Park / Moroverden
11-May 08
- Views 7,345
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- Comments 20

69.00%(required: 60%)
Liampie 85% CedarPoint6 75% CoasterCreator9 75% G Force 75% RWE 75% geewhzz 70% saxman1089 70% Cocoa 65% csw 65% bigshootergill 60% posix 60% Scoop 55% 69.00% -
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what you want to put more attention to in my opinion is ride design. the coasters don't really shine and they're not realistically convincing.
@Posix: Why didn't you like the rides? What should I improve?
Yeah I do understand, but what exactly is unrealistic?
-The transfer track wasn't lined up totally.
-The negative G's would take the air out of your stomach going over that air time hill before the loop.
-The pre-lift and coming off the lift hill were strange. (Look at a real Schwarzkopf coaster and you see none of them do that.)
-Seven cars would have been more realistic for this type of coaster.
Over all I really did like the park and enjoyed opening it and watching the peeps go on the rides. Just work on your coasters if your going for a realistic style. Well done.
hopefully a rapidshare link works for you.
Kevin Enns Offline
I love this park, it's one of my favorites. Love the little details.
Thanks for all your comments!