Park / Rapa Nui
30-July 06
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Isla Magica: I don't really have nanything positive to say except for the fact that the coaster was better and the architecture was neater. It was still too bland and bare for my liking and almost amaeturish in the execution.
Rapa nui: The reason i didn't vote for tigers is becuase the coaster lacked flair. It trundled along and although flowed very well, just kinda seemed to half ass it's way back tohe station. The architecture was the weakest part for me, it just didn't work.
Call it the sophmore jinx.
Rapa Nui was okay, although there was no clear theme and some of the architecture appeared rushed or incomplete, the coaster in my opinion was better than the one in Isla Magica. Yet again, apart from the coaster there was not really that much to look at, i thought the foilage was quite well done- not too excessive.
Tough choice, I'm gonna look back at the parks in depth later to make a final decision cos both parks are really similar and i can't choose!
napa rui (duh name (just as isla magica)), no idea who made it although from the style, i have a guess
the layout of the map is good. in fact, it works in a strong way. i loved the foliage, i loved the colour combination and the vivid-ness here. many things broken up, many cliches abadoned and in a way that it actually works! usually, when people try that, they produce random pointless ugliness that's supposed to be creative.
so, overall, ilsa magica lacked some energy. some health. in rct-language: park flow.
h2h just makes you ramble. lol. it's terrible.
Isla Magica:
The park looked like a park I would really like to visit. Probably a two day trip as I would ride the Schwartzkopf enterprise all of the first day. Schwartzkopf really did an outstanding job on that ride. Well I have to be careful as this could turn out in a long text about Schwartzkopf instead of a review on the park.
The Coaster is really good in my opinion. The boosters didn't bother me as they didn't look out of place, but more like something needed because of stupid rct not having realistic Zero-G-Rolls and smaller Cobra Rolls. The supports were a nice combination of Toon's new supports and the ingame supports. Almost didn't notice them at first as they fit in perfectly in my opinion. The layout was a nice combination of thrilling element and airtime. Hopefully that ride is having lap bars ..., but in 2012 that should be possible.
The theming is probably the best part of the park. It gave me a really nice spanish atmosphere and that is what seperates the good from the bad parks for me.
The little details in this park were really stunning. The small gates on the ways marking the exit of a ride with no sign needed to make it clear to the guests that they are not supposed to go there. Just gorgeous. The musicians playing at the restaurant, the small pumps for the waterfalls ... Great work and a really nice park. I will probably look at this one the rest of the day ...
Rapa Nui:
I really liked the idea to use that theme, but the outcome was really disappointing to me. Without the name(s) and the statues I couldn't have told what theme that is and that is probably the main reason I didn't like this park.
Apart from that those statues look totally wrong in there. I just saw a nice documentation about them and every statue is unique showing a different person. They even show different emotions.
The park didn't do that. Instead it just was a standart park searching for a story. That one didn't work out for me and that's the reason I wouldn't give many points for atmosphere. (I'm not going to use corkscrewed's formula though
The log flume was long and I really like long log flumes in real life, but I'm not sure if this one is a lot of fun to ride. All the small drops looked a bit boring to me.
The wild mouse layout was probably the worst part. The middle part was just a really long left turn. Much too long for me.
The coaster layout of the floorless coaster did look sort of wrong to me. I would have prefered some twisted drops instead of the straight ones. The Dive loop had the roll to the wrong side. If they built it like that in real life it would have some really intense forces there, too intense to be honest. After the MCBR it seems like te coaster is just trying to find a way back to the station without loosing all of the speed. That hill with the banking to the left looked ridiculous on a B&M Coaster. The transfer track was too small to make the train being moved out and why do you have track for 3 storage trains and just use two on the Coaster. I would have understood it if you had one train standing on one of those tracks, but that way it is just wrong. I could go one with those little things that kept the park back from being good.
Last thing I want to mention is that path layout. I visited Phantasialand (a park in Germany) a few times this season already and that one is really confusing, but this one was even worse. The paths looked like a giant labyrinth and made no sense at all. Even with some signs saying where you go it would be very confusing.
So after looking at the parks in detail my vote is even clearer. Demigods by far.
Hmmm...Park was werse than i thought it would be, in the overview when i saw it i thought wicked just my sort of park but it was the total opposite. The architecture was way too small, there was not enough of it and it was very boring to look at so the architecture did nothing for me. The next thing that i thought was a major let down was the coaster, like i said from the overview it looked pretty cool but in game it was no where near as good as i expected. The thing that this park lacked was definetly atmosphere, i mean you had waterfalls, nice little hotel and everything but none of it had any atmosphere which made me agaisnt this park all the more. I say nice attempt at what you were trying to do it just wasnt enough to pull it off well, well no where near enough tbh.
Not alot better than the demigod's park really. Again it had the same sort of style as the demigods which when i viewed the overview i thought brilliant but in game this park lacked so much. The architecture was, well nothing really it had no flow with it, it was messy, unorganised and tbh didnt state the theme at all which i had alot of trouble making out, in the end i think i got the theme. See that ruined this park, if the architecture was good you would have yourself a great park but instead you got yourselfs a"not so great but not bad" park which imo isnt enough to collect most votes, mainly because the Demigod's have the exact same sort of park. Anyways, the coaster i thought was alot better than the other parks but still wasnt a perfect layout, towards the end it went downhill but like i said not a bad coaster and i enjoyed viewing it. The rest of the rides i thought were great, i LOVED Typhoon, i thought that was really beautiful and the log flume wasnt bad either. Now the thing i HATE and really these sort of objects should be banned is that stupid, oversized, ugly and tacky statue, why put that there? i mean architecture was poor but landscaping and foliaging wasnt that bad untill you see one of those disgusting statues and it ruins it for you. (no offense hobbes, its just an ugly piece of scenery imo)
Anyways i cant really say i thought this was a good match up but it certainly will be close, i just think if a bit more thought went into both parks they could of been spectacular, they both had potential to.
Vote goes to the Tigers mainly because the rides were better and i fell in love with Typhoon
I'm going with the Demigods.
Neither park was all that good - they were both trying to be Turtle... and failing. Demigods get my vote because the park was slightly better looking... even if a bit incomplete.
Isla Magica - 6/10
Rapa Nui - 5.5/10
Corkscrewed Offline
Looks like five day rule in effect AGAIN for a matchup involving the Tigers.
Make up your mind, people!
Even from the overviews I can see why this is a close affair.
Corkscrewed Offline
Easy to remember for me. Nui as in Tahiti Nui (which I'm flying to France). Rapa sort of like Pappa the Rappa.
Tigers had way better landscaping. They both had equally good main coasters IMO.
the demigods' park had some great use of colors, but the coaster wasn't original enough, mainly due to the lack of landscaping. It did have some bits of elegant style that worked, like the mowed grass in certain places to keep the "minimalistic" style going in places. I really wish there was some more height differences and more dynamic landscaping.
the tiger's park for me was "wow" at first, but the more I saw it, the less I liked it. The coaster started out good but seemed to drag a bit for most of the layout. The architecture was fine, but a bit too small, and nothing really to "focus" on. As I scrolled across the park, the majority of it were like little huts surrounded by paths with no real order it seemed. as much as I wanted to like the park, I couldn't get into it. The flume was nice, but I wish you clenaed up some of the supports with it and such. I donno, a lot of it seemed sloppy. The sunken ship ride was sweet, though.
in the end, my vote goes to the demigods.
Yeah, I recall that Fatha' had it in h2h2 and you in h2h3... I'm hoping to shake it off.
Corkscrewed Offline
Altho hopefully I don't get the "junior jinx."
tied score atm, 35-35 a tie in H2H after 70 votes, how about that, what fun
Corkscrewed Offline
it's not like 1-1 is a bad thing. you never know what may happen in ONE game...