Park / Journey to Eos
22-March 20
SS Infinity Universe
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71.00%(required: 70%)
Camcorder22 80% Jaguar 80% posix 80% RWE 80% csw 70% Faas 70% WhosLeon 70% CoasterCreator9 65% Cocoa 65% Liampie 65% pierrot 65% Scoop 65% 71.00% -
The World Space Agency welcomes you to Journey to Eos - your window into every aspect of S.S. Infinity’s epic voyage to the promising world of Eos, orbiting the star Tau Ceti at a distance of 11.5 light years away from Earth. This is the start of your own journey to Eos, filled to the brim with possibilities, thrills and wonder!
This theme park takes you through everything that relates to this exhilarating venture. From exhibitions and movie theaters to immersive rides and attractions, there is truly something for everyone here. Regardless if you are an aficionado who knows everything about S.S. Infinity and Eos or if you are completely new to this endeavour, you will find something that tickles your imagination and quenches your thirst for knowledge.
So prepare yourself for intense G-forces, complete weightlessness, and everything in between, and strap yourself in - here we go!
If you are curious to see the massive spaceship upon which this park is based, you can find it here: -
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Strongly encourage using the cutaway view for this one!
A detailed park guide can be found here:
Looks best when set up to be displayed as a real magazine, i.e. first page shown by itself and then spreads.
Landscaping has always been your biggest weakness, and that's also obvious here, especially in the Eos section. But damn, you know how to overcompensate in a department you excel in... Is it pretty? No. Is it brilliant? Hell yes. So many fantastic ideas. I think you're the first person to solve the problem of how to support a coaster in space, and it is ingenious. The whole coaster's storytelling is also a highlight, with all the different signs and other storytelling elements along the way. The custom rides, the vertical farms, the diagonal lettering... There's a ton of commendable ideas in here. This is the ultimate Splitvision park.
Are you done with the Eos story now, or can we expect a sequel? And just curious, were you inspired by the Aniara poem?
This is wildly unique. As Liam mentioned, the landscape is a bit of a miss; largely in the foliage department. Another miss for me was some of the custom rides. I really appreciate the references to SS Infinity, but the animations feel off. Minor complaint though, all the different world building aspects are very interesting. One thing I'm a little conflicted on is the decision to do roofless/partially roofed structures when we have cutaway view access with Open.
On to the big hits for me;
- That movie theater is amazing; the timing involved and everything is pretty stunning.
- Love the display of SS Infinity compared to stuff like the ISS and buildings.
- All the supplemental rides contributing to the theme are nice touches.
- Journey to Eos's launch, the space supporting, all that cool stuff is really unique for certain.
- Overall, this feels like a hypermodern/semi-futuristic exhibition - it's believable and fun.
Really well done. I'm personally floating in the high Silver-low Gold range; but I think you absolutely should stick to your style and I'm excited to see where this, or another project, goes next.
Oh man, as a space enthusiast myself I think this park is dope! We need more space parks on NE. In all levels, this park is pretty unique. The archy is gigantic but it works and is interesting to see.
I do like the SS Infinity references and I thought the mini-version and the animations were dope. All the mini- and custom rides are awesome. Would love to have a real park like this with rides likes this.
Very lovable, unique and sweet release. As a space enthusiast, I dig it completely. Gold for me.
This is a really cool, stand-out release and I'm really happy to see another crazy space fantasy park... here's a few thoughts on it:
+ The black void around Journey to Eos with the fading coaster supports and walls is absolutely amazing... I hope this idea gets used again.
+ I love the massive white concrete and glass megastructures... huge scale stuff should definitely be brought back to the meta.
+ The macro involved in this and overall organization is really good... even though it's more a collection of ideas than a single setting, the overview looks really nice in-game.
+ Excellent world-building... I'll elaborate on this later.
- As far as alien planets go, eos feels rather underwhelming, being Mars with colorful trees.
- I agree with Liam in that this park isn't always aesthetically pleasing, but one can overlook this given the sheer conceptual 'wow factor.'
~ This park has an uncanny 2011ish feel to it combined with more modern trends; it feels a little sterile. The path texture especially stands out; on the other hand it feels refreshing and is easy to read.
~ The custom rides are cool and show that a lot of heart and soul have gone into this... the theater custom cars are great, but I almost think existing rides would've worked better for the exploration rovers.
The most admirable aspect of this park, and something that we don't see too often would be the world-building aspect of it, which is apparent in the quality readme. It's more in the realm of fantasy, but the believable setting and storyline almost makes me want to call this 'fantasy realism.' It isn't just sci-fi space for the sake of sci-fi space: the scale model of the ship with the empire state building and ISS, the pilot simulators, the theater that resembles a lecture hall; all of these give this park life and almost make it feel like a museum, a legitimate educational institution for interstellar travel.
Overall a very fresh and creative release, an in-depth take on the space theme, and likely a gold.
this park has tons of cool shit and also so many weird design decisions too. I actually can't figure it out. But its also a super cool way to pull off a "sequel" in rct- something we don't see too much.
I love all the earth facilities buildings and showcases. Wicked cool, and the start to the invert is neat. I think the black section of the invert is a bit of an awkward layout- not being realistic doesn't mean you should sacrifice good flow! and I wish the eos section was more dynamic- as it is, the invert does one diagonal bit, a helix, then a diagonal bit back. would have been sick to dive around some caves and around cool scifi terrain features in a more organic way. But I do find those scenery-converted-rides entertaining, even if the corners are funny.
the main drawback to me is the park shape. for such an ambitious idea, I'm not sure why it had to be entirely contained in a big rectangle, then subdivided into three rectangles? thats just so... square. and inorganic. would have been awesome to have a more natural shape for the earth stuff, with blacktiles, then to have an extended intermediate space section, then that leads to a cool organically shaped eos section. sort of like the flow in carreira de india from h2h7. as it stands, I'm left a bit confused over the identity of the park. is it all one big tourist attraction? or is it meant to actually be a journey to eos? because there's viewing points in the black tile and bridges to get to eos. So it felt like a weird mix between something intended to be a real life destination, and a fantasy exploration. I mean thats fine- I like a bit of abstraction and absurdity- but you got to expect some people might be confused in the end.
Anyway- there were heaps of awesome structures and things to love. keen to see a new vibe from you, but I'm enjoying this in the meantime!
I am passionate about these space environments.
The infinite theater was wonderful, on the screen passing the ship like a cinema screen, it was fantastic, then there was the opening and the terrestrial globe, very crazy.
Holy shit how did you do that?
It deserves GOLD with absolute certainty, for the idea, imagination, dedication, that was hard work, in general everything is very good and very fun.
Another fantastic candidate for the old Concept Creation category.
Who hasn't wanted to make a good ride/park about space travel. TC's post about having the idea on one of the screens made me laugh, because honestly I think we've all wanted to do something cool like that. Except you went and did it, and you did it without having to talk about it first. You put actions before words.
Are some of the above criticisms accurate? I'd have to say yes, I agree with most of them, and parts of this are kinda blocky terrain-wise and the invert could've been fleshed out a little better.
But there's a freaking LAUNCH INTO SPACE. There's a functional movie theater with a text title and zoom in/out of a planet, and then the spaceship. There's the museum with things like the ship thrusters and other neat creations. This park excels at the concepts. Sure the execution is a little clunky at times, but I think Journey to Eos can proudly say it was the first to do what I'm sure will be expansions on these amazing and creative ideas in the future. Be proud that you've made the claim of originality, because those future works wouldn't have existed in the same way without this release serving as inspiration.
Thanks for the comments! Happy about how it has been received so far.
@Liampie - Next comes the exhibition about how this exhibition was built... all animated in custom rides! Haha, no I feel I've taken this now to the meta level that I imagined. Perhaps some idea that builds even more upon S.S. Infinity and Eos will strike me in the future, but for now I'm done with this theme. Aiming to do something different in coming projects. Definitely gonna try to work on my landscaping!
@CC9 - I agree the custom rides are a bit clunky - I wish I could have figured out a way to make the sprites 3D and then generate the missing images for turns and banking - but I felt it was too good of an idea to completely scrap, even if I couldn't execute it to perfection. Appreciate the positive comments!
@Jaguar - first off, thank you for giving me the idea in the first place! You left a comment on S.S. Infinity asking if there is any chance that I'd try to build Eos in RCT, and at first I thought that'd be cool, but I didn't want to build another non-park like S.S. Infinity - but then it struck me that I could create a theme park based on S.S. Infinity and Eos. And then almost all of these ideas immediately came to mind. So thanks for generating that lightning bolt of inspiration!
And glad that you like it! Eos does indeed look like Mars with colorful trees 
@Cocoa - It is supposed to be a theme park immersing the guests in the theme of S.S. Infinity and Eos. So my goal was to make the viewer understand that everything in the park is supposed to be real, including the space sections and Eos itself - there are no metafors in the park - but from the point of view of the guests, it is supposed to blur those lines. Hope that makes sense! I often thought about Universal Studios when building this, except the source material isn't movies but a specific spaceship and a specific planet. But I don't expect this to be easily understandable by looking at this park or S.S. Infinity alone, which is why I also threw in a comprehensive park broschure to flesh the idea out
I too would have liked to have the coaster do a bit more on Eos, but it is already almost 8000 ft long and I wanted it to be rideable, not a Fright Nights imitation!
@MTC - I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it
For the zooming globe, basically I realized a train can move forward in three different states - unbanked, transition to banked, and banked. So the smallest size of the planet is unbanked, medium size is transition to banked and largest size is banked. Couldn't sleep the night I figured this out, was really excited to try it, haha, happy it turned out pretty cool!
@Sephiroth - Thanks man, appreciate the praise. It'd be rad to see people pushing the exhibition type parks further, if this park helps in any way with that then that would be awesome!
This was an awesome piece of work. I don't like how squared everything is composed and thrown onto the map, but the individual things are one of the most creative stuff we've seen here for some time and the unique lovely coaster layout helps a bit to hold this map together.
Architecture feels clean, like it is from a different era. We need more huge massive structures nowadays! Weakest part in this is the foliage for me, which feels a little bit carelessly and could have been a little bit more planned out, especially in the green parts. I personally definitely would have expected a facility like this to have some more organised foliage!
All in all congrats to you on this great release, i'm sure this will get a score you can be proud of! Looking forward to see what your next project is!
There are a slew of great ideas in this park. I think it's a solid silver. I gave it a 65 and I think it could've been a 70+ with a few improvements. For one I wasn't a fan of how blocky the architecture was. I think you could have either scaled it down or smoothed the structures out a bit more. I also think the custom rides hindered the park as well. I personally would have liked to see a bit more effort in animating the rides a bit more. I still appreciate what they are, but in this day and age halfway with custom rides isn't enough. I think I can echo the comments on the foliage as well. This is still a great release and something to be proud of, I hope we keep seeing more from you in the coming months/years.
Really great theme and execution, I think this is good enough for design for sure.
Wait what? How wasn't this a design submission?