Park / Colorbomb

Park_480 Colorbomb


  • Liampie%s's Photo
    My personal goal in this park was to make an area look interesting without using too many different colours. Also, I tried to build very compact. I got second out of five in the contest!

    Posted Image
    *Note that I didn't have enough time to build something decent in the Red and Orange areas. Especially in the orange area, everything is totally random!
    Another note: Look for Easter-eggs! Each area has one.


    Attached Files

    Edited by Liampie, 28 March 2010 - 05:12 AM.

  • FullMetal%s's Photo
    Wow, that's actually immensely creative! And congrats on getting 2nd place. :mantis: And I love how the layout of the park resembles a color wheel. You get bonus points for that. ;)
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    I would have given you bonus points if you made the shape of the park look like a bomb. Its close... just round it out and add a fuse.
  • MF72 %s's Photo
    It says I'm missing something when I try to play it, and there's nothing in the download. Can someone send it?
  • JJ%s's Photo
    Why did you call it colorbomb then spell it colours in your text :p?
  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Why did you call it colorbomb then spell it colours in your text :p?

    I wanted to call it Colourbomb at first, but I forgot the u when I submitted the park, so the savegame itself is called Colorbomb. I don't want to get things untidy, and therefore I continued without the u. ;)
    Thanks for the other replies, has anyone found the Eastereggs yet?
  • JJ%s's Photo
    ^ But that's good anyways ;)

    Cos think about it... Who's more likely to bomb someone ;)
  • MF72 %s's Photo

    It says I'm missing something when I try to play it, and there's nothing in the download. Can someone send it?

    It's AE-DMBGY.

    Edited by MF72 , 15 November 2008 - 07:45 AM.

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    It's AE-DMBGY.

    Amazing Earl's Doombuggy.

    Edited by Liampie, 15 November 2008 - 09:27 AM.

  • MF72 %s's Photo
    It says I'm missing LIFT4VTL as well.
  • Bacchus%s's Photo
    MF, look at the first post ;)

    I like this park Liampie, and i really think you would have beaten me, if you had enough time.
  • geewhzz%s's Photo
  • MF72 %s's Photo
    I like the park, but I'm not sure exactly where to look for Easter Eggs.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Thanks again.

    I like the park, but I'm not sure exactly where to look for Easter Eggs.

    There is one in the basement of the blue area. ;)
  • MF72 %s's Photo
    Ah. I found all of them! Those naughty peeps!
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Here's a fixed download. I changed some small things ingame too, like mowing the grass and a custom message. Nothing special. :)


    Attached File  Liampie___Colorbomb_re_released.SV6 (2.86MB)
    downloads: 318
  • GigaG%s's Photo

    Liampie - Look for Easter-eggs! Each area has one.

    The real thing or bonuses?
  • SSSammy%s's Photo
    actual easter eggs. as in chocolate ones. keep checking till you find them.

    edit: no i can't do it. theyre bonuses g.
  • JoeZia%s's Photo
    this rivals awkward evolution to me. great job liampie. you have a way of making things just way too perfect. I still say the dolphin resort or whatever was your best work. I suggest maybe using *my* water tiles close to shore @ beachy parks. they have soft animated waves. Im probably gonna make some bitgger waves as well since i see it hasn't been done yet (why on earth?)

    as for this park again, you have green and your famous orange in the same place. either put neighboring colorwheel scheme or one opposite from one another. orange and green are not an example of either. The rest of the park has only one hue per area. you should have added another color to those as well, but ones that look good. nice work as always, incredoBill.
