I really like that screen, the frisbee is well done and Colossos looks awesome. Could you show more of the Layout next time?
But I´m like liampie I don´t like the farmlands
I think the coaster itself could benefit more from a tunnel, like GCI or the Intamin ones, Think Balder, on the 30* hill in the back of the screen. Everything else looks very nice, maybe some flowers to? I think colour is really lacking in the last screen.
^ No. The first and second is very good and reflects your new style but I think the last has fallen into your old habits. The surface seems too flat and that's the main problem.
But I´m like liampie I don´t like the farmlands
@MCI: Any tips how to improve them? Thanks anyway.
And I won't show more of the layout, I got some feedback from RRP, prodigy & Colorado-Fan and they liked it.
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downloads: 23
Not sure oif this image is legit, but liam I'm sorry to say that your wrong
I really like this excect for the base block you put over the hole in the support for another track to go thru. Perhaps you could use something else?
@LOEA: Thank you, too.
Dotrobot, stop spamming my topic please. Thanks!
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