Park / Whzzfest!
22-May 09
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Will comment soon.
I looked at both parks, and if we could vote, my vote would goes to the Minutemen.
Both parks were really good ideas, but the rides and the hacks in MM Park were really good.
Whzz' Kids park was great, too, but the rides arent so impressive. Moreover it took me over 5min
to take a "ride" on Höllenblitz, because it always falls out.
But we cant vote, so who cares?
Edited by Turbin3, 22 May 2009 - 02:39 PM.
If I could've voted, mine was for the Minute Men.
Oh btw, the park of the Minutemen is inspired by a tv series called: Prison Break.
About whzzfest, good park
the wheel was great,
the farm was great,
the readme was great,
the archy was great.
the rides were a little disapointing.
all the little rides were so, so good.
the wild mice were good,
the log flume was spectacular!
the darkride was a little lazt,
the looper was paced abit badly.
my vote would have gone to the whzzkids.
Shame it hasn't been sent in before the deadline...
sucks though, Whzz Kids have a huge advantage now
Minutemen had a winner with the wheel! The que and ride are tops! The prison is great too, love the barbed wire ontop of the walls.
Cena did an amazing job with this park as it was mostly him, especially with the hacks and amazing prison.
One thing I want to say though and I was hoping I would get the first post of the thread to say it PLEASE READ THE README, this park is more a story then an amusement park I'd say so please read that.
As for the situation, what happened was Cena was working on finishing the park through the day and night of the last couple of days, doing an amazing job with the situation he was put in, and then he just never sent it in to NE. The park wasn't finished in time but it was at about 90-95%, mainly just hacks left, a little less complete then it is now I'd say. But, he did post an overview right before the deadline, so posix was kind enough to let us send in an .sv6 identical to the overview, which Cena had. He then posted a poll in the WhzzKids forum asking if we could use that park, and they denied it in a vote of 7 out of 9. This is rather annoying as we really had no extra advantage by sending it in late, but in the end the WhzzKids chose the option of an automatic win over having a fair match-up
Before the bashing all starts here....the reason we 'denied' it was that we all decided that a rule is a rule and that they should be adhered to. And, we all felt bad about it because we had a different thought process in round 1. Sort of like "it's round 1, everyone's rushing right now, let's cut 'em some slack". The rule states that if a park is not sent in by the deadline, it is disqualified. We simply went by the rules. What's rather annoying to me is teams that can't follow rules.
I'd actually be very happy if this can pass without flaming.
There's a lot of background reasons why our park wasn't sent in, schedule changes, all nighters, pride and many more, maybe someone else can be bothered to post a full outline of it. Bottom line is, the deadline wasn't met, and we deserved the loss. Now we have to try and come back from 0-3.
I'd like to say a major thanks to Cena, for building a pretty shit hot park in essentially about four days. Marino and Comet really hauled ass on this too, and kept this moving along with some really slick work. I have been nothing but pleased with Comet in this H2H, a really valuable member of the team. There's so much to see here, some amazing hacks and ideas that really drive the game forward, and I think they fit in pretty well. The readme really needs to be read, as I think it gives a good background for the park's story and enhances the viewing. I'll take the responsibility for that one.
I haven't looked at the Whzz Kids park yet, but I will when I have more time. It looks really interesting, some good rides here, which I bloody love. The Olympic coaster looks awesome from the overview!
What I'm saying comes from frustration too. I obviously see everything in our teams forums, so I know what we go through as well. The fact that we've been asked twice now to pretty much decide another teams fate, and the ensuing discussions regarding that are more stressful than anyone might imagine. The fact that we've sent in three, relatively 'unfinished' parks to meet the deadline only to come up against two that didn't do the same and have someone say "but in the end the WhzzKids chose the option of an automatic win over having a fair match-up frown.gif" just pissed me off. Like it was our fault that we stuck by the rules. The rules that state that if a park isn't sent in by the deadline, it is disqualified. Our 'vote' should have never even come into play. We didn't choose to have a vote tossed at us in the first place. And, to then be bashed for what we 'chose' by an opponent is, indeed, frustrating. I'm just gonna leave it at that and wish you guys the best of luck in the next two rounds.
EDIT for ^: The thing about round 1 was that we all decided "fuck, it's round 1, everyone's rushing to get shit done, let's cut 'em some slack. By round 3, teams should have their shit together. And, that is one of the most frustrating things about this.....knowing that people would say "well, they let it go in round 1, why not this time". You all have NO idea what we went through while discussing what to do with this round. And, trust me.....if we had round 1 to do all over again, because of this, it would have been different.
Edited by K0NG, 22 May 2009 - 04:48 PM.