Park / Eftelrama
27-April 09
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64.00%(required: 60%)
CoasterCreator9 70% Cocoa 70% RWE 70% Xtreme97 70% Jappy 65% saxman1089 65% geewhzz 60% In:Cities 60% Liampie 60% posix 60% Scoop 60% nin 55% 64.00% -
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EDIT: n/m, you didn't post the team names, so I guess it doesn't matter.
120 hours later on the dot
Final Week 1 Standings:
Whzz Kids 1-0
Hurricanes 1-0
Alhpa Legends 1-0
Minutemen 0-1
Elementalists 0-1
Flying Germans 0-1
Edit: Guess I cant qoute the staff off the first post and I was 1 minute off with the post
I know it's not as unique as most parks but my main goal was a high quality park of the max size with only about a month to build. I think we accomplished that pretty well.
A lot of things annoyed me when I was reading this thread but I'll be content with the outcome and not bring up those things individually. Only thing I really want to address is that having the rides not open and the lack of staff to act as peeps was accidental, and I wish it could have been looked over. I mean, three clicks of the mouse opens all rides and thats solved, it probably even helped make sure the coasters wouldn't break down before you viewed them.
Anyway, congratulations Alpha Legends and whomever individually made the park.
I've got a question to the admins:
Is there gonna be something like a poll for the best park of week 1?
Good job, guys!