Park / Meltdown


  • Comment System%s's Photo
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  • G Force%s's Photo

    Holy smokes, this is a huge surprise.  Usually, I feel like static storytelling in rct comes off as hackneyed, but this is fantastic.  The creativity of the trackitecture, the unique atmosphere, the fresh feeling of the style.  All top notch!


    Layout was pretty solid too for what it is, which a lot of times in maps like this is a drawback.  Not amazing by any means, and I guess average by design standards, but strong enough not to hurt the map.


    Only real complaints I have are the coaster colors (completely subjective, I know...) and the scale of the structures.  Usually I'd suggest 6 units for each floor of buildings, especially bottom floors, otherwise everything just looks a bit squat.  Especially in a map like this where you can sort of have fun with the scale, it would have helped a little bit I think.


    Anyways, great work probably a 75-80 for me, great work Split, was very cool to see.


    Also, the flattened fence details were great, can't believe we've never seen something like that before (at least that I can remember), great object creativity there.

  • Jaguar%s's Photo

    This park is great... I do agree with G on the mystery machine coaster colors... the ride itself looks far better as being just bright blue or bright green, same with the scale of the buildings. But other than that, this is excellent.


    The collapsed stacks are awesome and I like the coaster's interactions with the ruins. The atmosphere of the park is very well done and evocative of games like fallout. I like how the green goo contrasts with the wasteland and the power plant scraps being used as buildings is a good idea.


    The rat cars are also a nice touch and I think the 'literal wild mouse' is a cool addition to the park. Another great idea is using the grass texture as a fallen chainlink fence.

    All in all, a very enjoyable release.

  • ottersalad%s's Photo

    Damn.. those fallen stacks are amazing! Great wow moment to see the leaning stack with the coaster coming out of it.. well done! The mutant ride was really cool too. The rundown buildings everywhere and the use of pipes as something for peeps and ride vehicles to move through was great. Lots of tiny little details everywhere. The coaster was a bit fast at times, and I agree the colors were a bit bright, but I think the color clash helped it stand out relative to the barren landscape. 

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    This is awesome.

    The layout itself is fine, but all of the details around it really bring it to another level. The trackitechture is top notch and I'm in love with those overloaded power lines. I really enjoyed the atmosphere that you created here and the fact that you (in some cases) accomplished it by breaking NE convention and using some really weird objects that just kind of "work". I'd love to see more of this type of thing from you in the future. It's refreshing and fun.

    Great work!

  • Splitvision%s's Photo

    Thanks for the replies!


    @G-force - Glad you appreciate the trackiteckture and the atmosphere, as well as some of the details. Also glad you didn't find anything really faulty in the layout - I do agree it is not in any way amazing or incredible. I think this reflects my skills pretty accurately - I can definitely build a solid layout, but I do tend to focus on the general atmosphere and certain details surrounding it.


    @Jaguar - Thank you, glad you like the stacks, and the mutant rats ride. Adding additional rides around the coaster was a bit of a challenge, as I needed them to be somewhere exactly between a believable, actual part of the environment, and a somewhat believable actual attraction - with a big emphasis on somewhat. I felt the mutant rats could either come off as a well-considered example of this, or as something tacky and kind of childish. In the end, I do feel it is closer to the former. The roto-drop is more towards an actual attraction than part of the environment, although of course a nuclear plant can have several tall, narrow structures, mostly chimneys and pipes, so it is still somewhere in that in-between land I feel. Same goes for the coaster.


    @Ottersalad - Thank you. Agree on the fastness of the coaster. It should have been dialed down just a little bit. I have actually tried that in hindsight to varying degrees, and it does look better, while also in certain configurations raising the excitement stat to over 10. I might actually change the attached file to a slower version after the panelists have voted on the current faster version (if that is possible?). At any rate, note to self to really try to dial in the speed for future layouts, and to take the difference in speed between an empty train and a train full of peeps more into account.


    @Coasterbill - Thank you, glad you noticed the wrecked power lines, which I thought turned out pretty cool. I did go through all the "rust/industrial" type of objects available, most of them from TT/WW. As I suspected, it almost none of them look OK when repeated, but the few ones that did I think did the trick.

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    Not a fan of the layout, to be honest. Archy and landscaping also left something to be desired. As a whole it does work though. You've got some wonderful ideas and details in here. All the broken power lines, jagged road pavement and whatnot is great. The leaning stack looks so much better than it should given that it's made out of track. Nice work, Split.

  • Camcorder22%s's Photo

    There was some incredible structures and trackitecture here between the power lines and stacks.  This might be some of the best disaster type theming I've seen overall, and my mind is blown by how intricate the tracking is on the station.  Great mix of large scale details like the stacks and smaller details as well, it added a lot to the execution. 


    Not sure if this was submitted as a design but overall I think I would've rated it higher if there was more focus on the coaster layout.  As others mentioned, the colors clash a little, and it felt like it was added later in the building process.  Because of this, I feel like some of the interactions could've been more interesting.  I was also left wondering what type of coaster it was supposed to be?  Think it could've used inversions possibly or just some sort of more memorable elements.  


    Great to see you building more high quality work so quickly though.  Overall I gave it a 70%

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    hey, this was awesome. looks heaps better in game than in the overview I'd say, although I still think the track color choice is not great...


    The structures are excellent, especially those falling stacks. the diagonal one is brilliant and such a cool ride element. The coaster would be so much fun IRL. There's lots of great infrastructure thats actually quite detailed, and its all in a really fascinating environment. The mixture of attractions vs fantasy storytelling is sort of funny- like the rat ride, which you can queue up for and ride like its a dark ride, but also there's no track and it seems more like you actually just ride on rats.


    I think you did a great job selling all the broken and decaying things too- thats really way harder than it looks. Love seeing some surprise work from you, look forward to more!

  • csw%s's Photo

    Pretty freakin cool. Definitely the most well-executed power plant stacks I've seen in this game. 

  • Splitvision%s's Photo

    @Liampie - Thank you. Glad you like the bigger concepts and the small details relating to the theme, and I get if the coaster was not what you liked the most about this. I will try to up my layout game for future releases.


    @Camcorder22 - Thank you, it is submitted as a design, but I did debate if it should have been a regular park instead. In the end I did go with design, but I am agreeing with the general sentiment here that the disaster theme on a macro/micro scale seems to work well but that the coaster is perhaps not the strongest. I chose the colors of the coaster quite early - to me the combination of light green and light blue really gave it that glowing toxic/radioactive look. I did experiment with some inversions, but couldn't find a good fit and decided to have it be a speed and airtime-focused coaster.


    @Cocoa - For the rat ride, I was first thinking there would have to be some track to make it look (somewhat) realistic. But the rat cars are based on the bobsled trains so they swing as they turn, meaning the only track that would work would be the bobsled track or something else that is U-shaped. So instead I decided to try to add in rubble and other things that would make the way the rat cars bank when they turn (somewhat) believable. So it's a bit of a compromise, but I do like the banking effect in that it makes the rats look extra crawly and creepy. For the park in general I spent a lot of time thinking of how to balance the fantasy/realistic scale (or more precisely how to make it ambiguous in a good way) and I am happy about how it turned out.


    @csw - Thanks :)



    BTW just one more votes to go @panelists!

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I don't think this was design material, but you won, so congratulations nonetheless. Second accolade since your comeback already...

  • Deurklink%s's Photo

    Holy trackitecture!

  • CoasterCreator9%s's Photo

    I was on the edge with this one. I think most of what I would have said has already been said.


    The layout wasn't the strongest, but the details around the layout elevated it quite a bit.

  • 70.00%(required: 65%)  Design
    Percentage of vote: 70%
    bigshootergill 75%
    Cocoa 75%
    G Force 75%
    Camcorder22 70%
    Coasterbill 70%
    csw 70%
    Jaguar 70%
    pierrot 70%
    RWE 70%
    CoasterCreator9 65%
    Scoop 65%
    Liampie 60%
  • Description

    In 1987, the government of _____ decided to shut down its only nuclear power plant, of the same RBMK type that had caused the accident in Chernobyl in Ukraine the year before. After operations ceased and the remaining uranium had been contained, the power plant was abandoned, and the facilities fell into disrepair. Four decades later, a new party was elected, partly on the campaign promise to plunge millions into upgrading the reactors to a safer type and reopening the plant - "cheaper than starting from scratch, and without any safety catch" was the motto. The project was started within the first few weeks of the new administration.

    Everything was going smoothly - until it didn't. After 2 years of construction, during which the new reactors had been completed, a yet to be identified issue caused a catastrophic explosion at the plant, which in turn led to meltdowns in all three reactors. The site had once again turned into a wasteland, and with many of the old buildings still left in place, the scene was one of both destruction and decay.

    Now, only the bravest, or most reckless, visit the site to find out the extent of the damages, and to witness the effects of the intense radiation - some say there are giant, mutant rats roaming the area, and something else lurking there, something monstrous enveloping the destroyed scene, seemingly powered by the fallout...

    //End silly backstory.

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