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58.50%(required: 65%)
Design Submission
CoasterCreator9 65% In:Cities 65% Magnus 65% RWE 65% Cocoa 60% Terry Inferno 60% chorkiel 55% Liampie 55% Scoop 55% wheres_walto 55% G Force 50% posix 50% 58.50% -
Sometime around 2017 I decided that it was time to grow up and get serious when it comes to playing RCT2. Overambitious, I applied myself and started building. After a while I realized that I had bit off more than I could chew, abandoned the park and started working on a couple of smaller projects, one of which later became Lakeside Gardens.
While the abandoned park in general is only about 40% finished there are some finished areas, including the main roller coaster, Helios, and its surrounding area. Outside of some minor details and cutting away the surrounding areas I have not changed anything since 2018.
A shoutout to Shnupz who taught me the importance of interaction and viewpoints. -
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Interesting kind of early CSO style here, with all that NCSO but very modern B&M support sensibilities. I also like that the coaster layout is unconventional and the interaction with the go kart ride feels reasonably authentic. My only complaint really is that the map is chopped so tightly, especially on top of the hill. That is where it's most obvious to me that it's just a snippet of a park.
Always love a cliff hugging coaster like this, such a cool look to them. You've certainly improved a lot since this! Overall, the supports and layout probably could have been a bit better, and I don't know if I really like the mix of cso-ncso you've applied here. But it does show the promise which you've expanded on since.
Great layout! Really enjoyed it. The cliff hugging first half was really nice and something that I've always tried to do but could never pull of quite right, so kudos! Hard for me to judge the support work, overall it's nice, except for the keyhole looking support for the barrel roll at the end. Foliage is nice and adds some pops of color. This is just a personal preference, but I do not like the yellow tire barriers on the go kart track. Great addition though to have it I think.
This map is an example of a strong coaster that has actually outgrown its surroundings. You have this great B&M here with wonderful landscape interaction and a quality support system, but you've surrounded it with what seems like stock NCSO architecture that seems years behind the ride itself from a builder's development perspective. Seeing how your own work has progressed since you've been here, I'm certain you could have matched the quality of the ride had you replaced the 2018 beige boxes with 2023 Narchitecture, which for me would have elevated it to the level of Design quality. For the time being, I would like to see you play around more with building design and see where it takes you. Your work combines realism with the classic RCT aesthetic very nicely, and I believe you can take that even further by applying the same level of attention to every aspect of parkmaking that you already do so well with your ride design and landscape interaction.
Been wanting to comment, but things just get buried... I like this, though the pseudo-NCSO look is not my favourite. Good layout, would be a blast to ride in real life. Quite long without becoming repetitive. The drop after the MCBR is nicely done, using the pit to create more height. This wouldn't be a bad first drop on any other ride! Surroundings are basic, but always servicable and charming in some spots. Wish you gave the ride a more prominent plaza and queue entrance, it's a bit hard to find. But all in all this is a nicely done map!
not bad here. the layout is pretty decent, and I like how it works with the cliff. the archy and infrastructure is a little bit too simple perhaps, a bit more fleshing-out would go a long way
Coaster against a cliff is usually a good idea, and this was no different. Very enjoyable first half of the layout, then it was too slow and a bit odd to me.
The park and scenery you did tried to be pleasant, but is stylistically underdeveloped. You need more hours in the game and more aesthetic experimentation if you want higher scores.