Park / Point West Theme Park
03-November 19
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- Comments 25
65.00%(required: 60%)
csw 75% bigshootergill 70% Camcorder22 70% Scoop 70% Coasterbill 65% G Force 65% Jaguar 65% posix 65% Cocoa 60% Faas 60% RWE 60% CoasterCreator9 55% 65.00% -
Feels super good to submit this park. This is definitely my best work to date and I'm proud to say that I took my time to finish this park even in the final stretch.
Thank you to everyone who gave me suggestions on my screens and to those that inspired certain parts of this park. For your contributions a mechanic has been named after you.
And finally thank you to everyone on this site who still plays this game. It is so cool that there is still such an active community for a game as old as RCT:) -
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Thanks @scoop! It feels great to get another silver, Thanks everyone:)
Congrats on the Silver!
It's not too often that I'm the low vote. I do think silver is what this park deserves without a doubt.
There were a lot of design choices I liked, and a lot that I didn't.
- Wooden coaster, though it feels a little squished in by the map cutoff.
- Hotel and a majority of the architecture.
- Ride interaction across the board
Didn't like as much:
- Blue coaster; while the interaction is great, the layout just doesn't do it for me. I think this is something I felt a lot of in this park. The way the map is framed and the park laid out, there isn't much breathing room for things to stand out.
- Some of the architecture is a bit unrefined in places, but that's not a huge detractor. Most of it is pleasant, but a few buildings like the parking booth and the impulse station I was less of a fan of.
I think compositionally this park has some excellent moments and a few questionable decisions for my tastes. I'd love to see you tackle something perhaps more grand in scale. You've got unique style, and I'm eager to see it refined.
I really like the building style and art deco of the park. Probably the strongest thing about this piece tbh. Other than that I really didn't care for your layouts, especially that log flume and the Intamin impulse. I don't know why you didn't include a longer launch section for the impulse. I can see how you can get away with it from saying its a prototype mini model of the impulse and have it launch out of the station like the new generation Premier launch coasters. For me though it looks lame. Other than that, good little piece of RCT2 to check out.
Congrats on the silver. This is a nice park that shows a lot of potential and i can recommend people to check it out. I'm a huge fan of the wooden coaster layout and parts of the architecture. Layout and composition put this down a bit. Nice individual stuff felt a little bit forced together for me. Also the blue coaster felt a little bit awkward.
Still a great achievement though. And i'm pretty sure you will score a gold soon, if you keep going! Looking forward to it!