Park / Snowdrift
15-February 09
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Edit: looking at it i found ONE thing that i might complain about IF im in a bad mood.
i wouldnt be too thrilled to be going through them corkscrew on the Intamin launch at those speeds. thast all.
Edited by SSSammy, 15 February 2009 - 07:00 PM.
Frozen Mountain (the little Schwarzy) was a pleasant surprise because it blends so beautifully with it's surroundings. The queue for the GCI was brilliantly done, almost entirely in-doors yet visible from the outside. And the buildings, often quite large, pull off their scale effortlessly. Always looking completely natural. The Bobsled was refreshing just because it's a coaster type we next-to never see anymore and it was pulled off very well.
The landscaping and foliage though, are what really set this park apart. I felt enveloped by the sense that the park was honestly set in a mountain environment that somehow still had flowing water along with the snow and ice. It felt like October or November, or maybe March/April... Those times when everything is still frozen but it's still warm enough to enjoy somehow (we're talking about the great white north, or the very-high altitudes here).
Beautiful work.
I thought the ski slopes were well done although messed with the flow a bit. That big of a corner kinda made the whole thing feel slightly cramped. Apart from that no complaints... which isn't suprising considering this was made by you two.
no matter what, i like how you've finished a project from the past. that is always a good thing. and it's hard. i tried that a few times but never managed to.
SSSammy-- Thanks. To your complaint, yeah, it's a bit fast... it was hard to get a layout that worked in there. I think that was version 8 or 9 or whatever. Also, it's a Gerstlauer, not Intamin.
Ride6-- Most of what you mention is all because of Dave-- he really made the park what it was in terms of atmosphere. The 3 big coasters are where my pride sits-- I must say, I do like how they turned out.
zodiac-- Glad you like it. The original coasters were both mine, and I just decided I really didn't like them. The Intamin had a decently cool dueling aspect, but in the end, it was very spread out and just didn't have a layout that I was satisfied with. So I went for some more compact coasters and a better park layout instead.
Milo-- I appreciate the comments. I understand what you mean about what that open space does to the rest of the area. Ideally, this park would've been a bit bigger so we could've done some proper slopes with ski lifts and all that. It might have balanced it a little bit more. Our main problem was that we just had a lot of ideas, but not too much room!
posix-- I understand where you're coming from with the whole cramped thing. See my above comment for more on that. I'm glad it's finished now. It's always more fuel to finish new projects.
Thanks again, looking forward to hearing more.
I also wanted to mention that this park is certainly a perfect example everything that's gone wrong and right with H2h. It's clearly too much to finish for a round in the game, which is what makes it a good example of what went wrong, but at the same time it's beautiful, atmospheric, has memorable rides, and "feels" unique; which is everything good. So I don't know where I stand.
But it's a beautiful piece of work none-the-less.
great park, no complaints; maybe a bit to close everything, posix already mentioned it.
Overall, this is perhaps the best winter version park I have seen. Well done and I look forward to seeing more from both of you.
The log flume has a perfect interaction, like all the other rides! Great!
A really good park, congrats for gold!
First things first - this got released at an awful time for me lol - I had just started a new park based within a ski resort, thinking that it might offer something unique, and literally, a week later, I receive this to vote on! Needless to say, I abandoned my park on the basis that a) the 'niche' was no longer there, and
I gave it a 17/20. For the most part, I loved what was there, and couldn't fault it - and as mentioned, it's nice to see something different. The theming, scenery, architecture and atmosphere are all almost second to none. Having just started a mountain-based park, I quickly realised how difficult it is to integrate the park and rides together with the mountain terrain, without making the whole thing seem 'forced'. In Snowdrift, you don't for one moment think it's forced - you deserve a lot of credit for that.
As well as the perfect integration with the landscaping, I thought the foliage and theming was spot on. The foliage is hard to get right in a winter themed park, but again, you hit the nail on the head here. Theming is also great, and instantly conveys the mountain/Swiss style you've adopted. With regard to other scenery, the detailing was wonderful, and likewise was unforced. Sometimes, I think people over-detail stuff for the sheer hell of it - just to show they can add in copious levels of detail. Here though, all the details are necessary and suitable for the theme; all really add something. The cuckoo for instance is ingenious.
In the read-me, it says 'I like doing coasters that aren't seen too often in the game'. Good. Me too. I like how you've intentionally tried to distance yourselves from the norm and do something a little different. Best example of this is the Gerstauler coaster. First of all, this deserves credit for the hacking that allows it to run in Block Brakes mode. This hacking is a pain to do, but IMO really adds something to the ride and park... and it should get more credit than it does. Lots of people are lazy and just skip the hacking by putting the ride in Boat Hire Mode or only run it with one train or whatever - so it's nice to see that you've gone the extra mile to make this thing work properly. Like mentioned in the read-me, this is the first time I've seen a launched Gerstauler in RCT, and I think you've done a great job. It works well with the terrain and fits well into a small space, whilst still delivering as a ride.
Whilst not as unique as the Gerstauler, the GCII deserves some praise. LOVE the interaction around the station, with the fly-thru and bridge. The ride also packs a hell of a lot into a tight space, which you don't really realise until you run the ride and see just how long it lasts. I liked the Bobsleigh and Schwarzkopf, though I don't think they packed nearly as much into their layouts as the other two coasters, and they didn't interest me near as much. That said, a Bobsleigh coaster layout is pretty hard to get right anyway.
The Flume was nice, and I really liked all the other snow attractions - the ski run (plus kids' area) and sledges were cool. However, this is where I come to the reason why I didn't score it even higher than 17/20. I felt there was even more you could do - I was left wanting more! There are plenty of other unique snow attractions and rides that could go in.
Granted that you're using a small H2H map and it's already crammed, but the whole thing just left me wanting more. I wanted more, different rides. Indeed, the number of rides is actually quite small as it is, so it shows just how good the archy/detailing/theming is, that that can keep you engrossed in the park for so long. So whilst I can't really fault what was on the map, I didn't score it higher because it left me wanting more. This is by far the best snow-themed park I've seen, it would just be nice if it was bigger with a bit more to it, as I feel that with this concept, there's scope for even more unique rides and attractions. As I say though, I couldn't really fault what was on the map; a really REALLY great park, and an awesome job.
Looking at the park now, it really is very small. But Brian and me included all the ideas we wanted for the park. Sure - many of them could be executed better with more space. I looked at our idea-list again and we were able to include all we wanted.
And the answers show that Brian and I really complement to some excent. The coasters were all from him and most of the details were included by me.
@Alex: Sorry we leapfrogged (?) you, but I'd still love to see your park. Every rct2 park is different and I bet you had some wonderful ideas for that one!
Anyway... to the stuff from after my first post. I'll try not to ramble too much, I promise!
RRP: That little queue bridge thing was the first part of the GCI I made. I think that came out quite well... I think it would be a cool effect from the peeps point of view. Landscaping around the Gerstlauer, I could probably agree with. I wanted to keep it relatively simple and open, but I could definitely see some more ice and rock formations or whatever. I think by the time we got to that point (that was the last ride to get built), we just wanted to finish and get it released!
RCTNW: Winter parks are interesting, in that it seems everybody tries one at some point and then realizes all the problems associated with them. Throughout the building of this, I couldn't help but think about how this works (or doesn't) realistically with the snow some places and dirt others, and just trying to get the with/without snow foliage right. I think it came out pretty well, but there's always stuff to think about when building with it.
Yannik: Thanks! Much appreciated.
Eyeamthu1: Wow, huge review-- thanks for spending the time to do that. I enjoyed reading it. Like Dave said, I hope you can keep going with that winter park... I'd like to see a different style applied to the theme. The unique coaster thing has always been one of my favorites. I love doing things people don't do so often. That's one of the coolest parts of RCT. Glad to see you like that as well. And like dave said, we tackled most of the ideas we initially put together. It would've been great to have more space for ski slopes and all that, but we were always restricted by the size.
I really appreciate the comments so far. Thanks very much!
All I can say is that this park is beautiful in many different ways. It's unique, fascinating, detailed, and aethestically pleasing as well. It reminds me of why I like both of you as parkmakers, your wonderful realism and details. I enjoy Brian's work on the coasters and the mountain areas. It's simple and functional, yet Dave's valley area is astounding as well. The sheer detail and forms in the architecture is brilliance, and once again reminds me why his signature is really that big...
This is one of my favorite releases lately. You both conveyed a unique theme extremely well and executed it perfectly. As inspiration goes, maybe I should revive that ski resort I wanted to make...
Thanks guys. Releases like this keep me, the community, and the game going...
Edited by robbie92, 19 February 2009 - 06:58 PM.