Park / Holy Ground Of The Dragon
14-April 09
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- Comments 19
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chapelz 85% Katapultable 85% Xcoaster 80% zodiac 80% geewhzz 75% Milo 75% Kumba 70% posix 70% 5dave 65% Magnus 65% nin 65% Fr3ak 60% Evil WME 55% CedarPoint6 50% RCTFAN 40% 68.85% -
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Right off the bat you know that you’re looking at something different. This is clearly not a style we see every day. At New Element we have a large array of players from all over the world including United States, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Brazil, Argentina, Austria, Canada, Finland, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Portugal & Ireland. However this is one of very few we have received from Asia and to be more specific South Korea. FreeRider is now the first Korean parkmaker to garnish a New Element Accolade. Read On...
I thought this was really good. I really like the houses you built around the place. This park contains some good architecture and I really like the natural looks with all those waterfalls.
But the second look I discovered some flaws, for example I didn't like the contrast between the middlehouse and the natural Theming around, but all in all this is innovative and nearly awesome
Greets CheeVa
i think its awesome.
central temple thing is brilliant.
i really hope for more korean parkmakers to show us their work!
downloaded it before, installed WWTT especialy, and it was worth the hassle
the archy was beautiful. the rides were kinda not so great though :/
still, well woth the accolade
Very good work... congratulations FreeRider!!!!
I think the rides are pretty awesome actually...
Congrats an the Accolade! A well deserved win.
FullMetal Offline
I figured I wouldn't see something just as amazing as WWAP or CVTP for a long while.
Guess I was wrong.
Well done.
Hey, wrong again!
I think fantasy could be great, once done with a nice bunch of aesthetics.. This imho didn't have that..