Park / DisneyEarth Vancouver
09-May 22
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- Comments 29
87.00%(required: 80%)
RWE 95% yes Cocoa 90% yes In:Cities 90% yes ottersalad 90% yes Terry Inferno 90% no G Force 85% yes Jappy 85% yes posix 85% yes saxman1089 85% yes Scoop 85% yes WhosLeon 85% yes Xtreme97 85% yes 87.00% 91.67% -
Nestled in the valley of British Columbia's stunning Rocky Mountains, DisneyEarth stands, waiting to be discovered. Get swept away on a journey that takes you to every corner of this wonderful, mysterious planet and the rich cultures within.
Opening in 2006, DisneyEarth is the first property of Disneyland Canada, a resort offering upscale thrills and experiences for the entire family. Catering to the adrenaline junkies that flock to B.C., DisneyEarth is home to the most heart-pounding thrills Disney Parks has to offer.
I hope you enjoy! This has been a 5 month sprint and I loved every minute of it. I couldn't have done it without all of the inspiring work this community has been churning out for the last 20 years. I've been a student of RCT for many years and I can't wait to continue building and growing as a player.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome to the community and, of course, thank you to the OpenRCT2 devs for all of your work. I can't imagine trying to make this park pre NSF.
- pants -
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So wow, didn't expect this today! Already spent a good 30 minutes viewing the park and just feel like I've scratched the surface, already it's one of my favorites in a long time. You're really skilled a creating these realistically believable and immersive themed areas, probably more than anyone who's come around in a long time.
Including this many big coasters in a "Disney" park was bold, reminds me a lot of Colby's Animal Kingdom from last year I believe. Overall all the attractions for the most part feel pretty believable except perhaps the flyer which stands out a lot.
Love your crunchy style though, some bits definitely feel a bit more fleshed out than others (some might even feel a little rushed?) but you'll develop those skills even more over time and get more consistent in your building.
Gonna let this simmer for a while longer but first impressions are very positive!
This is one of the best cso parks outside of h2h I've seen in a while! I can't believe this only took you 5 months. I saw your unfinished park when you released it and I'm honestly glad you didn't keep going with it especially after seeing this. I'm super happy to see that we keep getting new talent after all these years and I hope to see more from you.
This park feels like it came straight from Logan's run. You got the crunch, you got the grittier color scheme. I'm also super impressed with how Disney it feels even if a lot of the rides are more "thrilling." I think if I had to give one critique it would be everything outside the park. It all feels a bit "dead" in comparison. I think putting some time into that and getting some peep interaction over in those areas (especially the resort hotel) would have done wonders for the atmosphere.
Well I don't want to keep rambling on. Keep up the great work and hopefully we will see a new parkmaker out of this release!
Great work pants! Especially love the macro here, so much to see. I can also defenitely feel the Disney vibe, although I get Scoop's remark that some areas are more alive than others. Also would've loved to see some more interiors; kinda felt let down when using cut-away to view the insides.
The overall crunch, object usage and atmosphere are definitely the strong points of this park for me. Ride design was a bit meh (always feels a bit weird seeing a B&M or Mack coaster in a Disney park
), but it supports the park in a good way.
The park seems to uses a lot of 'meta' concepts, but you added your own spin to it to make it unique, like those Fisch rocks, MegaLite supports and Grass Trims. Really dig that and makes a 2022 park for sure.
On a final note I like that you build a Disney park like we used to churn out Disney parks in the old days
Congrats on such a great debut! Awesome work, hopefully will have a chance to come back and write something more detailed, but I liked the park a lot.
Wow this park is bonkers. Amazing work.. I'll have a full review soon. Just need to digest everything. This feels so "Disney" and I'm such a fan of that.
To complete a Disney-style park this large, with this level of detail and skill, is amazing. I'm going to have to keep coming back to this for a while to really see everything, there's so much to discover. I'l start by saying I like how well this park is designed for the guests's sight lines, how you can see the plain roofs and backstage stuff only because you're looking at it from overhead.
More in-depth review some time later (probably in a week knowing how much there is to take in here), but this is legitimately one of the best releases in the last few years. It's crazy seeing a park this huge and detailed and crunchy being finished in five months, and this is something I'd expect to be released by one of the big boys. The waterfront, steampunk, Nepal, and Arabian areas are highlights. I would not be surprised if this gets a spotlight, and if your unfinished park doesn't count I have good faith in you to pull a Lagom with this. Incredible work, you're gonna go really far in this community.
It's beautiful... the big mountain, the backstage, the colours, everything is harmonious and pleasant to look at. I think I will spend a lot of time walking around this park.
wow. i'm not going to say this is flawless, because its not---but, the flaws do not matter one bit to me. this is an incredible (totally unexpected) release. and obviously one right up my alley... I am filled with both admiration and jealousy. there is too much good in this park to name it all, so i will try and just name a few bits from each area.
entrance: that waterside seating, ooft. i adore the little cove where the entrance to soarin' and the dark ride sits. bus, lovely, gas station ride, stunning, and the retrofit of tower to a mine shaft is very clever. and a good waterfall too. also, the car park/bus shelter with the boat docked is such a lovey area
aztec: the abandoned boat is killer. making indy a boat ride works wonders, and the mountain with the little drop in the middle is ace, plus that little climbing area.
congo: love the queue layout on those islands. archy is ace and the telephone wires go a long way.
arabia: love the little area with the train, kinda wish you continued that path color throughout. the cramped market street is too good. definitely the best petra attempt i've seen. hotel casablanca itself is astonishing, just a wonderful structure, that bridge and main entrance in particular.
nepal: obviously that excellent mountain, those snowy stones go a long way too. mr mandals facade
america: always thought 80 days would make a great ride, and the entrance foyer with the big windows and art nouveux detailing is perfect. love the storytelling in the coaster, with the collapsed bridge on the launch and queue that wraps around into the factory (preshow?) building. steamboat willy is another excellent ride suggestion, and the area around its entrance, especially that industrial facade, is 2good. also the pier market
in general: every building was excellent, every nook atmospheric, and every area brimming with imaginative details. the realism is also next level, with the backstage and roads (inspired by the real disneysea) almost taking center stage as the highlight of this park. every sightline is exquisitely planned, and at so many points i genuinely thought 'yes, this is exactly how this would have been designed'. fantastic work. the ride design, too, was perfect. I don't wish themed interiors upon anyone, but based on your layouts, you clearly thought it all out very carefully... I just want to see it realized! I don't mind that there's coasters in a disney park, that doesn't seem much worse to me than the idea that disney would build a park in vancouver lol
finally, I can't believe you did this in five months. wtf. thats just unfair
im completely blown away. I really dont know what negative to say about this. The architecture and ride design is perfect. The atmosphere i get when viewing this is perfect. The little details are perfect. It manages both to be very elaborated technically, but also feels very playful and fun. My dude, you created a masterpiece over here.
There are only a few very nitpicky things i would do differently, mainly thinking about some of the color choices. Soarin' for example is a great coaster with a nice moment almost in every corner of the layout, but i wished for a bit more outstanding color for it. The rockwork was incredible in most places, but some LOTR rock usage felt a bit underdeveloped here and there. My eyes sometimes had difficulties to decide whats backstage and whats not.... As said, all i can say negatively here are small nitpicky things i probably shouldnt mention... I cannot judge if this is a realistic disney park or not, im also not really sure if i should care about that..
Generally huge congrats to this, pants! This might be one of my favorite parks of all time. Hearing you built this in 5 months makes me incredibly jealous. Keep it up, dude!
V1 Review 1/100
So since this is not only the 20th anniversary of NE but also (as far as I'm concerned) my 10 year annyversary on the site, I thought it would be a neat idea to simply review the next 100 parks. Let's see if I can do it.
V1 Seal of Approval:
+ Very good Surroundings
+ Great entrance area
+ Mainstreet mostly strong
+ Architecture mostly strong in general
+ Amazing waterfall
+ Amazing mountain
+ Strong landscaping throughout
+ Congo River Basin uses colors well to break off the brown and has good rapids
+ Arabian Peninsula is just overall great. Layout, colors, attractions, it works completely.
+ Kathmandu Valley, again, just delightful
V1 List of Neutrality:
+/- Not a fan of the Blair Mine area, but it's okay
+/- Not too sure about the hotel
+/- Differentiation between World's Fair and American Waterfront is a tad hard for me
V1 Scowl of Disapproval:
- Montreaux du Nord area not very well placed (dead end)
- Some buildings are somewhat awkward, either in placement or architecture (like the tall house in Blair Mine)
- Lost River is very brown in brown, could have used some more pops of color
- Lost River is also a dead end, if I see correctly
- 80 Days Around the World launch out of the station just confuses me
- American Waterfront is a bit lifeless (no outdoor attraction)
V1's Opinion:
This is a really strong park and it clearly showcases your talent. A lot of it is great and even the weaker parts could have easily been made great. I think this is were the short building time is partly coming from: You could have planned and refined the park a bit more to get it to the top top level. However, what truly prevents this to be on the 90%+ level for me is the lack of interiors. I was one of the people who said that cut-away view should never be mandatory, but the issue is that this park has so many indoor attractions, many of the the main attractions of their area, and there is just nothing in there. The danger of building a park with such a style is that without interiors for the attractions areas can seem lifeless.
All in all, it's an incredibly strong debut, probably the best since Lagom, and I can't wait what you'll be doing next. 85%
Thanks everyone for the notes and kind words.
I hear you all loud and clear about parts feeling lifeless. I definitely underestimated the importance of using peeps and staff to build atmosphere. Ditto to the comments left on the last screen I posted before the park's release. Cut to me in a flop sweat reading those, realizing the park was already submitted and I couldn't flesh out the underwater details haha. I'm excited to put those ideas into action in the future.
Congratulations Pants on Spotlight! This park is one hell of an entry as a new player and especially given the fact it's been build in just 5 months time.
I agree with what is said before by others; loving the atmosphere, mountain, architecture, backstage areas etc. It feels Disney. I also liked the drunken CEO jumping around with the van. In terms of feedback, I would have liked some more of those small scenes to give the park a bit more life in all the different area's. Also, though I don't think interiors are mandatory, I did really miss some interiors on the big darkrides and indoorcoaster. Seeing the level of your skills, I'm certain you can make the indoor-area's just as great as the outdoor area's.
For your next park, you could always ask for some members of the community to give some feedback before you post the park. To help you see details (like the underwater details) that you might've missed. Though I was a bit hesitant to do this myself, in my experience, the members in this community are very willing to help out and give constructive feedback.
Best debut score ever?
Congrats on such a great release! This park is a joy to look through.
The opening passage with the flyer, up to the waterfront is my favorite in the whole park. The archy right under the tunnel/ bridge is so great! Throughout the whole park, the view for the peeps must be incredible. Great atmosphere with that.
The dusty section right next to it is so crunchy and good, it looks so good. The 2x2 car rides are super cute. Love the drop tower too. Thats a great high point for the area to draw the peeps. Killer stuff.
GREAT waterfall and surrounding section. That water coaster is great. The other standout section to me is the launched minetrain! Thats so good!
The more i look at this park the more i find to enjoy, and thats a huge marker of a successful art piece to me. congrats on spotlight woO!
I genuinely thought Lagom did but Liseberg only got 85%! Truly something monumental.