Park / Cedar Point
01-January 23
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61.50%(required: 60%)
Jaguar 80% In:Cities 70% Terry Inferno 70% G Force 65% Cocoa 60% RWE 60% Scoop 60% SSSammy 60% Xtreme97 60% ottersalad 55% wheres_walto 55% posix 50% 61.50% -
This project is my attempt to recreate Cedar Point in OpenRCT2.
All work on this project was documented in a YouTube series which can be viewed here: -
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wow, what a huge park. Didnt have the time to dive into it fully yet, but just wanted to say congrats for finishing such a monster. I can only imagine how much work it must have been.
holy tits fidwell this is so sick.
excellent excellent work
Big kudos to finishing this, not only with its scale, but as a recreation. They can get really tedious and frustrating but you stayed true to it. Certainly the largest map ever submitted to NE, probably the first ever correctly scaled recreation of CP too. Nice work!
Congrats, this is such a huge achievement! Tons of fun looking through everything, and the sense of scale is really palpable throughout the map. Loved the entrance, the whole midway, and the Iron Dragon helix area. I loved the marinas as well. Well done!
Congrats on completing CP, quite an undertaking. Very well planned I think in terms of overall layout and including surroundings and backstage stuff.
A couple of things that hold this back for me are the layouts.. they seem not to scale in places and more "inspired heavily" by as opposed to 1:1 recreations. I think Magnum, Thunder Canyon, and Maverick are the three that could've used some refinement.
Overall though, since CP is my home park I might be more nitpicky than others. You achieved something I've always wanted to do in RCT but I didn't have the motivation/skills to pull off. And I enjoyed following along on Youtube too.
Wow, great submission. I know a thing or two about recreating Cedar Point, you did as well as possible given the limitations. Even in a simpler style (which is arguably necessary to finish a park of this scale) you manage to make every area recognizable. I could nitpick details, but I'm more impressed by the will to fill a map this size while maintaining big picture accuracy
Finishing a park of this size, especially as fast as you did, is quite a feat, very impressive. Having never been to the park it's somewhat hard to judge accuracy, though it looks pretty close (Especially in scale/layout) to what I've seen exploring in google earth.
Like others have already said, the scale of this project is impressive. The fact it's finished is also extremely impressive.
I like most of it.
I'm quite picky about layouts though and... They range from good to ... dismal. Sorry to be so harsh, I really do like this park and think it's great, but the layouts hold it back from being really great. A lot of the rides at this park are nationally known amongst the coaster communities and enthusiasts, so I usually hold recreation parks, or at least parks in a recreation style, to a very high standard layout-wise. I think a little more time spent getting them looking their absolute best would've helped quite a lot
Enough negativity though. I really liked how you captured the feel of being there, which impressed me since my one and only visit was back in 2011, and Windseeker wasn't even working yet since I was there in late May. But it brought back a lot of good memories, and I really appreciate that. Again major props for finishing this massive project. The sheer size of the map all completed is such a great sight to behold. I also just found out you put the whole build on YouTube and while I didn't watch it, I did watch your tour video of the finished product and really enjoyed hearing you go through the park and talk about the build. You're really fun to listen to and hearing you talk through it just added so much to my enjoyment of the map. Keep it up! Looking forward to more from you.
wow, very commendable, and so happy to see this here! the overall layout of the park is pretty solid I'd say, which is really the main focus. Easily the best overall CP attempt we've seen so far, for obvious reasons as you stated (I had to pause the game... my computer couldn't handle it hahaha)
there are little flashes of more advanced ncso building throughout, which makes me excited for your future. I know you didn't build this for NE or to NE rct expectations, but obviously we'd love to see you around here growing your scenery and smaller-scale composition skills...maybe you could one day return to this with a deeper rct toolbox.
anyway, love to see it. congrats!
This is so impressive in a number of ways. From a technical standpoint, you have a superb grasp of hacks to enhance the atmosphere of your park; in other words, the park really felt alive and dynamic. You also have a creative eye for using NCSO pieces in unexpected ways. There were a few tricks that I had not seen before. The most impressive thing to me is that you stuck with this park for almost a full year. I think if you commit yourself to working on something small and detailed (like a Design, or even a smaller full park), you could blow everyone away here. Or just have fun building whatever you want! It's clear that you did just that with this park. Well done.
It's definitely weird having a 20 year old game lag my computer but here we are... as others have said, the scale here is very impressive. Props to finishing this, as huge parks aren't appreciated as much as they used to be.
As far as the park is concerned, it's authentically Cedar Point, the coaster layouts at times are questionable and at that point, I'm almost disappointed you didn't go all-out with Millennium Force and Top Thrill Dragster. Both should be like a hundred feet taller.
The layout of the park itself itself is very nice... there's lots of diagonals and it's spaced out but not in a way that feels empty. I can tell that a ton of planning went into this.
Overall, I might be a high vote on this but this really reminds me of the recreations you'd see on theme park sites on the mid-2000s, but without the size limitations of unmodified RCT2.
I checked this out in game. I had a lot of fun looking around at the surroundings and the flat rides. It makes me wish that I could be picked up by a couple drones and fly over the real Cedar Point. The buildings were well composed, but the rides are the most interesting thing here due to the relatively low detail level of the architecture. I will need to check it out again to see what I'd rate it, but I'd probably give it at least a 75. Good work and I hope to see what else you make in the future.
Congratulations Fidwell! I know I was kinda harsh about the layouts, but this is still a great project and turned out very well. Glad to see it got an accolade, and I'm looking forward to your next projects!
Thanks so much for the silver everyone! I really appreciate the feedback, both compliments and criticisms alike.
I really like the way you built Magnum's pretzel turnaround diagonally!