Park / Mediteraneo
10-March 09
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5dave 85% Fr3ak 85% geewhzz 80% CedarPoint6 75% chapelz 75% Evil WME 75% FullMetal 75% nin 75% Steve 75% Xcoaster 75% Magnus 70% Milo 70% RCTFAN 70% zodiac 60% posix 45% 73.85% -
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It seems like once you win your first accolade, the next is not far off. In December of 2008, Liviani's Alameda Pier grabbed Silver as Tolsimir’s first NE accolade. The small amusement park on a pier showed his skill and added him to many people’s radar. Combined with his other victories including a September 2008 Road Rally Winner, Maghreb and a victory in the Clockworks Competition, Tolsimir’s Worldtour, it was only a matter of time before he released his next park. Now he presents Mediteraneo, a Zierer Tower Launch Coaster design. Read On...
I heard all the comments got lost. Is there any chance to get them back? I really would like to read them...
I loved the positioning of the dive loop behind the buildings and could imagine actually being there.
Nice to see a non B&M or woodie design too
Although the way everyone seemed to have a yellow shirt and blue hat was disconcerting
There are some who don't like the coaster much, I for love it! I live 5 minutes from Lagoon/wicked. I prefer your layout as compared to wicked's. As Roomie stated, the dive loop has great positioning! The coaster has a very realistic pace for this type of coaster, whether that was intentional or not, nice job on that!
The architecture was great, the only downer for me was the church. I like the stained glass window you put in, but the church as a whole didn't seem to fit in with rest of the town. It seemed to have been built on a different scale, with more full tile objects. I know churches are usually the largest building in a small town... usually in height anyway. Your church could have used just a bit more detail to make it blend in with its surroundings.
I like this design, I usually have a few parks that I like to look at for inspiration as I'm building, and this will be one of them from here on out. I can't pay you any higher compliment than that!
All in all it's a well deserved design and I'm looking forward to your next works.
Xcoaster Offline
I really liked the ride, because it was something special. It was a fresh style compared to other designs. The interaction was really cool, and also the hacks. It was really fun to explore this little design.
The only two things I didn't like were the height change of the monorail and the church, which was too texture-less IMO.
Looking forward to your H2H stuff!
Looking forward to maybe working with you in H2H.
Roomie: Thanks, yeah, maybe it isn't a beemer, beacause I'm just bad in them. Can't do anything against the buying power of the peeps
Sulakke: Well, for me it was really fun building this coaster (sometimes a bit annoying though), and I think it's a very special one, too. Thanks anyway!
Todd: Wow, I feel flattered!
Actually the church is based on deco-blocks so I couldn't use much more textures (by hindsight I would have added some bricks, too...). But thanks!
Fisch: Mate, I already know your opinion!
Xcoaster: Thanks for the words. (I still don't like they abolished the team comments on the pages...)
Dave: Look Todd for the church. For the height change. Well, don't know!
jusmith: Look Todd ^^ I'm not sure wich fence you mean, but I'm also looking forward to working in teams in H2H!
Edited by Tolsimir, 14 March 2009 - 04:40 AM.
First off I want to apologize about losing the comments this park had. I hope whoever commented will be kind enough to repost their comments because this design really deserves them. The site has been a bit hectic lately with H2H5 and our host issues, so it's a bit sad that this is going overlooked.
Overall I thought this design was very well constructed. The coaster selection and design were spot on. It was nice seeing a coaster not done very often and I think we're going to be seeing a lot of these launch towers in the future. I thought it was very atmospheric. Very good architecture & convincing theme. The beach was a great touch aswell as all the little hacks such as the huts, the nicely disguised way of using block brakes and the peepable 4-way tables
As RRP already mentioned the backlot areas were great, especially the train that was getting service. Also the test-seat at the entrance, very nice. The placement of the top-hat in relation to the area was wonderful, from some angles it's against the water and the other by the path as riders fly out of the tunnel, just awesome! The peeps also add so much more to the atmosphere. The sewers are such a nice idea too, I hope we'll be seeing more of that in the future on maps with blacktiles.
There were a few things I thought could be improved. I thought there could have been a bit more detail such as somehow using scenery to represent the white LSM motors on the vertical spike. Some transfer tracks could have done it well, even though it was all indoors. Also with your hacking skills it would have been nice to see more realistic trains like RRP suggested. I had always thought of hacking the zero-car off of the sit down looper if I ever did one of these rides or a Eurofighter. I also think your foliage could use a bit of work, too.
I am very happy to have you on my team. When making my lists of what players I wanted on my team you were one of my "must-haves" and I'm overjoyed to have you and look forward to working with you. The other teams are going to regret it, I just know it. You're an up and coming super-star in the community.