17-June 20
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"Here begins your journey to a mysterious kingdom,
Fantasy theme custom scenario.
I hope you guys have fun with it!
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The theming leaves something to be desired, the WWTT scenery objects for example look awful and it doesn't look right that you're using RCT2 pirate ships alongside fully custom, well done flying airships. That said, this map is so cool. Quite fun to explore, and the few settlements you included are as well composed as the map as a whole. I love that mini Minas Tirith! I know you're not into detailing your work further, but I recommend using objects that fit into the game aesthetics better.
Also, this is up there as one of the very best looking aerials ever. Everything that you could consider a flaw with this map, looks great from afar.
Thank you for feedback! I definitely agree, that some made of custom objects next to the other made of basic objects could seem unaesthetic. Maybe I was little bit lazy to make a new ship, leaving the one which already provided. If there was a basic airship object, I would use it, too. XD BTW, what is WWTT? I've never heard of it before, guessing they're wacky world and time twister?? Are they considered bad options to use here??
Yep, the expansions. Not very popular around here. EDIT: although I generally agree with CC9 below.
Really loved this, and it's truly one of the best aerials on the site. The shapes in the landscaping just feel so organic and you've done some excellent work with the airships (that I also wish you had carried over to the water ones). As Liam says, this was a blast to explore and I'd argue some of the expansion use was justified (especially the mangrove tree which looks lovely). I also think you managed to utilise some of the 'tropes' of fantasy parkmaking rather nicely, such as with the floating islands. Can't wait for your next work.
Only because they don't really "match" the other objects that much. Still some interesting things being done with them at times though.
I like this a lot, I do agree with Liam though - I'd love to see more custom airships and other such things, that extra level of detail in such an incredible landscape would be amazing.
wow, this is very cool. maybe on the most 'macro' parks on the site. theres a lot of really amazing things here, rendered in an inconsistent level of detail, but I don't really care, because the composition is awesome. high fantasy at its best
Composition of this is great as others have said... I really like how it looks especially around the water features. The setting of this just feels huge, despite being on a medium sized map, and it demonstrates a lot of great macro-skill as usual.
Really a cool, whimsical, high fantasy map. I do like the airships a lot, especially with their detailing, whereas most of the scenery use here is kind of sparse, but it's interesting how you can create these worlds with such a limited use of objects.. Also, I can appreciate the use of argonath scenery.
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