Park / Frontier Oasis
- 27-May 05
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"My first full-scale solo that simply went unfinished. It has one of the best-themed splash boats I’ve ever built called Tlaloc’s Temple. The park turned into a collabo effort with Panic and Loopy, but it died out and was ultimately released unfinished on the NE forum."
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JKay Offline
Well, as much as I am against releasing unfinished work, this particular park was doomed from the get go. Its extremely outdated now, being over 1 1/2 yrs old and certainly will never be finished. It represents my first full-scale RCT2 solo that really got me interested in parkmaking. Its also the first major park I advertised on NE (unless you count Alpine Acres, but I really dont). My favorite area (and definitely the highlight of the park) is the themed splash boats area in the middle, Tlalocs Temple.
I spent about 8 months working on this park until i really started to lose motivation, which is when I began offering other people to pickup work on it. Loopy accepted the offer about a year ago and began working on it. I didnt hear from him for several months months. Meanwhile, I figured he had abandoned it, so I allowed Panic to work on it. Panic began building an Aegean-type area and re-designed the woodie. Shortly thereafter, Loopy sent me the park back with a urban-type area he did. Unforntunately, we ended up scrapping Loopy's area and Panic kept working. After awhile, Panic lost some motivation and asked if I would take the park back. I accepted and decided to re-vamp the hotel. I worked on it for maybe a total of 5 hours. I then contacted Loopy once again and he agreed to give it a try again. I sent him the park appoximately 3 months ago with no word on its status. For all I know, he has completed the park (god, i hope not). Eitherway, I'm tired of waiting for him and just want to release this thing. The park does have a little sentimental value to me, which is why I'm releasing it unfinished. So Loopy, if you do have the park STOP WORKING ON IT. lol. Anyway, now I give you Frontier Oasis...
Park page on RCTF w/ screens
Thread in Ad District w/ more screens
Enjoy. Comment if you like.
Big thanks goes out to Panic and Loopy for trying to keep this park alive.
Thanks to Six Frags for the logo.
inVersed Offline
Roberto Roboparks Offline
BTW: I love the logo!
jon Offline
Meh, I never got much done and I lost my file of it anyways. Looks good and it's great to see it again.
CoasterForce Offline
It was interesting to look at though...but obviously outdated.
Tom_Dj Offline
Ride6 Offline
Basically the center island will always look completly amazing because it's colors work so wonderfully, the rest of the park is pretty bad for the most part, there were a few spots (like that large blue and white building) that were quite excellent but not enough.
Now lets see you do much better.
trav Offline
Parts of it were outdated, badly, such as the buildings just outside of the park and the area that used alot of green. I did like the bit of hotel you had though, and the island in the middle, Panics area was nice as well.
But was it just me or did the Ghost Train have a ride time of 465 minutes?