Park / Adventures of the Forbidden Lapocho


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    this was pretty cool. the layout was novel and interesting- the launch was a cool idea and there was some wacky but mostly good-looking elements. all the waterside archy had a great atmosphere too and there was some clean and detailed ncso to see. I think the big trees were pulled off pretty well actually, bit more believable than usual, but your spamming of the jungle bushes on the rest of the park made it a lot harder to read which is a shame. would have been better to reserve that jungle bush for the treetop texture and used a different underbrush to keep it separate. But overall nice, maybe on the borderline of design.

  • Luketh%s's Photo

    Full disclosure Mr. Titties: I'm stealing that giant tree design.


    Really enjoyed the ride, especially the patented "Swagtitties Loop-de-Triumph" and the coaster's all-around integration with the jungle surroundings.


    Lot of trackitecture roofs, but I guess NCSO sort of forces your hand on that one.


    Looking forward to seeing more of your work. This is one instance where the contest restrictions for map size plays against your otherwise good execution of an idea -- I think this would have looked even better if you had a rectangle or non-square map to build upon.



  • SWAGTITTIES%s's Photo

    Thanks to both of you for the feedback. 

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I really like the look of this overall, and the layout was original and refreshing. I'm also a supporter of this double loop design, fuck the haters. The ruins, the trees, the waterfalls and all the interaction are definitely good points. What brings the quality down a bit is the ridiculous speed of the coaster, as well as the need to make everything hacked and layered and 'special'. You're overcomplicating things with ugly trackitecture and stacked fences and trims. Sometimes it comes off looking okay, but more often it's just ugly (most archy with track roofs), and some parts are just confusing because of all the clutter. Less is more!

  • csw%s's Photo

    A better layout and less bush spam, and this would be 75%+ work. Lots of great ideas and execution throughout. 

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    I'm puzzled why this wasn't a design submission.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    yeah me too, definitely thought it was a design vote! We really need a badge which says what it is so I don't do stupid things. Still an appropriate bronze

  • Coasterbill%s's Photo

    This is incredibly fun. Nice work.

  • Jappy%s's Photo

    Cool coaster and an incredibly creative layout! Sadly however, I do think the launch was waaaay too fast. Rest of it is well made. The jungle, the buildings... All in all a cool piece of design.

  • 55.50%(required: 50%)  Bronze
    Percentage of vote: 55.5%
    Camcorder22 65%
    csw 65%
    bigshootergill 60%
    Cocoa 60%
    Jaguar 60%
    Poke 55%
    saxman1089 55%
    G Force 50%
    Liampie 50%
    RWE 50%
    Sulakke 50%
    Scoop 45%
  • Description

    Welcome to the Temple of the Forbidden Lapocho!

    Take an adventure with famed archeologist Pennsylvania Junes. The Amazon is a dangerous place; it's full of smugglers, poisonous animals, and forbidden plants.

    Lapocho is a rare plant located in a remote part of the Amazon and it has healing properties that lead to everlasting life. Join Pennsylvania Junes as he attempts

    to acquire some samples and escape the rainforest in one piece.

    Forbidden Lapocho the ride is an inverted coaster built to knock your socks off! Literally the first barrel roll was designed to provide enough G-Force to remove any footwear

    its riders bring with them (people don't wear shoes in the Amazon). It features the patented "Swagtitties Loop-de-Triumph." Ride if you dare.

    Adventures of the Temple is a splash boat exploration story ride. It mimics Disneyland's Indiana Jones Temple of the Forbidden Eye wherein riders are taken on an adventure

    with Pennsylvania Junes. The boats speed up and slow down based on their surroundings to enhance excitement. They accelerate away from smugglers by the waterfall and race

    towards the temple only to be scared away by the ancient gorilla protector.

    Thank you for reading



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