Park / Sea World Sydney
06-May 09
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Thematically, both parks used thematic concepts that have been done plenty of times, but I thought that The Afterlife expanded on what's been done while SWS focused more on improving little details.
Much of The Afterlife's thematic concepts have been used plenty before, with Portrait of Heaven, Ghost Cell Crisis, and The Genesis being only a couple of examples. However, the way the heaven and hell themes are contrasted against each other gave it life on the whole.
Sea World Sydney, in contrast, took a safer, though well controlled approach. The themes are old, but the aesthetics are appealing enough to make the park enjoyable to a degree. The rides here were better, but again, there weren't the new overall ideas that I'd have liked to see.
Not exactly the long write-up I may have driven some to expect, but I've delayed long enough, seeing how the next match has already started.
Dude, I think its one of the best LL parks ever released. So of course it's probably going to be the best Round 2 park
SWS was quite nice. It held my attention for a long time and there was a lot to see. I wouldn't go so far as to call this the best LL park ever, not by a long shot, but it did impress me. The mix of technical skill and a well put together park ended up creating a suprising atmosphere. It retained that old LL SW themepark feel with some more modern hacking ability, such as the peepability. The rides didn't do a whole lot for me but were nice enough and the surrounding architecture/stadiums and shows were all well done. The highlights for me were the fallen trees, fish in the tank (and other exhibits), crocodile ride and the atlantis mountain. I'd like to say I'd vote for my team but this was a hell of a park... it would be really close because ours was a hell park
Well done both teams! I haven't voted yet but it will most likely go to Whzz Kids.
Again, thanks to both teams for making two awesome parks, and congrats to the Whzz Kids.
but yeah, whzz kid's was pretty obvious looking at the roster. I even felt the geewhzz vibes in it
ours might be a little more suprising... I think Jim and Roomie did a great job though.
WTF are you talking about?
Oh, and great job to all builders this round. Probably two of the strongest parks so far.
tough you have to admit, both parks of our oponents needed theire best players (at least their captain).
indeed, roomie did go rct2 before, and I talked to him before the drafting already cause I only wanted him if he could do rct2 also. as you see hes pretty skilled at it and together with jim they made the best park till now imo.
^ a rough color-coded diagram of who did what, since I don't feel like typing it all out.
huge props to gee on this one. If there was ever a model for the concept of good parkmaking being good parkmaking regardless of what game he'd be it.
JJ was originally working on this instead of me, I don't know if he actually did any building on it before he disappeared for a week.
edit- oh, and a note for people who mentioned the pacing on the coasters- one of the inherent differences between LL and rct2 is that a car moving at 25mph in rct2 moves faster on screen than a car moving at the same speed in LL- rct2 layouts graphically move faster, if not statistically. So while the cars may appear to be moving quite slowly at points in LL if you check the readout they are probably still over 25-30mph. I think rct2 looks a little more fluid because of this, but if you want decent ratings in LL you have to sacrifice some perceptual speed.
Edited by ][ntamin22, 11 May 2009 - 04:20 PM.
I think you're wrong. RCTLL in general runs slow in windowed mode. If you do full screen the coasters and game runs just the same as RCT2. But regardless, to the people who posted saying the flyer was too slow, have you ever seen a flyer run? They are paced slower than B&M sit downs because of the position the riders are in. Vertical G forces aren't on the rider's butt anymore.
Congrats on the win.