Park / Wiener Prater
08-September 19
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80.50%(required: 70%)
bigshootergill 85% no Cocoa 85% no RWE 85% yes Camcorder22 80% no CoasterCreator9 80% yes G Force 80% no Liampie 80% no Ling 80% no pierrot 80% yes robbie92 80% no Scoop 75% no SSSammy 75% no 80.50% 25.00% -
The Vienna Prater dates back to the late 18th century after emporer Joseph II opened the area (previously hunting grounds) to the public housing a few snack bars, stalls and bowling alleys.
Today, the best-known attraction is the Wiener Riesenrad, a large Ferris Wheel that shapes the skyline of the city.
The park‘s attractions are managed by multiple operators. Thus, there‘s no unifying concept of the park, such as themed areas. This results in multiple instances of rides (there‘s like a gazillion different bumper cars). However, this assortment of different rides and themings make up the unique charmé of the park.
In 2008, the main entrance area was re-designed to a more themepark-like look. -
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Such an amazing surprise release. Not a guaranteed spotlight but it's a contender because of the high quality execution alone. Just looked at the park for five minutes and I could tell there is a ton of clever object use on display here.
Great addition to the collection of high quality urban parks NE has seen in recent years. Budapleasure, Bumbly Beach, Tivoli Gardens, Seaquarium, Lunapark, Lunapark Adelaide, Liseberg, Grona Lund... Wiener Prater. Definitely a thriving genre.
Some really nice things here. I loved the parking garage. The pathing was super well done and detailing was rather fine and throughout. Use of diagonals towards the back of the park framed it nicely. Generally really good use of angles. The fun house and clown were sweet to see.
Wow. Good to see something new from you Jimmy!
Kinderautobahn stood out to me. Reason being was that you have great ideas in the kiddie rides and custom flats. Definitely a good attention to detail. The facades inside the park were amazing. The custom clown above the fun house entrance? So good. The Eisvogel building was very well done too. Having the open park next to the entrance provided a nice contrast.
Lastly, I'm a sucker for flumes or water rides with the little hill before the splash.
out of all the wieners, this is probably the best one i've seen
Congrats on the release! Hyped to see another high quality full scale solo this year.
Won't reveal my vote yet as to avoid influencing, but I definitely found myself comparing this to the parks Liam described above. I'd say its a hair above Tivoli and Bumbly Beach, but still a ways away from the perfection and immersiveness of Lunapark Adelaide and Grona Lund. There was some lovely buildings and facades between the entrance with the central European feel, and the more fairground/circus-y middle of the park, and these probably rivaled the best we've seen on this site. As a whole those it lacked the "glue" seen in the 90+ spotlights in this genre. It felt like everything was laid out initially and then built in relative isolation and while its definitely coherent, there's just a seamlessness lacking that would take this from a great park to an incredible one.
I know its a recreation, but it was missing a standout attraction for me as well. It may have betrayed the type of park you were going for, but I thought Lunapark Adelaide did a good job incorporating a clearly large-scale ride into an otherwise fairground style park. But that's coming from the person that wanted to put an RMC at a ski resort so take that with a grain of salt.
Overall definitely enjoyed this, my criticisms are coming from a place that you have the potential to hit high quality spotlight with your next park, so I hope to see more from you!
"Just looked at the park for five minutes and I could tell there is a ton of clever object use on display here"
"Use of diagonals towards the back of the park framed it nicely"
"Kinderautobahn stood out to me. Reason being was that you have great ideas in the kiddie rides and custom flats. Definitely a good attention to detail. The facades inside the park were amazing"
"but this is very high quality and consistently high quality"
"There was some lovely buildings and facades between the entrance with the central European feel, and the more fairground/circus-y middle of the park, and these probably rivaled the best we've seen on this site"
I loved your park
damn, this is some hot shit out of nowhere. Just really amazing, detailed but clean realism. I loved all the stalls and novel use of objects, especially the shark train for the swinging ship. Coasters were great (bad IRL maybe but solid rct) and it was all very lively and fun. Are there really so many haunted houses in real life? Regardless, just super pleasant all around- really felt like a slice of a european city i've regrettably not gotten to yet. I've got nothing but good things to say about it all. I also like the semi-finished backs of building- I think thats a better solution than interiors or just blank walls. feels a lot cleaner and fuller, not really "breaking the fourth wall" of rct so to speak. I'd say its a bit tight on content for a spotlight, and I'm usually pretty happy to hand them out freely. But nonetheless a really solid surprise
Thanks for all the kind words. I really appreciate it:)
@Cocoa there are actually more haunted houses IRL
Just wow.
I vote Spotlight as well, incredible work Jimmy <3
it was a little light on content to be a spotlight, but a fantastic submission nonetheless. great work jimmy, i hope to see lots more from you!
I'm aware this was at least a semi recreation, but I feel like in a submission like this we would need at least one well developed large scale rollercoaster. It would have provided that additional chunk of content which could have pushed it into spotlight territory.
can't wait for what you show us next!
while I agree that some of the original coasters have terrible layout (the zamperla flyer), I tried to keep it somewhat realistic and true to the origin, simply because the world has an overwhelming number of bad roller coasters which are overlooked a bit in the usual parks here
. @SSSammy while I agree that one large-scale coaster often ties the park together, in this scenario it was not possible due to the fractured nature of the lots and the limited space available. In reality, such a large investment won't be supported by the owner's of the stalls (as they are direct competitors) and the City administration would most likely be against it, because it changes the cityscape way too much... However, I tried to recreate some original coaster's with a bit more finesse and flow. My personal favourite is the Super8erbahn ( engl: Super Roller Coaster) as I somewhat was able to conserve the figure-8 layout of the coaster.
This park was more than 1.5 years in the making (started as a small project in the gap between finishing university and starting my new job). Some weeks ago, I was at the point in time where I said either finish it now, or never, and that's what I did:D
This is a super respectable score Jimmy, the park as a whole was a big surprise too, basically coming out of nowhere. You've always been a talented builder so seeing you finish a full park project is great to see, especially something so unique and different.
While quality wise it was probably good enough for a spotlight, the size and content of the park just didn't quite do enough for me to push it over the edge. Obviously its a recreation so balancing accuracy and "RCT appeal" is hard, but I would have liked to see another big ride or two just to give it that extra depth it needed. The surroundings could maybe have been a bit cleaner and expansive too, but thats minor compared to the attraction thing. There just wasn't any single aspect of this that was memorable or unique enough for me to justify a spotlight vote, despite the quality of the work present being right on the border.
The rides and attractions present were pretty well done though, but to really be a spotlight level probably could have been a bit more detailed. Like for something like this, you almost need that CP6 or Robbie detail level to contend for spotlight, as difficult as it is.
Hope to see more from you in the future, I've always loved your style and work, so the more we can see from you the better!
Indeed a very good score, especially since this came right after Stoksy's Luna Park. Congrats Jimmy.
Congrats Jimmy - excellent attention to detail, a cousin of Luna if that's OK to say. Just lacking a signature coaster, though this appears to be fairly faithful for the urban/pier/carnival variety by having many kid/small/compact models that look hyper realistic.
The townhouses and observatory were nice adds. Congrats.
Hey, I just wanted to stop by to congratulate you on the accolade and on becoming a parkmaker! I love what you've created. It's brilliant. I appreciate the custom flats, the architecture, the atmosphere, the colours, how full of life it is etc etc - it's really well done! I'm not in love with the brown and grey roofs. The grey once blend too much with the path. But yeah, the rest great. Good job and I certainly hope to see more from you in the future!
How the hell did I miss this?
This is an awesome park. I absolutely love the technical details but the large number of peeps, general design and lively color palate makes for a park that's just bursting with atmosphere.
The architecture is wonderful both inside and out and I love that you're not afraid to throw fun cheesy amusement park details into your buildings when necessary. The bumper car buildings, dark ride buildings and the Boomerang station are some of my favorite things on the map (and that Fun House).
This park is awesome. I'd have given it a yes vote for Spotlight. It's technically brilliant and it has amazing atmosphere. Many players nail one of those things but you nail both.