Park / Subzero
- 16-April 03
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- Comments 6
"Subzero is an Intamin hyper coaster built up somewhere in the northern part of the world and had to be extra enforced with supports because of high winds. The ride never goes below 40 mph when riders are on it, and it has I think 5 major airtime moments. This was a runner-up pro design on RcPro to slob's Black Bellamy's Revenge, and again I think this is the only place you can find it because I think RcPro took away their pro design section last time I looked."
- Phatage on his parkmaker page - No fans of this park
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Liampie Offline
This thing is awesome.
G Force Offline
Thought I recognized this from RcPro, definitely has that style to it. But yeah this is pretty cool, especially the supports.
CoasterCreator9 Offline
Great layout, pretty amazing for 2003. Scenery hasn't aged super well but that layout top notch.
nin Offline
Used to be a big fan of this. It hasn't aged too well, but the thought behind it's setting and structure are really cool.
Camcorder22 Offline
Although the foliage is weak (why not use at least some of the NCSO snow trees if the entire ground is ice?) I've kept coming back to this when working on my park for the layout and the support job, which actually has a lot of attention to detail.
wheres_walto Offline
Stumbled across this randomly, it's definitely aged but I'm still really impressed with the structural details and support design