Park / Oh, Shenandoah
01-April 09
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RCTFAN 85% posix 80% CedarPoint6 75% FullMetal 75% zodiac 70% Fr3ak 65% geewhzz 65% Milo 65% chapelz 60% nin 60% 5dave 55% Magnus 55% Xcoaster 55% Evil WME 50% 65.00% -
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i can just imagine being there
reminds me of ireland.....
That backwards train hack was also really well done. Ashame its not peepable in LL
I had to look twice to see it runs backwards. It has some nice buildings. Especially the beginning of the ride looks good.
But... I really think the quality of the new designs that come out on NE is becoming worse. It seems everyone can easily win a design nowadays - too bad.
Anywayz: congratulations!
however, i do not think so. i quite enjoyed it. it was nostalgic and although it was ll i couldn't tell who had made it. great job intamin
I just want to see something different.
About the park, I couldn't witness the atmosphere in game as I don't have LL but the first element was really nice near the waterfall. The layout was very solid and I liked the ride entrance.
disneylhand Offline
I disagree. I think the overall quality of what people are sending inhas increased and because of that we now get more of them.
In my opinion the level required to get a design hasn't gone down. We've just got better at the game and therefore expect a higher level of quality.
For example take a look at My first Design Swamp Fox and compare it to any recent design. In my opinion this is clearly better than Swamp Fox and this just scraped 13.
So if anything the barrier has gone up
I don't disagree that the standard of work has gone up but I believe a design is the best of something we've seen done before. If we give someone a design for a lower level of work it may never encourage us to go beyond this and strive for the better.
The design was very tranquil and beautiful.
If you skipped the readme, the gist of it is that I used to live in Roanoke, Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley. Over the summer i was back in the region and got a fresh glimpse at how peaceful and beautiful it is there- so naturally i wanted to translate that to RCT. I acknowledge that the park isn't mind-blowing or flashy, but I'm glad to see it gave off the intended vibes for some of you. Nice write-up Milo. :]
ozone- thanks. there are a lot of small things you might only notice if you read the write-up
SSSammy- thanks! If you haven't yet, might I suggest a look at natelox's three villages?
roomie- i thought about peeping it but i didn't want this to be a theme park so much as a snapshot that so happened to include a rollercoaster, and I thought that might ruin it. Also, one of the key inspirations is the huge amount of fun that rides like the beast or raven are at night, and i've always wanted to do a night ride backwards. It might be possible to peep a multiple-train-orientation ride in LL but I just didn't feel like the mess.
mozilla- the idea was for the park to sort of fade off into the background, though seeing the overview shot's cropping I think that would have been a better way to go
posix- thanks. Thought you might like it- and the overview shot is lovely, thanks :]
J K- thanks for looking. interesting theory on designs. Personally I believe there's plenty of room for several different kinds of designs.
dlh- thanks! the low score is probably because there isn't a whole lot of quantifiable stuff there- no flats, no other rides, a scattered few buildings. I think the atmosphere makes up for this some, but it isn't a really spectacular design and everyone's perception of 'atmosphere' is different. There's some other details hidden around in game, if you get the chance รด.o
gee- because we encourage that sort of stuffiness here
Edited by ][ntamin22, 02 April 2009 - 12:20 PM.
It's the perfect 'snapshot' as it is, I think by adding peeps it would have ruined the effect.
Wicksteed Offline
As Mozilla said, it was a bit "unfinisched around the edges", I'd have liked it even more, if were a bit more refined, like not having big "holes" in the supporting of the lifthill etc.
But the atmosphere was there anyways, and thats what matters.
So, congrats!
and "strange upstream-flowing water" made me laugh
as for the suggestion about raising the required score, I dont think it would have changed. If I was on the panel, I would first ask myself, id this design worthy? if that is yes, its going to get atleast the minimum score (in this case 13). i then look at the extras to see how high above 13 im going to go. I assume that most on the panel do similar thought process.
Of course this is just an assumption on my part.
Again, congrats on the design.
So I don't believe the overall quality of Designs has gone down because there isn't an overall quality or standard besides what the creator set for himself. The slate is clean from Design to Design or CC to CC or whatever and I ask myself what that one piece of work brought to the table and don't bother comparing to something released yesterday or 5 years ago, at least when considering it for accolade.
To illustrate what I feel, think of the list of Designs (or other accolades) as a line graph that moves up and down based on the quality of work. In my eyes that graph would be full of peaks and valleys not a continuous slope upward that the newest accolade has to "beat".
All that said, I thought that this was Design worthy. What it lacked in substance it made up in a very peaceful atmosphere that managed to be inviting. I could visualize myself flying over that waterfall or waiting in that queue. Good job although I think you can even top this easily.
][, even though I don't have LL, I enjoyed the vibe I got from the screens of this design. You captured that tranquil feeling that you wanted, and the archy is quite good in my book. The coaster looks interesting as well.
This is another step in how recent LL work has gotten me to really enjoy and appreciate the work done in that game a lot more. Keep it up, and I look forward to seeing more work from you.