Park / Tonto Map

Vote for the best section

  1. Fifle Goes West 1 vote [3.57%]
    Percentage of vote: 3.57%
  2. Lara's Pandaoras Box 0 votes [0.00%]
    Percentage of vote: 0.00%
  3. The Mummy 7 votes [25.00%]
    Percentage of vote: 25.00%
  4. Hook 4 votes [14.29%]
    Percentage of vote: 14.29%
  5. The Shining 14 votes [50.00%]
    Percentage of vote: 50.00%
  6. Hercules 2 votes [7.14%]
    Percentage of vote: 7.14%
  7. *One*Eyed*Willy* 0 votes [0.00%]
    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

23 Comments PARK LOCKED

  • Thecandyman%s's Photo
    Hi guys! First post here at NE, it seems to be a great place, but w/e. I enjoyed the shining because it was original and had nice colors.
  • Nu11%s's Photo
    The Shinning is pretty sweet, probably one of the best maps I've seen in a while, even though I just joined the forums, I've been seen countless other maps, many of which sucked. But out of all those choices The Shinning is probably the best.
  • JBruckner%s's Photo

    It just bugs the hell out of me when 4D coasters don't rotate the seats. I see it a lot actually. That's the point of the 4D rides! If the seats don't rotate it's essentially a flying coaster with less track options. It's not a raven wing if the seats don't turnover during the half loop - it's just a half loop. The seat rotating is part of the inversion. You guys were under a strict time limit so I can understand why that wouldn't get done - but I think it's an essential part of the coaster not a last minute detail. I know it's a pain to work out the rotations, I've done 4D's before. Just watch the coaster when you test it, trial and error until you figure it out.

    I voted for the Shining. It had some really nice details throughout. The Mummy was nice but comparing that area to The Shining, the Shining was better because there was so much more there. The Mummy probably would have won it for me if there was more there, but I'm voting on what I see not what I anticipate I would have seen had it been finished.

    Ed, point well said.
    I think that you need to take into mind that with this contest time was limited, and people didn't have the time to tinker with it.
    I for on am happy that the people who built Hook, Mummy, and Shining spent a little bit more time on themeing than rides.
    Anyways, happy voteing.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    The Shining is pulling away. i give it the win. now to the final, and a reveal of the builders. (in a new Poll topic)

    please un-pin and close this.

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