Park / Broken castle
25-December 20
- Views 2,010
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- Comments 7

53.00%(required: 50%)
Jaguar 60% posix 60% bigshootergill 55% CoasterCreator9 55% In:Cities 55% RWE 55% Xtreme97 55% Liampie 50% nin 50% Scoop 50% chorkiel 45% Cocoa 45% 53.00% -
My first park
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this park is certainly very strange, I'm not sure what to make of it! some nice pieces, like that large grey stone bridge. and a lot of weird, haphazard structures and unusual layouts. cool to see more korean stuff on here!
Not bad of a first park. I really like some of the architecture and ideas you've put into this. Also the coaster layouts definitely have a strange, but sometimes also - because of their uniqueness - interesting look to them.
A thing i'm not really keen of are the color choices in this park, they sometimes feel a bit random and unfitting to me. I also think that the composition and the foliage could have been worked on a bit more.
Interested to see if were going to see more from you!
This is actually pretty interesting. A lot of aspects can be quite basic; such as the foliage and overall path layout, but the rides and architecture are very unique and interesting. With some refinement I think this could be an impressive semi-fantasy style of parkmaking.
I really like the interesting map layout, with a hilly ridge running down the middle and a lot of water - makes for some unique interesting setting. Execution wasn't great, but it came together as a whole quite well. Nice park!
You definitely have a creativity gene, very well done for your first park. You should nice variety of rides, themeing and landscapes (creating some nice mixtures of foliage, water features such as the corner waterfall etc). While there are some ways to improve your skills, this park screams to me that you have a lot of unlocked potential.
Perhaps a quick tip for your next park: try to avoid building so many really long straight pathways and make the paths more interesting with booths/stalls/fountains/gardens etc.
Great first release, well done Rezz!
Welcome! I really enjoyed this park. Some excellent ideas and interactions. Nice work overall - the uniqueness of this is something to be celebrated.
I hope that you continue to build and submit more parks in the future.
took a long time but congrats on the bronze!