Park / Park Asterix
14-May 09
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Could be the best this season.. I will give a full review later on..
This is a match-up where I will look through both parks very carefully before making my decision, other than round 2 - match 3 where it was obvious and I could decide early on..
Great job to both teams!
Asterix is pretty awesome and I expect its woodie to be a top candidate for wooden coaster of H2H5 and maybe 2009. Also I had only seen it once before when egg did it in the PT3 perlims, but props on a great bobsled/rapids. Other things I liked where the little custom dudes with the helmets and most of the archy was pretty nice. On the downside I did not think the park should have had so many trees and the other rides were good, but not really impressive. Very good work, id say it was about an 8.2/10 or something like that.
Spidy was really fun, infact I think it was the most fun park of the season so far right up there with the Waterpark. Yes Asterix had the best coaster, but I think the 3 main ones here equaled it. Also the theming and ideas were fantastic. The only downside imo was that it was not really peep friendly, I mean you can open the gates, a few rides and stalls, but its to much work for a viewer. Awesome work team id say imo this is the best park so far. 9.3/10
As for the match, I have yet to download them but right now Spiderman looks like it is the winner for me. Only negative I have for the park is there is literally no elevation change. Other then that though all positives, I actually like the fact that there's no peeps, I feel like for something like this they would just glitch up the place with all the custom paths and such, plus there is enough going on in my opinion already. You were missing the major ride in the park but 3 good sized coasters make up for that, especially the Fahrenheit ride which has a perfect layout. What really looks like it makes the park though is the shows and insides of the buildings and such that I can't wait to check out. Also, amazing job with the spidey mural over the entrance.
As for Park Asterix that looks relatively good as well, the woodie looks amazing. I'm not a fan of that type of foliage and there's a few other things I don't like such as the brown custom fences in the top right that just over complicate it.
I need to download these parks to see more though, this looks like a great match-up.
i just thought everything about it was just lovely, eventhough it some spots it looked unfinshed.
the canes park was good, i just couldn't really get into it. i thought that some parts were really great, and then others just didn't hold my intrest. imo i thing the 2 people in this park had very different styles, one being more simplistic and one being more detailed, and it just didn't mesh well.
i liked the canes's park, a lot. it was good, to say the least. the only problem was it seems to be trying too hard to be perfect. the archy, the foliage, the small coasters; everything was built to be quaint. yes, i understand very well that not only was it built to be an amusement park, it was built to be one based on a comic book, but i still feel like there could have been a bit more of a realistic essence in it. this probably sounds crazy too, considering the hardcore realism the park already has. eh, maybe i'm just picky. point is, these types of parks are becoming kind of average to me; there's very little to differentiate one from the other.
the german's park also had a pretty familiar theme that brings up RRP's recent style. the woodie's layout was fantastic. i don't know too much about layouts, but it looks good and it flows well. the area surrounding it seems a little rushed, but it could've been worse. however, this park really shines in the small areas surrounding the park. from the mine coaster to the rapids to the small coaster in the corner, each area had its own feeling, almost like it made a country. they really brought the park out for me and made it my favorite.
even though the canes will probably win, the germans did a really nice job on this one.
I wasn't overly keen on the canes' park, but that's mainly becuase I'm not a huge comic/spiderman fan so all of the little touches are lost on me. However the archy (well done mate
As for our park, I think that some bits feel/look rushed, but i still love the woody and the rapids area and the archy for the most part is very good.
Our park, yay! We got one in that is 100% finished
This is gonna be a close match.
Spiderman park was good, but a bit boring, being the spiderman freak that i am just thought i should mention that in the ending seen with sandman when hes super big, when he grows he takes in a truck and other bits of twisted metal, he's not just all sand. The was he grows is by using sand and he becam super large by using other objects, good work on the entrance too. I give you:
First I though: "yeah great... an Asterix themed park", but when I looked closer I couldn't find that many resemblance to the theme Asterix. I've read all the books and loved them and also the real park asterix looks really great, but the theme execution didn't convinced me that much. The village wasn't really accuratly done as it could be. Look at the real thing. What I really liked though were the shop names. Nikonix made me grin. The naming of the other rides was a bit lame (drop tower, pirate ship). And those giant statues were nice too, but those were about the good ideas in the park. I didn't know why you used 2 trains on a Mack powered, looked kinda strange to me. The park layout was very strange. It looked like you built the woody (which is awesome btw) first and then squeezed areas around it and layed path over the coaster just to get in the areas in the back. The little coaster in the village was nice, I liked that one. Also the water ride and the foliage was nice, so props for that too! IMO you could have done MUCH more with the theme.
The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman:
Yeah, that park was amazing. I loved the whole theme behind it, although I don't really have background knowledge to Spiderman, I just saw the movies. I really liked the ideas all over the place. The giant statues, the signs, the little hot dog stand, the support themed as power line support, the interactive ride,... and a lot more! I found myself spending much more time on this one, although I'm not really familar with the theme. The archy was cool too. It had a nice city feeling, serves the purpose really well and I'd do a city theme nearly the same! My favorite structures were the moondance thingy and the facade of the bank. Really nice. The rides were also quite cool. Not as cool as the woody in Park Asterix, but a woody of its kind would've been much to large here. I didn't like the woody in that park much. It mostly was just curving around and I didn't get those flames on the lift. The Premier was nice, but the theme of it was much cooler as the layout itself. The interactive ride had a strange layout, but still the idea was nice. And finally Electro. The best coaster in the park, great take on a coaster of this kind. Oh and those custom rides were also great. A lot of thought and skill went into this park. And I wanna duo with the maker of this finally!
Nice to see a comic book vs. comic book fight in here
EDIT: Shouldn't this be Round3 Match1 instead of 3?
I can post some detailed comments later...
Having seen the movies and a bit of the TV program a long time ago I think the makers (whoever they may be) have done a nice job with the park and covered most of the main themes.
Germans, real nice park, the custom statues were great and all other parts of the park were done to perfection. I actually don't like a few of the buildings in the park as I feel some are replicated and they didn't give me anything new to look at. This said that woodie was very very nice the smaller coasters were also very nice and it had that quaint forest atmosphere.
I may give detailed comments later as I don't wanna seem Biased towards the canes park but I wish there woulda been a lot less trees.
Park Asterix:
I took six years of French from middle school to high school, and if there's two things I've come to love it's Tin Tin and Asterix. I even did my sophomore language project on Parc Asterix. So, when I saw the overview for this, my eyes lit up. Really neat idea to attempt another Asterix park. Afterall, if there's more than one Disney, why not more than one Asterix? There were just so many things that made this park great. The wooden coaster, for one, was fantastic. I didn't like it as much as Talisman, but it certainly was fun to watch, as it seemingly picked up pace as it went. The Obelix raft ride was very well done, and was a lot of fun to watch. I especially loved the station for that one, as the design on the roof resembled Asterix's helmet. Nice touch. The two smaller coasters were very good too. As Dave said, I would have liked to see only one train on the powered Mack just for the sake of realism, but whatever. It's not a big deal. The little things are what really made this park stand out, though. For me, I loved how the ride types resembled those at the real Parc Asterix. I also thought it was really cool how you rotated the entrance booth on the woody so it would look like peeps were actually lining up to queue in the individual paddock gates. I've never noticed that could be done. That's a trick I'd love to learn. The Asterix characters around the park were really damn cool, especially when you looked at each one to see what they were composed of. Another thing that stuck out to me was the wine tasting ride. Such a simple concept, but integrated so well. You could have put the same ride above ground and left it dull, but instead you took the extra effort to give it a theme. Really excellent. Also, the diagonal paths were great, and the peeps were too. If I had to pick one dislike, it would be to lessen the amount of brown. I really loved the back of the park where the blue broke things up. From what I know of the real park, it's not as monotonous. Anyway, fantastic park Germans. It was the hardest thing in the world not to vote for it.
Amazing Adventures of Spiderman:
The Germans are up against, in my opinion, the best park so far--and they're winning, so I guess that says a lot. AAoS was just sick. I've always been more of a Batman guy, but the Spiderman comics and movies have this really bright and flashy charm that you managed to capture perfectly in this park. I was really blown away by that. All Spiderman villains have an overbearing flamboyancy to them, and literally every single ride captured the tone of the villain that was being portrayed. My favorite thing in the park was deffinitely the Electro coaster. Beautifully supported, themed, and placed--just an all around great ride. I also thought the station kicked some serious ass, as it really reminded me of the one boss battle against Electro in the Spider Man 2 video game. The whole area around that coaster was just great, with the high fences fitted perfectly around the layout. Then there was the power lines, as well as the large power line that served as the main support. I've been waiting for someone to do something like Fahrenheit for quite some time. Never did I expect it to be this good. Sticking to that side of the park, the Venom ride was also really neat. I loved the symbiote attacking the church, as well as all the targets scattered everywhere. I imagine it would be a pain in the ass to shoot anything while moving that fast though. Target shooting rides are hard enought as it is, even when they're going at three miles per hour lol. The Sandman coaster had me worried at first, as it looked a little unrealistic, especially with that sharp turn right after the launch. But, I have no problem imagining that Premier could do something like that if they wanted to. Also, it almost looked as if the thing was gonna come right back into the station with no brakes, but I was pleasently surprised when it coasted slowly back into the most badass Sandman statue I've ever seen. The Kraven woody was a little lackluster compared to the others. I thought the ending brake run was cool, as well as the web within the ride's structure, but the overall layout just didn't do it for me. It felt like it was designed to be more aesthetically pleasing than realistic. Not a bad ride by any means--just not up to the standard of the others. The two custom flats were fun, albeit a bit similar in presentation. The Doc Oc one was clever, though. The Mysterio theater thing was really cool, and the Spider Sense simulator had the coolest facade I've ever seen. Who ever made thos 3-d glasses should win an award or something. That was just clever. The buildings around the city were very well done, I thought, especially those by the water. I also liked the subway/el train. Nice touch. Overall, just a really memorable park. The lack of peeps didn't really bother me. I'd even say it was proof that a park doesn't absolutely need to be peep friendly to be great. Great job Canes.
Good luck to both teams.