Park / Eftelrama

Which park is better?

  1. Kidderbrook Amusement Park - Minutemen 20 votes [47.62%]
    Percentage of vote: 47.62%
  2. Eftelrama - Alpha Legends 22 votes [52.38%]
    Percentage of vote: 52.38%


This park shares comments with 1 other park(View Park)
  • Six Frags%s's Photo
    I'll post a more in-depth post later, but our park obviously was very rushed... There were quite some errors in it, and the bare land was not really finished.. I like what we managed to do in the short time we had, although it could've been a lot better if we had more time..
    It's pretty obvious who did what in our park, but basically I did the center mountain, coasters and area to the left, and Juan the area on the right (I did the coin horse though :p )

    Thanks for all the reviews guys..

  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    Damn, this was so bloody close . i'm really hurried so i can't say much right now, i wanna thank everybody for the reviews and i must say congratulations minutemen for being part of such a thrilling match. And last but not least, it was great to work with hans and i think he did a great job! btw we all know the coin horse was your idea hans, we get it


    can't wait for next round :)
  • eyeamthu1%s's Photo
    Again - apologies for not voting on this one (see my other post). I would have voted for Eftelrama though - but as the votes suggested, this was such a tight call. I think Kidderbrook was better on a rides front, but the rest of the park was all a bit 'I've seen it all before'... seemed to be playing it safe as it were. Eftelrama's rides weren't as good, but the theming was nice and it felt a little more unique and trying to push the boundaries a bit more... for that reason, I would have voted for Eftelrama.