1. AJ- Really cool atmosphere. The music is also really great, and I know you wrote it yourself which is also very cool. The coloring was really great and the concept was just awesome. I feel like a lot of the time when people make these abstract fantasy the concept is either lost on me, or not translated well enough in game for me to understand what's going on, but this really hit the nail on the head for me. Probably my favorite entry I've seen so far. It reminds me of that documentary about the octopus if anyone knows what I'm talking about.
2. Steve- Nice entry! I like the landscaping, very clever to use the Kryptonian rocks in conjunction with the fisch rocks. The waterfalls are also really nice and the atmosphere is great. I would have liked to see custom supports on the RMC since its only a 15x15 section but I realize that not everyone likes the look of the CSO wooden supports. I also wish there was a bit more content, maybe a few more cutaways. Overall very enjoyable.
Robdede- This is quite cool stuff. I like the story that you included in game, and I also am a fan of the landscaping. The modern builds are also something we don't see to often in RCT so I was a fan of that. I feel like there should have been some cutaways on the back showing us the inside of his hideout as well. Overall, it was great.
Roygbiv- Nice little scene! There is definitely a lot of content here which is great. I like the positioning on the coaster and it has a pretty cool layout. The architecture was interesting overall but it seemed a bit outdated to me. I enjoyed this entry overall
Steve - beautiful one. Your touch, your eye for aesthetics, is something that connects us and will never change. Every time you execute it I feel grateful. I applaud the snow choice, as it's such a challenge to get right. I think you came pretty close, but I also see that you (understandably) had to cut some corners for time and self-management.
roygbiv - I struggle to find access to this one. I don't think the whole underground part helps, as it's mainly just disorienting, and actually reminds me of when the map edges used to glitch out back in the day. I like the colourfulness you went for, and the "mix of everything" kind of style. It's wild and interesting, but seldom tasteful.
RobDedede - To be honest this was too much storytelling for me. While thoughtful and elaborate, I think there's a point where you're forcing your audience to look at your park a certain way, and it only hurts you. I felt this was the case here. It was a bit over-directed. The RCT itself though was very nicely crafted, with a couple of rather elegant solutions, and good atmosphere throughout.
AJ - Sinister and deep, daring and impressive. I think you set the standard in terms of spooky themes on the site currently. It's an area of RCT that has been deemed ugly ever since the beginning, and was thus hardly ever popular. This and your recent design have a certain connection for me, and I love seeing the solutions you find creatively, both in concept and how you render it onto the map.
1) AJ - maybe its lacking the narrative and park content of some of the entries, but aesthetically its perfect. I'd love to have this framed on my wall and it feels like you took great care with placing every object.
2) Dedede - Maybe the best executed story entry of R1. Nicely composed landscape as well.
3) Chinatown - Lot of good to see here, really love the coaster layout. The juxtaposition of hyper realistic CSO objects and NCSO objects feels a bit strange but it looks unique.
4) Steve - Landscape is really nicely done, especially the caves. Tough round and I've never been a fan of the snapshot coasters, would much rather see a self-contained layout in a micro.
AJ-: I learned a new word today. Like Steve’s, this thing is stylistically beautiful without having a whole lot of content. I’m intrigued though, would like to see more. The colours especially are great. Have we ever had a full sized map floating in the void?
Steve: absolutely beautiful. Enchanting without being supernatural - the best kind of enchanting. There’s not a whole lot to see here, it feels like a teaser for a larger map. A thing that stands out to me on this map is the supports on the second hill - or the lack thereof. Good decision to make the hill a tall bridge like that without an immediate need, opening up the view on the waterfall behind. Not everyone shows that kind of thoughtfulness.
Roygbiv: love to have you in the contest, this entry is fantastic. I really appreciate how you made a very detailed micro, but when looking up close everything is quite simple. There’s no endless layering of objects to the point where you can hardly make out how something was made. That clarity is becoming increasingly rare, as we’re all crushed under the crunch movement. Great coaster, great colours, great atmosphere, great details.
RobDedede: great stuff Rob… Before the police showed up. Great idea, and well done (except for vehicles appearing out of solid rock). I find it mildly amusing that the peeps near the docks offloading the cocaine are take pictures. Not something you often see in criminal operations.
1. AJ- Really cool atmosphere. The music is also really great, and I know you wrote it yourself which is also very cool. The coloring was really great and the concept was just awesome. I feel like a lot of the time when people make these abstract fantasy the concept is either lost on me, or not translated well enough in game for me to understand what's going on, but this really hit the nail on the head for me. Probably my favorite entry I've seen so far. It reminds me of that documentary about the octopus if anyone knows what I'm talking about.
2. Steve- Nice entry! I like the landscaping, very clever to use the Kryptonian rocks in conjunction with the fisch rocks. The waterfalls are also really nice and the atmosphere is great. I would have liked to see custom supports on the RMC since its only a 15x15 section but I realize that not everyone likes the look of the CSO wooden supports. I also wish there was a bit more content, maybe a few more cutaways. Overall very enjoyable.
Robdede- This is quite cool stuff. I like the story that you included in game, and I also am a fan of the landscaping. The modern builds are also something we don't see to often in RCT so I was a fan of that. I feel like there should have been some cutaways on the back showing us the inside of his hideout as well. Overall, it was great.
Roygbiv- Nice little scene! There is definitely a lot of content here which is great. I like the positioning on the coaster and it has a pretty cool layout. The architecture was interesting overall but it seemed a bit outdated to me. I enjoyed this entry overall
RobDedede: Great story and timing with the effects and game messages, really nice architecture and rockwork too.
AJ: A great abstract scene. Love the music, having your own music in an RCT build is cool and it fits this perfectly, really adds to it.
Roygbiv: The coaster has a funky layout that's pretty fun, and I like how it fits into the tightly packed city around it.
Steve: Love the landscaping and overall composition, with it being a section of a park it makes me think I'd like to see this as a full-sized design.
Great job Robdede! Loved the story element - and the world building here is great. Kudos.
Steve: some of the best landscaping/terrain/foliage/enviroment in all of the rounds. So good.
Roy: Love the cityscape, and all the micro detailing that you are great with. Very gaudy entry, but in a good way.
AJ: This was really cool. Great mysterious aesthetic. Would love to see more of this.
1) AJ - maybe its lacking the narrative and park content of some of the entries, but aesthetically its perfect. I'd love to have this framed on my wall and it feels like you took great care with placing every object.
2) Dedede - Maybe the best executed story entry of R1. Nicely composed landscape as well.
3) Chinatown - Lot of good to see here, really love the coaster layout. The juxtaposition of hyper realistic CSO objects and NCSO objects feels a bit strange but it looks unique.
4) Steve - Landscape is really nicely done, especially the caves. Tough round and I've never been a fan of the snapshot coasters, would much rather see a self-contained layout in a micro.
AJ-: I learned a new word today. Like Steve’s, this thing is stylistically beautiful without having a whole lot of content. I’m intrigued though, would like to see more. The colours especially are great. Have we ever had a full sized map floating in the void?

Steve: absolutely beautiful. Enchanting without being supernatural - the best kind of enchanting. There’s not a whole lot to see here, it feels like a teaser for a larger map. A thing that stands out to me on this map is the supports on the second hill - or the lack thereof. Good decision to make the hill a tall bridge like that without an immediate need, opening up the view on the waterfall behind. Not everyone shows that kind of thoughtfulness.
Roygbiv: love to have you in the contest, this entry is fantastic. I really appreciate how you made a very detailed micro, but when looking up close everything is quite simple. There’s no endless layering of objects to the point where you can hardly make out how something was made. That clarity is becoming increasingly rare, as we’re all crushed under the crunch movement. Great coaster, great colours, great atmosphere, great details.
RobDedede: great stuff Rob… Before the police showed up. Great idea, and well done (except for vehicles appearing out of solid rock). I find it mildly amusing that the peeps near the docks offloading the cocaine are take pictures. Not something you often see in criminal operations.
The poll is now closed. The formula to derive the results is:
As replacement, Steve is invited to submit a park for Round 2 (QF). If there is a drop-out their micro will be chosen at random as replacement.