Park / Rapa Nui
30-July 06
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72.00%(required: 70%)
G Force 80% chorkiel 75% Cocoa 75% In:Cities 75% posix 75% RWE 75% bigshootergill 70% CoasterCreator9 70% saxman1089 70% Xtreme97 70% Jaguar 65% Scoop 65% 72.00% -
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I guess my one vote wouldn't have made a difference anyway but I didn't have time to look these parks over until last night. From the overviews, I'd say Magnus' park looked better but in game I definitely liked Rapa Nui. I will say though that the overuse of that ghastly object probably turned some people off.
While our park wasn't stellar by any means, I didn't like Isla Magica much at all. The architecture was boring and the landscaping was dry... the only thing I really liked were Torero's supports (the boosters on a traditional coaster really bugged me). I don't think the voting should have been as close as it was. But that's H2H voting for you. Oh well, there's always next time.
Cos otherwise it'd make sense for you to be in the next round rather than this one.
Congrats to Magnus, I guess.
don't have rct here so i can't view the demigod's park, so no comments on that. I don't really know the ending to my own park either..
To adress you, mantis, our schedule became rigid with losing a couple of players. Each week has been barely finished on time, this week has had a lot of rushing on my part. Though i don't agree that the coaster layout needed more work. I still personally love it. I think not many people notice stuff like the vertical loop going into a descending turnaround and not looking out of place or ugly. Nor the huge diagonal ascend right after. Those are things that usually 'don't work' that i spent some time working on. I can see that the coaster might've been better with a different post-MCBR, maybe even without the brakes or something, but in all-honesty, was the debate really necessary? I'm not coaster enthousiast whatsoever but to me skill in making coasters is more about interesting flowing coaster layouts than it is to whether the brake run broke down the coaster too much. And fast slowing down brake runs can be exciting right?
I'm still looking forward to seeing the park in game, i'm quite sure we would have gotten the matchup if we had just a little more time to contemplate on what to do next, on how to make certain things work. The mouse coaster really was lastminute, and a lot of it rushed. The majority of the park seemed to have been made in a day or two.
And the objects, didn't think they'd be such a major turn-down for the park. I actually liked them because they represented the theme so boldly, it's not my fault no one knows 'rapa nui' as easter island.
It all comes down to the fact that i really wish we had more time to communicate (communicate at all?) to set down more interesting architecture john is definitely capable of (haven't seen most of it yet, though) and get the park to work with both our strong points. I'd say we'd complement each other nicely but that goes to waste when without communication i start out to do the things john is better at. No hard feelings though, it's my fault for not planning better too.