Park / Heide Park


  • turbin3%s's Photo
    Unfinished release:

    Attached File  PARK.SV6 (552.14KB)
    downloads: 36


    Attached File  PARK_EXP.SV6 (6.81MB)
    downloads: 35


    After visiting Heide Park a few weeks ago, I was really inspired to build something, which is based on it. I took a lot of pictures and tried to translate them into RCT. I'll take the same themes as real Heide Park in my own park. :)
    The park's sizes is 110x110 and I hope I can finish it. If I ran out of motivation I'll black out a part of it and then I have a smaller park. :p

    Here are three pictures of it:

    Attached File  SCR169.png (126.98KB)
    downloads: 206

    Attached File  SCR173.png (90.09KB)
    downloads: 210

    Attached File  SCR174.png (70.79KB)
    downloads: 172

    Comments are welcomed. :)
  • J K%s's Photo
    I don't like the bright yellow flowers as they don't look nice. The second screen is your best architecture yet and I love the small touches you've added to give the theme park vibe some depth.
  • F0ndue%s's Photo
    So if this will be a park like Heidepark,I hope ou make a Inta Prefab and a Inta Rocket(hopefully better than Desert Race)and don`t forget a dive coaster. ;) I really like that idea,I`ve been to Heidepark a half year ago,my fav is Collosos(rode it 5 times):D
  • posix%s's Photo
    I really applaud you for doing this. I would suggest not to translate anything. Why would you? So that the audience of NE can better appreciate your park? I think that greatly takes away from the "build for yourself" aspect. Sure, hardly anyone ever builds 100% for himself, but I think by not translating you can have an easy way towards building more for yourself.
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    @ JK: Thanks, I already changed them. :)
    @ ass: I already built a dive machine for the pirate section. Thanks. :p
    @ posix: Translate was maybe the wrong word, I'm not sure how to express it though lol, but thanks. ;)
  • Goliath123%s's Photo
    Now this i am eager to see. It looks very similar to the real Heide park, but not to similar, when you showed the first screen i thought realism fantasy so idk if thats bad but anyway the architecture is very nice and i cant wait for more man!
  • Austin55%s's Photo
    Thats really nice looking, your architecture makes me jealous everytime you put up a screen of it :) I hope you include some other Heide park coasters and maybe that new dive machine.
  • F0ndue%s's Photo
    Cool,Turbin really looking forward for this park,and the new coaster as well,may I catch a chance to visit Heidepark next year.
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    Thanks Goliath. No reason to be jealous, Austin. :p
    The new diving machine will be included, just another layout.
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    I really love the atmosphere you've created in these screens! Keep up the great work!
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    Thanks Fizzix.

    Anyone able/interested to do a few merges/invisible hacks while construction?
    Would be really nice. :)
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    over here.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    I just hope you don't get bored with this like you have a tendancy to do with larger projects...
    This is outstanding stuff and I hope you can keep this up.
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    Thanks Sammy and BelgianGuy, I don't hope so either :p
  • h3r3stheKrak3n.%s's Photo
    Another park I can't wait for.

    Ich bin wahnsinnig gespannt, was du daraus machst, der Anfang ist der Hammer =)
  • turbin3%s's Photo
    Danke. :p


    KRAKE - New in 2011

    Posted Image

    Germany's first Diving machine!
  • F0ndue%s's Photo
    Sehr schön,sieht der Kopf ist aber ein wenig eckig und überproportioniert,als Zähne könntest du doch Knochen verwenden,die bigt es einreihig als halftile glaub ich.

    Very nice work,but a bit blocky.
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    The octopuss could use some longer limbs, I think. Looks nice!
  • h3r3stheKrak3n.%s's Photo
    @ Live on earths ass. Solche Tiere haben einen Schnabel, den man, wenn man den kraken so wie hier als Gesicht darstellt, nicht gut machen kann denke ich.

    And the limbs really could be longer, make them gigantic. :D
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    looks like Precious with tentacles.

    otherwise, its nice:]

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