Park / Confluence Park

Park_5472 Confluence Park

1 Comment

  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • Lurker%s's Photo

    Some nice NCSO no hacks stuff, especially for being built on a mobile device. I like the classic scenario atmosphere, and the coaster layouts.

    I will say though that the green coaster was kind of hard for me to see against all the green landscaping, though that might be me. Overall I enjoyed looking through this.

  • Description

    The park sits at the confluence of two mountainous rivers and is designed with a regional theme park influence. Think Knoebels but with more river...

    The park is divided into three major land masses. Each holds its own large attraction along with an assortment of smaller, family rides. There is no overall theme except for 'outdoors'. The major attractions are:

    -Grizzly: Traditional B&M floorless coaster

    -Wildfire: Traditional GCI coaster. Heavily influenced by Prowler at Worlds of Fun.

    -Powder Keg: Modern multi-launch Intamin.

    The park was built on a mobile device through the RCT Classic app. As such, it is completely NCSO.

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