Park / ImaginIt
09-May 09
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review in a moment
EDIT: of course not.
2 great parks, quite evenly matched.
i loved the adventure rid in pube canyon. aswell as the shootings star and the woody.
well done on that park.
i found the hurricanes park slightly busy, and shogun i think it was called, was abit thrown together if you catch my drift.
my vote goes to alpha legends
Edited by SSSammy, 09 May 2009 - 02:33 PM.
In the end I went for the Hurricanes. The woodie in Peublo Canyon Boardwalk is epic and one of the best rides ive seen in a long time.
The setting of the park itself is also awesome and the broken dam is a great idea. However when i first opened the park i just thought. wow another unfinnished park
I know its meant to be a canyon but it doesn't stop it from feeling like a bit of a cop out. The other side of the river just feels bland. Sorry guys. you can moan that the id call the grand canyon unfinished. But it doesnt make good RCT viewing for me.
ImaginIt is another good solid park without being anything great. Shogun is superb and held my attention for quite some time (as any good ride should). The woodie was ok but nothing special. I felt parts of the park like the entrance area were a little Sterile. However the Japanese area is excellent and the station for Shogun is big and bright without being overpowering.
Unfortunately Alpha's if you had a little bit more substance and less of that unfinished feel the park my vote would have been for you all the way. but ImaginIt just provides a more complete package.
hmm. not sure about this one. i liked Red Rock Falls and Talisman (other than the lift) both a lot. they were really cool and had some good interaction. other than that though, it just lacked a refined, cohesive feel. everything felt unfinished. the ICBM and the Pueblo ruins both were great ideas but lacked in execution and it seems finishedness as well. it looks like it could have been a great park, but just did not feel done yet.
Hurricanes -
i really enjoyed watching this park evolve. the atmosphere and architecture are gorgeous, and the rides are really fun to watch. still a few areas that i see could use a tiny bit of refinement, but nothing major. good work guys.
EDIT: yes i know the Alpha Legends park was finished, i'm just saying it didn't have that feel to me.
Edited by Gwazi, 09 May 2009 - 02:36 PM.
Hm, i wasn't sure if it's unfinished or not...but what i can see now, don't really impressed me, sorry. On the one hand there are really nice supports on Shootingstar and I really like the idea with the broken dam, but on the other hand I can see odd landscaping and atmosphereless.
The exploration coaster is a nice idea and well executed. One thing which payed my attention was the broken dam and the bridge. Well executed. Talisman and Red Rock Falls have a good layout.
All in all i excepted more from you.
When I saw the overview I just thought: "Woooow". Then I opened it and thought: "Woooooooooooooooooow". What really impressed me was Japan. A awesome coaster and godly theming. The station of it was brilliant, too. What I didnt like so much was the layout of Patriot, doesnt look so good. Moreover the atmosphere in the "Entry Plaza" was great.
It was an easy vote for me, I went with the Hurricanes 'cause of the great theming and the great layouts. Unfortunately it was a "going on" with your week-1 park, Hurricanes.
Alpha's park has a good idea, but doesnt impressed me so much.
Hope you understand my opinion.
from the overviews this looks its gonna be a hard choice.
peublo canyon at first looked completely inferior, just because it was like half of imaginit. i must say i thought it wasn't unfinished though? to my impression, the little buildings that weren't part of the boardwalk looked like some "left to rot" homes that are either really old or never got finished during construction. then the wooden was just so awesome. i also liked the colours and landscaping very much somehow.
although feeling sorry for the hurricanes, i ended up voting peublo!
but change it to i voted for Hurricanes because the alpha park feels unfinished
The Hurricanes had an interesting park. There was a lot to look at, although too much in a lot of cases. I like detail, but this was hectic and felt very much like there were too many ideas for too little of a space. That said, what was there was very nice. Some of the buildings seem a little small, but they all had a pretty nice amount of detail on them. The coasters were decently strong (for the most part), and there was quite a lot of color usage, which always looks nice over stuff that's primarily gray or brown.
So in the end, I went for the Hurricanes. They were interesting parks, although neither had a large amount of wow factor. That said, they were better then a lot of things, and fun to look through.
Edited by Gwazi, 09 May 2009 - 02:56 PM.
No but I wouldn't choose it for a setting for an RCT park if i was going to have just one side as the canyon itself.
ImaginIt -
Lovely Park and I actually like how busy it is. I personally Love your style of building so much so I actually couldn't get enough of the archy. The different areas were nice and the coasters were nicely themed and strong. Shogun was really really good, achingly beautiful surroundings with such a nice atmosphere.
I like the fact you can turn the park any angle and find something new every time. The work you must have gone through to overload this park with details. Pretty amazing for a week 2 park.
After this I think the park just needed a few small touches or wow factors to give it that extra impact. That’s about it I can't really mark it down for anything else.
Pueblo Canyon -
The overview was nice and that looked like a nice concept from the forums. I opened it however and was disappointed on some of the aspects of this park.
Let's start with the good. I liked the architecture on the pier and I like shooting star a lot. I couldn’t get into the woodie as much as I'm weird like that. I did like how you moved the layout around the map to repeat some former drops twists and turns for an interesting ride. That shows great skill and good coaster building.
The pier itself was pretty week. I just couldn't relate to your architecture or find any atmosphere from it. The broken dam and bridge behind were well executed and I think the park could of benefitted from more of a central piece of the dam breaking as it was nice to look at.
The dam excavation ride was also very nice and as a guest that would of been brilliant to take a scenic tour around the parks landscape. One peeve of mine was the underground building with the wooden coaster catwalk. it was just really ugly and looked rushed. I don’t know the landscape of this whole park was brilliant but like others I'm feeling a composition with nice work but not as finished or refined as it could be.
I'd like to know my point of view if I wasn't on one of the teams but I'm sure I would have still voted for Imaginit.
Overall Pueblo had a better concept but it wasn’t executed to the potential it could of been.
ImaginIt had a standard concept but the approach was a lot better plus the architecture was much more superior to Pueblo. I could imagine myself in that park and that's something I like in RCT-creations.
Evenly matched park in the fact the concepts could of been better but ImaginIt has a finished, refined beautiful outlook. The Japanese area was OUTSTANDING.
Our park was finished, had a clear theme and was well executed..
So my vote goed to Alpha Legends
ps, that woodie has to be the best wooden coaster like, ever!
Edited by Panic, 09 May 2009 - 06:56 PM.
So now tell me how was our park copied? Also to clear up any confusion ImagineIt asks guests to let their imagination become reality.
Your park I agree had a superior concept yes, but the execution was weak. By this I mean as I stated above that I just couldn't find myself to like some of the architecture. It needed something more.
However looking at your park again I'm in love with the spiral coaster and the architecture in front of that is gorgeous. Who ever built that congrats. I just wish the park would of had more of that in it.
Anyway, I think both parks parks have their ups and downs so it should be a close vote..