Park / Forest Frontier II
04-August 23
- Views 1,861
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- Comments 5
- dm215
58.00%(required: 50%)
G Force 70% SSSammy 70% In:Cities 60% ottersalad 60% Terry Inferno 60% Xtreme97 60% bigshootergill 55% CoasterCreator9 55% Jaguar 55% RWE 55% posix 50% Scoop 50% 58.00% -
Before opening the park, place the script(AdvancedTrack.js - oli414) included in the zip file in the "OpenRCT2\plugin" directory.
You can still view the park by opening a second park file (a version that is not dependent on the plug-in) without an installation for a plugin. -
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Really impressed with the flat ride design in this park, well done structures with some clever trackitecture, and that Star Gazer hack is great. Rest of the park is also nice, a pleasant classic build fitting for a scenario tribute. Some pretty nice atmosphere around the lake too.
V1 Review #2
V1 Seal of Approval:
+ I think the ride design is overall a great achievement. All the rides are well made, well placed and have great queues.
+ The boardwalk is superb, very cozy.
+ Top Hat's Layout is great (but I can't imagine that first drop is enjoyable for the last row).
+ You really nailed the small park feel overall.
V1 List of Neutrality:
+/- I think the architecture is overall a bit messy but does its job reasonably well
+/- I learned the hard way never to give guests baloons. Makes the path look a bit overloaded.
V1 Scowl of Disapproval:
- Not a fan of the outskirts, could have used tome clearings, bushes and some other ground textures
V1's Opinion:
It's actually pretty tricky to pick up something to criticise. All in all, this is a very well made, charming little park. I do think the lack of content overall affects the score in this case. While everything that is there is good, I would have liked to see more. I still think this could reasonably sneak into silver territory.
Using the RCT1 looping trains for a Eurofighter style layout seems like an odd choice when the train sprites are missing for half of the layout. The flat ride hacks here are truly amazing. Some of the WW/TT pieces look out of place against the otherwise NCSO buildings, and I don't really understand why it should be named to resemble Forest Frontiers when it bears no resemblance in location, layout, foliage palette, anything really. It also isn't really in that "scenario" style some people build in (which isn't a good or bad thing, mostly just solid NCSO). The waterfront, and in particular the greenhouse, are my favorite bits of the park. I don't like how you have the maze out on the edge of the park requiring a huge underground path to wrap those guests back around to the midway, seems clunky and like an afterthought. Star Gazer, its queue, framing, the acceleration and decceleration on the vertical sections, really steals the show for me.
These towers are brilliant!
Wow this packs a punch. Really neat little park full of fun NCSO details. Top Hat was a neat layout, but pacing was rough on the airtime hill and the trains didn't have all the right sprites which was a bummer considering the trains that are in the game now. Ghost Mannor is probably my favorite ride in the park. Love the little cliffhangers. Cool idea and hack. Keep it up!