Park / Schweizer Valley Amusements
15-June 09
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Jappy 65% CoasterCreator9 60% In:Cities 60% Scoop 60% chorkiel 55% Cocoa 55% geewhzz 55% Liampie 55% RWE 55% Xtreme97 55% posix 50% saxman1089 50% 56.00% -
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But yet again I have to say Whzz kids are my favourite, the diver looked superb, great archy,
my only complaint is that the rapids ride looks a bit cluttered to me but other than that I think its the better park of the 2
But then again I'm biased
Am I the only one getting an error trapper everytime when I'm like 5 minutes in the whzz kids park?
Good job everyone on 2 enjoyable parks!
Pre comment:
When i saw that the AL's(my fav team) were going up against Whzz kids i thought oly shit their screwed so i was hoping for an awesome park, and they did!
Alpha Legends:
This park has it all! Avalanche is where i will start. This was a beast, it was huge, it's fast, it's awesome, it's an insanely large, one of a ind coaster. This coaster is awesome. From the overview i knew it would be good. Tge large drop just gave it away, im a sucker for these large intamin megas and gigas. That first 235ft drop was insane! The layout was superb, packed with drops and airtime, very realistic and great supports. The only thing i didn't like about the coaster was the q line and the station. The station was long and a bit boring and the q was too. The bobsled was pretty sweet, i liked the sation for it the best and the pacing was good for a coaster that size as well. The general architecture throughout the park was spectacular, i love the alpine style themed buildings and these just made my favourite style become my all time favourite.
Great job builders!
Atlantic realms
Wow! Great park here guys. I liked the griffon inspired Oceanus the most out of everything. great pacing, laoput elements, the water splash and second vertical drop under the path were all very nice. The rapids were a great ride, weaving in and out of all the architecture was a good idea and i loved that spiral drop. The only bad thing bout this park was Escape from Aquatrazz, surely you could of though of a better name, i liked the layout but not the last part where the coaster goes behind a wall. The architecture throughout the park was quite nice, but the park seemed to be missing somethink that Scweizer Valley amusements did have.
Good job, i'll give you a 8.1/10
I thought their park had more ideas implemented and a better ride design. The Alpha Legends park had one huge and fast coaster that was kinda fun to watch, and the entrance also had something to it, but that was kinda it.
i agree and also will vote the same.The park by AL was one of my most anticipated parks of the season due to one of the builders building on it (i wont mention names but everyone should able to work it out since hes not built on any of the other parks yet) but it was a huge let down tbh
Alpha Legends
The layout of the whole park was dreadful. Like Psoix has said the entrance had a certain charm to it which I agree with. The coaster was also very good. That was it. Most of the park was built up of pathways and while it was nice why would it make me vote for it?
If everything you built in the park was around Avalanche I bet it would be a sure fire winner, the ammount of black space killed the atmosphere that you created so well in the entrance. Also a nice mini coaster would of been awesome as a supporting ride.
Awesome layouts, thats what swayed it for me. The dive machine was small but did its job in terms of realism, the escape form aquatraz was immense! I loved the whole ride and the lead-up into the splash ride. The rapids ride structure was actually pretty ugly to me, the vertical lift and the sweeping drop was very nice but it could have had a lot better surroundings.
My vote goes to the Whzz kids for a superior park.
I have no clue why the park has dead space in the middle of the map... Anyways, the Giga was pretty huge and impressive, but it was too big for the park IMO. I dunno if it's meant to be realistic or not, but nothing works out ride-wise in this park. You only have 4 working attractions, 3 small ones and one huge Giga. I wonder how the park payed that one. What I liked about the park was the bobsled coaster and the whole entrance area, but it reminded me a bit of my own stuff mixed with a bit of the team's leader style. The way sign is too big IMO. The station of the giga was too long and thin, there's no room for the people to enter. The footer standing on the rock formation was a bit strange. All in all I don't know what to think about the park, it's a bit wacky...
Atlantic Realms:
What stood out the most in this park was the rafting ride, which was really well done. The elements like the station, the vertical lift and those twisted drops were done pretty well. The whole structure was pretty nicely done, maybe a bit too abundant to be realistic, but it looked nice nontheless. The vertical coaster was nice, as the others said already - but a BBS would have been good on this ride, the cars are pretty close to each other atm. And I think the station could have been a bit bigger. The coaster was embedded really good, though. The Aquatraz (funny name btw) coaster was also nice. The foliage around it was great, as it was throughout the park. Maybe the splash of the ride is a bit lackluster, as it's hidden from the guests. Only thing what's bugging me in this park - why do I always get an Error trapper at some places of the map?
I though that the layouts in Whzz Kids' were better than Alpha Legends' so Whzz Kids got my vote.
I wasn't too sure about this park when I first looked at it from the aerial view, and once I zoomed in, I was still unsure about it. I did like the bobsled coaster, that was cool. I also liked the little round dirt area around the trees near the entrance. To the giga, it just seemed way too overpowering for a park like this, and didn't fit in.
Whzz Kids:
I love this park. Escape from Aquatraz (amazing name) was really cool, as was the Diving Coaster, but I felt that the rapids ride was the best in the park.
Whzz Kids' park wasn't quite as good as I had originally hoped, but it was good enough to steal the vote away from Alpha's park.
True. Due to some schedule problems our park was made in less then 3 weeks i believe. That's the main reason why it may look rushed.
I think you'll get a more detailed explanation of it when the voting is closed
Oh and I really like out park also. The dive machine layout was probably the best I've ever seen, and that rapids lift/whirlpool pretty much blew my mind. I remember trying to do a boomerang catch-car in an RCPro Summer Showdown park a few years ago. I could only get it to jump up and down at the top of the forward lift. So, when I saw the working rapids lift here I was pretty impressed. Lot's of cool ideas in this park.
Great job both teams.
I think more could have been done with both parks but for what was there Atlantic Realms had the other park beat. This vote was really tough. I liked the coaster and the atmosphere in Schweizer Valley but as someone said, why the black? Water would have been so much easier actually, plus the whole park could have just had more (shops, stalls, small flats). In Atlantic Realms, while I felt this park was pressed for time too, I liked the coasters and the foliage was spot on. The only area I did not like was the rapids ride, just way too busy and random for me. So, guess my record holds
I'm getting one too after about 30 seconds. Lame.
whzz kids- some new interesting forms of architecture- some of it didn't seem to work individually but it all worked together, especially aquatraz.
alpha legends- the architecture was nice, but it seemed like you gave up on the park with the middle just being black. also, I'm not a huge fan of the giant rollercoaster. sort of looked awkward- a straight down drop would have worked better imo.
Whzz Kids, another great park. Great execution throught the park, especially in the aquatraz section. The dive machine was top-noch.