Park / Greendale
- 04-September 07
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Kumba Offline
So yesterday me and darkfire (Or Tom as I have come to know him) are going over the final details for what we want to do with NE3 and I said that I was hoping to get more parks in, then he's like "Well I have an old park sitting around that is pretty much finished." and he sends me what you see here, a full fledged NE3 Blockbuster park!
Please post your comments below.
yyo Offline
posix Offline
Milo Offline
Anyway, here are some of my thoughts on the areas:
The entrance is nice and the flat is fairly decent. I like the bences hacked into the path and overall it has a nice calm feeling to it. Nothing overly large or fancy and probably would have been quite good for '03.
A Cidade Perdida was a pretty cool area and I like most of what was in it. The main coaster was a little slow over the hills for my tastes but it had a neat winding layout that at first glance is sprawling and ugly but then seems to wind over all the waterfalls and rapids beautifuly. The different rapids courses were a great idea and pulled off prett well although some were a bit too hidden under the coaster to be properly explored. Cobra was a very cool ride with some well done hacks although was a little uninteresting due to it's shortness. I really loved Xingu too and is probably one of my favorite river rides of all time. I live the triple waterfall and all the lifts and how well it interacts with itself. A really cool ride so props for that.
The Destiny area was probably the weakest and my least favorite area although there was still some cool stuff to see. I liked the hacked Tornado ride and the virgina reel tub ride. The invert was nice although nothing really tied the area together which kinda hurt it a bit. I will say I actually agree with Kumba that this could almost be an early Mala type thing (reminds me of that Halloween mini he did) and the invert's setup kinda reminds me of his inverts.
The Seige of the Citadel was a pretty cool area but all the ideas didn't really come together well at all. You had the giant castle and surrounding town under attack which was awesome but a little bit too large. Around that nothing really came together well and I kinda wish you had incorperated the area inside the castle rather than outside the whole thing. The hyper coaster was nice with a really cool layout and the execution was great but some of the hills were a bit too rough on the bottoms imo. Would have been cool to see Nevis pull off one of his layouts with this type of execution and with all the support structures and things. The hacked coaster was cool but a bit too sprawling to look real great. I really enjoyed all the stacked walls and things that made up the castle and the use of objects to make the village at the base.
The Life Cycle (I think that's what it's called) area was pretty neat although a little flat and scattered. The way the large buildings and path was sort of breaking up the jagged land didn't look real great but you pulled off some cool things. The coaster was crazy but pretty well done for such a unique and limited coaster choice. The large structures were cool, especially the ones with the wooden track rooves that looked like hangars. Evolution was a neat ride that I liked quite a bit. The thing you did with the lift supports was great.
Overall it was a cool park that sort of rode the line between serious theme concepts and that old school "for fun" relaxed feel. It was really fun to look at and there is a lot more than meets the eye thanks to your hacking ability. Great job and it's great to have this released. If you have any more old things, please release them now .
RCTCA Offline
I loved everything in it. Especially the hyper;)
Keep it up!
Edited by RCTCA, 08 September 2007 - 11:09 AM.
Ride6 Offline
The coasters for the most part really entertained me though; they're uneven, and off-kilter risk-taking qualities are dearly missed as they were so common just a few years ago and are now as rare as volunteers for the Marines. Basically I loved the coaster because they were actually interesting to watch, rather than following the set formulas for any layout they charge around sometimes aimlessly searching for something fresh. It's a beautiful thing and it's exemplified in The Last Crusade; aka: the most epic coaster in recent LL history. The layout is a tad longer than I think was beneficial; however, the support and box-track are the best I've ever seen. The spirit of the real Intamin hypers has never before been so well represented in rct. For that and the parks many other tracked and twisted creations, I thank you.