Park / The Dwarven Kingdom
- 29-August 20
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Jaguar 85% In:Cities 75% Jappy 70% CedarPoint6 65% CoasterCreator9 65% Xtreme97 65% chorkiel 60% geewhzz 60% posix 60% Scoop 60% RWE 55% Liampie 50% 63.50% -
I made this some time ago for DKMP Morgan's contest. Its heavenly based on some of Tolkiens work in his LOTR and The Hobbit movies like Erebor and Moria. FUn fact: The mountain reaches the absolute max height that Openrct has to offer.
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ottersalad Offline
Impressive sculptures.. damn. How did you do the detailing at the top of the castle? Zoomed out? You have a talent for castle building and architecture. The Morgan though is sort of an after thought here.. but does offer impressive views of the giant dwarf? statues.
In:Cities Offline
good lord dude you're insane haha. love this
Jaguar Fan Offline
This is something that the community needs to see more of... it's beautiful and immersive and just very, very impressive. I love massive-scale projects like this.
Some of the best macro-work I've seen out of any park. Those dwarf sculptures with the coaster beards and window eyes are extremely creative. This is certainly something with a lot of talent and artistic imagination. My only complaint is that at two angles, the mountain looks like this giant brown cone that obscures the park, but that's not really something that can be helped.
The castle is very nice, but I also dig the outskirts... the waterfall is reminiscent of Old Red's stuff, and the earth-roof houses and fort is very pretty as well.
It almost feels like there's some worldbuilding in here as well, stylistically and thematically it looks as if it takes place in the same universe as your Kingdom of Dolmarian submission.
FK+Coastermind Offline
As a practice in world building, this is incredible. The sculptures and the scale are so impressive, and you've really managed to make something so distinct and unique in rct. It also has an incredible sense of drama, and I love drama and over-the-top fantasy, which this gave me.
The only thing that holds this back for me was that it was missing a bit of depth. It was gorgeous but once you moved beyond the scale and impending height, it didn't have a lot to explore or dig into. The coaster feels a bit tacked on because it doesn't interact with the castle or mountains at all. And while the scale was incredible, it's odd to have a focal point (top of the mountain) impossible for people to see up close.
But, I provide that criticism with a grain of salt. This to me is rct art and I love to see such interesting and fantastical world building. I think beginning to take this style and fold in more details, more things for peeps and viewers to explore, will move this from a great concept to a great park. Congrats on the release!
Mulpje Offline
Mulpje Offline
Liampie Offline
I'm not the biggest fan of this. Zoomed out, it looks fantastic. But zoomed in, I agree with FK. I also thought it was strange that of all things, a dwarf theme was done with such an exaggerated scale. Are you sure this is not a city for giants? If you shrunk everything by a factor of 2, and if you embedded the rides better, I think I would like it a lot more.
Still, in the end, it's good RCT. The giant dwarf (lol) sculptures are definitely very cool.
In:Cities Offline
I mean, in the tolkien books/movies, the dwarves built massive structures haha. Although mostly underground. Still makes sense though.
Love it
Jappy Offline
Really like how the sculptures and macro came out of this, but the micro was a bit lacking IMO and the coasters didn't do much with the surroundings apart from just being there. Could be better, but still hella impressive! This must've taken some time to make.
Xtreme97 Fan Offline
Totally agree with Jag here, I love to see more of this stuff - it's seriously impressive and I have a soft spot for megastructure sized things like this as well. The two stone statues at the entrance to the castle are standouts, and the overall composition of the castle from afar is brilliant, with the towers peeking out of the mountain. The Tolkien inspiration is clear and as a big fan I really admire the effort here.
Unfortunately, the castle steals a lot of focus and the coaster plays a secondary role on the map, where I feel like it could have been better integrated to create more of a storyline perhaps. I also think a good point has been raised about the zoomed in view, where the structures seem absurdly large even for the fantasy setting. Despite that, I really liked the overall colour scheme and composition of the castle, and the windmill on the outskirts was pretty cool as well. The coaster layout was nice, perhaps too grounded in standard realism compared to the setting but it's fine enough.
Cocoa Offline
holy shlamoley this is big. not sure the murky brown color works wonders but i can appreciate the construction on the whole. the coaster almost doesn't make sense at all- would have loved a bit more integration into the dwarven fortress. the statues are the highlight for me. huge1
wheres_walto Offline
Just discovered this, absolutely love it. You pulled off a super rare grandness with your scale. The sculptures are a clear winner, I was also quite impressed with the wooden fenced area and bridge. Feels very much like a mid-2000's park in style and object use, but super modern with the level of detail and thoughtfulness