Park / Vertigo Views
18-July 20
- Views 1,804
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- Comments 3

An large coaster capitol amusement park that first opened in 1960 in Arlington near Dallas Texas as it became a World Class Record Breaking Thrill Rides within years by! And this one was my very first large amusement park that i built! Many inspirations come from Six Flags Magic Mountain Great America Great Adventure & many others Kings Island Alton Towers Drayton Manor & Hershey Park! The largest amusement park in Texas with the most roller coasters! Also I couldn't keep the prebuilt arrow hyper coaster here cause it kept on crashing & I rebuilt it & the ratings kept going red bad to intense & ended up demolishing it anyways! Well here is my Vertigo Views!
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A park by you that isn't a total spaghetti mess would actually be interesting I think. Decrease the amount of coasters by a factor of 10, wide paths and more open foliage, and people will actually be able to enjoy your layouts because they're definitely not as bad as you manage to make them look anyway. Maybe it can be a kind of collaboration.
I think Liam has a good point over here. I think you show off some not bad layouts here and there, the careless tree and object spam is really destroying it tho. Maybe try something smaller where you care more about each individual thing you place for your next project.
i guess your eclectic historical inspiration and spaghetti maps do indeed make you a history freak. I suppose if someone could build this irl it would be a magnificent surreal experience to visit