I have yet to see the final version in game. I have no doubt that are top notch! Thanks Darren! The inspiration for this was Qwest Field here in Seattle which I’m sure those familiar with it will see the resemblance. Shortly after the construction for the football stadium was complete, I notice I had some extra room (not counting the parking lot) and decided to see if I could build a baseball stadium not realizing the object problem I was soon going to face. Once I hit the limit, I knew I was in trouble as I had already finished the parking area and the two stadiums but had no landscaping or other structures (monorail, ticket booths, etc) in place. The parking area took the biggest hit as it was originally a 4 story parking garage that turned into a 2 story area. That freed up enough objects to at least finish the area around the stadiums. Although I have a few objects left, there was not enough to finish the landscaping around the parking area (hence why it is all grass).
The baseball stadium posed a significant problem in the design. The area around home plate should wrap around however the objects don’t allow me to do this. The solution was to move the press and luxury boxes to a center tower design behind home plate. Although no real world stadium would have done this, I was happy with the end result. The only other problem I had (after I build it was that I think I made the field a bit to large down the foul lines in comparison to the football stadium. It wasn’t until after it was all build did I realize this and it was too late to make the change.
Some of the items I really liked
Baseball Stadium - Upper Level Seats – I really like how the custom steps came out
Baseball Stadium - Center Field Fence – Not much to it but I really like the look of it
Escalators – Makes the thought of getting to the upper levels a bit easier for the peeps
Monorail Station – Although I goofed and had the platform too high (I build it in the SE), I liked the glass work over the station
Football Stadium – The Hawks Nest – Being able to fit the bathrooms under it was a bit a surprise for me
The overhangs on the stadiums – This was perhaps my favorite aspect of the two. Clearly inspired by Qwest Field. The planning it took for this alone was well worth it in the end!
Again, many thanks to Darren for the goal posts and geewhzz for some objects that although didn’t make it here, will get some use soon enough!
Turtle, Peeee, posix & Ge-Ride – Thanks for the kind words and I’m glad you like it! As for the overview, I’ll try and get a new one up in a few weeks!
Thanks everyone
James - rctnw
That is huge! I thought, that it would be a little bit smaller .. but that huge! wow ... just amazing!
But it looks better, when you're looking at it 1 step zoomed out.
I love that!
The scope that you're able to build on is just incomprehensible to me. It's so huge, but everything comes together and looks incredible. I think one of your greatest strengths is in layout. You can build something that I could see mysel walking around. The amount of planning that must go into something like this must be immense. I run into problems if I build up 4 storeys. But this is just amazing how you're making something so tall work and still have order and beauty. Very nice.
Seriously, this is huge, James. I love it. Because you build on such a large scale, you're able to incorporate more details into your work. The escalators and support structures are my favorite. It's all very impressive.
By the way, there's already a sports arena sponsored by Target, but it's not a football stadium or baseball park. The Minnesota Timberwolves' home court is the Target Center in downtown Minneapolis, about a mile from my house.
drink Pepsi
Overall, the whole project is just immense, and this map is no different.
I think an overview is called for
CedarPoint6, on Nov 15 2007, 11:30 AM, said:
If truth be told on this one, I didn't do a good job on the planning this one as I had the football stadium to far into one corner and caused problems with other areas. I don't think it's a planning that I do well at but rather being able to make adjustments to make it work. I also use the land colors to help the intial planning. It's amazing what that can do for you!gir, on Nov 15 2007, 12:03 PM, said:
Once I get back up on my PC, I'll have to take a look at those. ThankscBass, on Nov 15 2007, 12:27 PM, said:
Indeed you have. And a very good one alsoLloyd, on Nov 15 2007, 01:54 PM, said:
I agree!Wow!
I am so impressed by this one, that this seems to be all I can say for now... have to view it a few more more times to fully grasp what you did here.....someone called it "epic" and I think that's the only and best word for it!!
And yes for sure, this one, together with cBass's one, are the first ones that in my view fully and for 200% deserve the title of a "Concept Creation"......speaking about "concepts", if I ever saw one, this is one.......and it makes a laugh of anything else that ever got that title before (oh...well...let's not be too hard....everyone is trying his/her best and deserves something, but imo this is what a "CC" is supposed to be, even if not everybody can execute it as perfectly as you did)
I'd go into more detail but there's really no need considering what's already been said. The layout of the whole this is quite impressive, the way the pathing works its way around the structures and the smaller supporting building throughout make it look & feel incredibly like the sporting facilities it represents.