Park / Oakland Adventures
01-January 21
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59.00%(required: 50%)
Cocoa 70% CoasterCreator9 65% robbie92 65% RWE 65% ][ntamin22 65% Jaguar 60% csw 55% Liampie 55% posix 55% Xtreme97 55% chorkiel 50% Scoop 50% 59.00% -
Welcome to Oakland Adventures! This is a theme park that has been constructed with an attempt to achieve a 1990s vibe with older yet still intriguing roller coasters. Join us on the newly constructed steel hyper coaster, hang out on the shore and pier, or visit one of our outlandish restaurants!
The overall idea with this project was to improve by building more dense and be more bold with different building styles. While I don't think I achieved everything I wanted to do, I'm satisfied enough with the end result.
There's a few custom objects included in this build that with hindsight maybe I could have cut out. I plan on going full NCSO for future projects. -
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Very solid. Big Morgan/Arrow (?) as an entrance feature is always great.
I think other than adhering to realism your park making could look "prettier". Would encourage you to explore aesthetic value more apart from referential accuracy.
A solid release to start the year. I would definitely say this is one of the better approaches on NCSO realism we've seen on this site. I agree with posix about the Arrow coaster, i also give you extra points for including a nice looking buchtknoten turn on that one. I also thought that the overall foliage, architecture and landscaping quality was what i would get when i look for solid rct in the dictionary. Only a few design choices you've made like the sea of path i the parking area or the boring quadratic overall layout of the park seemed weird to me.
I think for future projects i would advise you to try more to break the boundaries. There is a lot of potential. Your rct feels like a soup without spice. Add that to your next project and it will go beyond the 'solid' into the realms of 'awesome' and 'amazing'. Keep it up!
This was really enjoyable to look at! Great work. The Arrow/Morgan hyper was nicely done.. really enjoyed the layout and your support work. Definitely a highlight with how it is such a feature of the park. The ride selection is a bit interesting with the addition of the Togo twister.. really cool to see that. The log flume's last drop into a tunnel under the path was cute.. reminded me a bit of Splash Mountain.
Only thing a tad lacking was the archy in places. Bit generic at times.. would've been nice to see a bit more detail perhaps? And wasn't a fan of the suspended monorail. Train would've been nicer imo.
Either way, looking forward to more NCSO from ya!
There was something about this that felt enjoyably classic, like I got the same feelings and happiness out of this that I did with parks like Six Flags Hoosier Station back in the day. Just really solid and classy work with this, and I can't wait to see more from you.
I found this really charming. Great life and energy with all the peeps, traffic, jetskis. I enjoyed the full-circuit ultratwister and thought the coaster layouts were all pretty solid, with the highlight being how much path interaction you stuffed in. Moments like the wooden coaster's over-under or the log flume turnaround tunnel are great.
this park is great. it gave me such an immediate feeling of rollercoaster tycoon, that sort of unexplainable magical feeling. its harder to recreate than you'd think. sort of like when you're a kid, loading up some of the more impressive scenarios.
of course, the park is good too. especially the layouts- I love the morgan, the woodie, and the togo ultratwister. great stuff. I probably gave the park a higher rating than I should have, but I think it ended up with more or less the accolade score it deserves. keep them coming!
RaunchyRussell Offline
There was a lot to like about this park. Great classic feel, overall good ride collection, with Ultratwister being my fav, the setting, simple archy, ect. Keep up the good work, hope to see more ncso parks in the future from you!
'grats, buddy. You know how I feel about this - 1% off Silver, not bad at all!
This was really delightful, has the spirit of classic NCSO stylings in buckets and feels somewhat like an evolution of standard scenario play but with newer tricks included. I really liked the ride line-up, great work on the Morgan layout and supports, and the Ultra Twister felt fresh but not out of place. The GCI was neat but perhaps had too many large hills for that ride type. Liked the beachfront a lot, didn't notice the trick with the sand at first which was great, and I really liked the shaping of the landscape here. I also really enjoyed the style of the ghost train castle; a nice amount of detail without being over layered. I think the flowers were a little overused in the foliage, some more open mowed grass would have benefitted the atmosphere you were going for I think, but overall this was pretty solid.