Cocoa: very Cocoa, very good. Inventive object use, such as the ferris wheel/super looper combo. I like how the sand interacts with the map, using bubbling goo and snow objects. Awesome architecture, lovely colours. Perhaps the map is missing a layer of tiny details to breathe life into it all, because though there is movement, this micro is relatively soulless compared to other, similar maps.
Jens J.: this feels like it could be a lego set! Even the name fits a lego set. The landscaping is fantastic, not just the rocks, but also the vines. Really nice. There’s not much I can say about this other than I liked it. Cool details for exploring, but it’s not overwhelming.
Sulakke: are these new bone objects? Good stuff! Well used too. Nice idea to suspend theming props from the coaster supports, makes the ride elements of a map less generic. I like everything that’s here, and I don’t dislike anything. When are finally seeing a bigger Sulakke solo piece?
Mitchellpaul: I didn’t expect much from this from the aerial, but in game, up close, it surpassed my expectations! This is quite nice work. Good coaster with mostly well done supports. The frame shaped support for the first inversion is nice because the track below goes through, I always like it when supports have a little more to them than just ‘holding up the track’. I think you could’ve done more with the theming, but the theme is clearly defined and there are some fun things to see: the smokes bushes for example. I also thought the station was cute. Nice entry!
Cocoa: Action packed, tons of detail and content and a fun concept. The coaster was so cool to watch.
Sulakke: I like having this type of shwarzkophf shuttle loop in a micro, and a supporting ride too. Solid support work, also like the dense swamp foliage.
Jens J: I like the landscaping and storytelling, so many cool staff scenes all through this.
mitchellpaul: A fun coaster layout with a vertical launch, also some nice supports.
The Sand-Powered Sand Carts of Sand Ksar by Cocoa - Beautiful and excellently packed with content. The coasters were fun to follow as they navigate in and out of buildings. The map doesn't feel clustered even with so many things packed in. The architecture is varied and beautiful. Interesting use of the Ferris wheels for the sand-power narrative. If there's one suggestion I'd make it is to put the number of rotations for the wheels to a very high number so that they continue to spin during the viewing period. Overall I love it.
The Heist of Shri Jagath by Jens J. - Love the rock work and the vines. I like the presentation of the story through messages and named/altered staff. I like how you showed-but-not-tell to the viewers of the imminent doom before reaching the treasure. Nice work!
Voodoo Bayou by Sulakke - Amazing details of the swamp - there are many fun things to discover. Interesting mix of default assets (like the path, roof pieces and supports) and custom ones. I love the use of hanging shrubs to give the trees more volume. As someone who once attempted a swamp theme, I can learn a lot from your entry!
Goblin by mitchellpaul - Great layout and support work. I like the station building and it is nice to see it nested within the rocks. However, the repetitive rock work is not working out. I like the sample car for guests to try out the seats - that's a nice realistic detail. Wish there were peeps riding!
1) Cocoa: very nice entry. Something to see everywhere. Bordering a bit on chaotic but not in a way where it detracts from the overall product. Music really helps sell the atmosphere.
2) Sulakke: Also a very nice entry. Love the little skulls on the inside of the loop and I like how you had the little half diagonal building which interacted with the queue of the coaster, very tasteful.
3) Jens J.: This was very close to 2nd place for me and I doubted for a while which one to put in place 2. Best part is the landscaping. The archy while good didn't really stick too much with me personally. Still a really solid entry though.
4) Mitchellpaul: nice little layout. Overall fell a bit short because there was less content. Landscaping was also a bit rough around the edges. It does show potential though so I hope you stick around and show us more of your future creations!
1) Cocoa - I mean I don't know if there is anything left to say that hasn't been said. I love the uniqueness of the ride type and the atmosphere is top tier. Classic Cocoa!
2) Jens - This is a really great diorama! There isn't much there but what is there is executed very well.
3) Sulakke - Always love to see a realistic layout in a more unrealistic for an attraction. I do wish there was a bit more breathing room for the sightlines.
4) mitchellpaul - This is a very cool first outing and the layout isn't half bad! I hope to see more from you at some point.
Thanks everyone. Honestly, I just set out to make something I knew I could complete in about 5 sessions, so I'm surprised but happy to see all the nice reviews. It's 1000% a 'safe' entry in my style in that regard... but after seeing some of the other parks this round, I'm going to have to step it up a notch for the next one!
Jens---excellent landscaping and a really cute scene with a theme that I obviously love. I hope to not see you again in semis... sulakke---always love this layout, and the dense jungle layering is just plain rct fun. mitchell---pretty nice layout, maybe avoid the rock spam a bit next time but very happy to have new faces showing work here
RaunchyRussell Offline
1) This bad boy is stacked. Love the wild theme, archy, and all the cool moving bits everywhere.
2) Beautiful scene you made here. Love the lush greens, rock formations, and all the path detail. Great stuff.
3) This thing oozes atmosphere. Love the shuttle coaster and the way it loops over the station.
4) Great rendition of a zier tower coaster. Layout is great and the pacing is accurate.
Cocoa: very Cocoa, very good. Inventive object use, such as the ferris wheel/super looper combo. I like how the sand interacts with the map, using bubbling goo and snow objects. Awesome architecture, lovely colours. Perhaps the map is missing a layer of tiny details to breathe life into it all, because though there is movement, this micro is relatively soulless compared to other, similar maps.
Jens J.: this feels like it could be a lego set! Even the name fits a lego set. The landscaping is fantastic, not just the rocks, but also the vines. Really nice. There’s not much I can say about this other than I liked it. Cool details for exploring, but it’s not overwhelming.
Sulakke: are these new bone objects? Good stuff! Well used too. Nice idea to suspend theming props from the coaster supports, makes the ride elements of a map less generic. I like everything that’s here, and I don’t dislike anything. When are finally seeing a bigger Sulakke solo piece?
Mitchellpaul: I didn’t expect much from this from the aerial, but in game, up close, it surpassed my expectations! This is quite nice work. Good coaster with mostly well done supports. The frame shaped support for the first inversion is nice because the track below goes through, I always like it when supports have a little more to them than just ‘holding up the track’. I think you could’ve done more with the theming, but the theme is clearly defined and there are some fun things to see: the smokes bushes for example. I also thought the station was cute. Nice entry!
The poll is now closed. The formula to derive the results is:
As replacement, Sulakke is invited to submit a park for Round 2 (QF). If there is a drop-out their micro will be chosen at random as replacement.
Cocoa: Action packed, tons of detail and content and a fun concept. The coaster was so cool to watch.
Sulakke: I like having this type of shwarzkophf shuttle loop in a micro, and a supporting ride too. Solid support work, also like the dense swamp foliage.
Jens J: I like the landscaping and storytelling, so many cool staff scenes all through this.
mitchellpaul: A fun coaster layout with a vertical launch, also some nice supports.
Otsdarva Offline
2) Sulakke: Also a very nice entry. Love the little skulls on the inside of the loop and I like how you had the little half diagonal building which interacted with the queue of the coaster, very tasteful.
3) Jens J.: This was very close to 2nd place for me and I doubted for a while which one to put in place 2. Best part is the landscaping. The archy while good didn't really stick too much with me personally. Still a really solid entry though.
4) Mitchellpaul: nice little layout. Overall fell a bit short because there was less content. Landscaping was also a bit rough around the edges. It does show potential though so I hope you stick around and show us more of your future creations!
1) Cocoa - I mean I don't know if there is anything left to say that hasn't been said. I love the uniqueness of the ride type and the atmosphere is top tier. Classic Cocoa!
2) Jens - This is a really great diorama! There isn't much there but what is there is executed very well.
3) Sulakke - Always love to see a realistic layout in a more unrealistic for an attraction. I do wish there was a bit more breathing room for the sightlines.
4) mitchellpaul - This is a very cool first outing and the layout isn't half bad! I hope to see more from you at some point.
Thanks everyone. Honestly, I just set out to make something I knew I could complete in about 5 sessions, so I'm surprised but happy to see all the nice reviews. It's 1000% a 'safe' entry in my style in that regard... but after seeing some of the other parks this round, I'm going to have to step it up a notch for the next one!
Jens---excellent landscaping and a really cute scene with a theme that I obviously love. I hope to not see you again in semis... sulakke---always love this layout, and the dense jungle layering is just plain rct fun. mitchell---pretty nice layout, maybe avoid the rock spam a bit next time but very happy to have new faces showing work here