RCT2 + Win7 destroyed soo much of my work, that I am not really interested to play it anylonger. After finishing my design I was confident, but they appeared so often in the last days. Here are a few parks I was working on in the last time: Minis for Monthly Micros: - Avatar14.SV6(6.64MB) downloads: 324 - Cathredal_St3.SV6(6.68MB) downloads: 304 - Pagode8.SV6(405.88KB) downloads: 301
And another park/design: - Workbench34x.SV6(378.62KB) downloads: 341
I think I'll start some things in LL, because it's not crashing - i guess it's the window mode.
RCT2 + Win7 destroyed soo much of my work, that I am not really interested to play it anylonger.
Totally agreed there, but I hope I can solve my problems I have with with RCT2 / Windows 7. I might go back to x64 since a lot more worked on that then on x32.
I got a virus on my computer I used to play RCT on so now I can only run it in safe mode and therefore no internet so it just makes everything a bitch. It also takes like 10 minutes to start so that keeps me away from it. The only reason I even installed RCT on this computer with Windows 7 is to download parks, haven't bothered with 8cars and stuff though. Hopefully I find the time to release one more thing before I leave for college and probably forget about the game. I think a contest would help inspire me to do that
Edit; just realized that was all about me. I meant to say I have a similar situation to you and I feel for you, it's also why I wasn't active at RCTPro before I got the boot
Sucks to hear everyone has problems with RCT2+Windows 7. For me personally it works. Zero clearancing is even faster than with Windows 32 bit/XP/Vista.. The only thing that doesn't work (but which has nothing to do with the game itself) is the lower/raise function in 8cars, but with cena's topic about the virtual machines I managed to get it to work quickly.
So in short, Windows 7 + RCT2 saves me quite some time.
I also sometimes have error trappers when going back from zero/restore clearance to RCT2, but one VERY important thing is to SAVE OFTEN (with that I mean like after every building/path/ride/etc. you make!)
I hope you guys can get it to work with Levis' help.
does the raise/lower function also not work in x86 ?
cause I tought it only didn't work in x64 systems. still trying to find a way to get it working (normally).
Well, it does work on my 32 bit/x86 version of XP (I have a dual boot system with XP(x86)-Vista(x64)-7(x64)). It also works on my x64 version of Vista, but it doesn't work on my x64 version of 7.
Guys, next thing I will do in Dutch because Six Frags and Levis know that too, and it's hard to explain in English.
Levis, kan die raise/lower functie van 8cars er niet mee te maken heb met de kernel versie van Windows 7 dat die niet werkt, aangezien XP nog NT 5.X was en Vista was NT 6.0, Windows 7 is nu 6.1, misschien dat hij dit verkeerd uitleest?
Ik heb alles geprobeerd wat jij suggereerd behalve de UAC, en heb RCT ook al in een andere map geinstalleerd. Dus de UAC ga ik even proberen, maar ik heb geen zin om weer Vista gezeik daarmee te krijgen (telkens die rottige pop-ups), en als dat niet werkt, ga ik terug naar x64, heb toch 4 GB in mijn laptop aan Ram, en nu kan ik max 2,96 GB gebruiken ...
ik weet niet of je je msn bericht gelezen hebt. ik heb gelezen dat verschillende hex edit programmas in w7 x64 problemen hebben, en dan komt omdat in een x64 systeem alleen signed drivers zijn toegestaan. als je tijdens het optarten f8 indrukt dan kan je kiezen uit verschillende opstart modes. een is unsigned drivers toestaan. als je eens probeerd of de raiselower dan wel werkt. anders is het waarschijnlijk een dll die is veranderd.
Can someone please set up an easy to follow guide how to get rct2 and all the trainers to work on win7/64bit. It is about time we get something like posix' (amazing) LL guide for this.
I do not own win7 yet, but would be pleased to help with whatever I can do.
as soon as I found out everything we can.
for now only 1 thing doesn't work. and thats the raise/lower function of the 8cars. and that you use quite often.
Levis all your help trying to get people building with RCT2 again is very commendable. Every forum needs a Levis. I also echo Magnus about the picture guide to sorting it all out. I also see Levis your gonna take care of that
I heared from turbin its working again .
so for other people if they have problems with rct2. try installing it directly in C:\ instead of the program files folder.
After finishing my design I was confident, but they appeared so often in the last days.
Here are a few parks I was working on in the last time:
Minis for Monthly Micros:
downloads: 324
downloads: 304
downloads: 301
And another park/design:
downloads: 341
I think I'll start some things in LL, because it's not crashing - i guess it's the window mode.
Please don't stop playing LL either.
Same here, and suddon crashes in RCT2 (like with removing rare coaster parts etc).
Edit; just realized that was all about me. I meant to say I have a similar situation to you and I feel for you, it's also why I wasn't active at RCTPro before I got the boot
Edited by Comet, 22 March 2010 - 03:30 PM.
set for the compatability for rct2:
- disable desktop composition
- disable visual themes
- make sure UAC is disabled
if this doesn't work try installing rct2 in an other folder (so not in program files).
So in short, Windows 7 + RCT2 saves me quite some time.
I also sometimes have error trappers when going back from zero/restore clearance to RCT2, but one VERY important thing is to SAVE OFTEN (with that I mean like after every building/path/ride/etc. you make!)
I hope you guys can get it to work with Levis' help.
cause I tought it only didn't work in x64 systems. still trying to find a way to get it working (normally).
Levis, kan die raise/lower functie van 8cars er niet mee te maken heb met de kernel versie van Windows 7 dat die niet werkt, aangezien XP nog NT 5.X was en Vista was NT 6.0, Windows 7 is nu 6.1, misschien dat hij dit verkeerd uitleest?
Ik heb alles geprobeerd wat jij suggereerd behalve de UAC, en heb RCT ook al in een andere map geinstalleerd. Dus de UAC ga ik even proberen, maar ik heb geen zin om weer Vista gezeik daarmee te krijgen (telkens die rottige pop-ups), en als dat niet werkt, ga ik terug naar x64, heb toch 4 GB in mijn laptop aan Ram, en nu kan ik max 2,96 GB gebruiken ...
ik weet niet of je je msn bericht gelezen hebt. ik heb gelezen dat verschillende hex edit programmas in w7 x64 problemen hebben, en dan komt omdat in een x64 systeem alleen signed drivers zijn toegestaan. als je tijdens het optarten f8 indrukt dan kan je kiezen uit verschillende opstart modes. een is unsigned drivers toestaan. als je eens probeerd of de raiselower dan wel werkt. anders is het waarschijnlijk een dll die is veranderd.
I do not own win7 yet, but would be pleased to help with whatever I can do.
for now only 1 thing doesn't work. and thats the raise/lower function of the 8cars. and that you use quite often.
But I'll try to install it again.
Thanks for your help.
so for other people if they have problems with rct2. try installing it directly in C:\ instead of the program files folder.