Park / Howl's Moving Castle

Park_4531 Howl's Moving Castle


  • Comment System%s's Photo
    comment below
  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    Yeah, I think we're all very enthusiastic about seeing and downloading your parks, even if they're "unfinished"/scenarios. They may not get accolades or high votes but please share them!

  • Liampie%s's Photo

    It's true that we mostly deal in finished parks, but your scenarios show the exact type of creativity that drives out community. Your scenarios are very welcome. Since there are so many of them (you say 25-30), maybe we can release them in groups of 8-10? And maybe some of most special ones (like this one, it seems, because of how much scenery there is) could be released separately.


    You can PM me all the scenarios and I can help you figure it out.

  • KaiBueno%s's Photo

    Downloaded - will look at tonite.

  • Lilith%s's Photo
    i think most of us here would love to see all of your parks in the database. everything youve shown is absolutely gorgeous and makes me want to play your scenarios!
  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo

    i think most of us here would love to see all of your parks in the database. everything youve shown is absolutely gorgeous and makes me want to play your scenarios!

    yes yes
  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo

    Yeah, I think we're all very enthusiastic about seeing and downloading your parks, even if they're "unfinished"/scenarios. They may not get accolades or high votes but please share them!

    Yeah, I think we're all very enthusiastic about seeing and downloading your parks, even if they're "unfinished"/scenarios. They may not get accolades or high votes but please share them!

    yes yes
  • MrTycoonCoaster%s's Photo
    Fantastic, I will make ride roller coasters in your parks and see with Liampie what suggests how to post, not to do "spam".
    I am a trainee in parks, but I will try to use these incredible scenarios and do the best I can.

  • secondrun919%s's Photo

    It's true that we mostly deal in finished parks, but your scenarios show the exact type of creativity that drives out community. Your scenarios are very welcome. Since there are so many of them (you say 25-30), maybe we can release them in groups of 8-10? And maybe some of most special ones (like this one, it seems, because of how much scenery there is) could be released separately.


    You can PM me all the scenarios and I can help you figure it out.


    Thanks!! I'm gonna send you all the files on PM! 

  • secondrun919%s's Photo

    Fantastic, I will make ride roller coasters in your parks and see with Liampie what suggests how to post, not to do "spam".
    I am a trainee in parks, but I will try to use these incredible scenarios and do the best I can.



    Thanks!!! :))

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    this little composition here is just so great


    Attached Image: howl.png

  • posix%s's Photo

    Yeah, I love it too. I don't even understand how those subtle texture changes are achieved. Just by rotating the object?

  • roygbiv%s's Photo

    great macro, really sells the vibe


    Scene focus and creation was nice


    i really like the town textures

  • ottersalad%s's Photo

    Really enjoyed the macro.. but didnt like the town as much. The shapes were good, but the building/wall textures were too cartoony with the WW/TT stuff. But the landscaping and terrain is top notch.

  • 58.50%(required: 65%)  Design Submission
    Percentage of vote: 58.5%
    Jaguar 65%
    Scoop 65%
    bigshootergill 60%
    CoasterCreator9 60%
    Cocoa 60%
    In:Cities 60%
    posix 60%
    RWE 60%
    saxman1089 60%
    G Force 55%
    Liampie 45%
    geewhzz 40%
  • Description

    Japanese movie studio Ghibri's famous animation.

    I have a question on this site. I make only playable scenario, so there are quite empty spaces to build player's own park on every my pieces. That may look like uncompleted by some people.

    That's because I want my scenarios not only be seen, but also be played by users.

    Almost every park I've seen here was filled with many decos and rides, so is it allowed to upload unfinished park like mine here?

    If it is OK, I'll upload rest of my scenarios! That counts about 25~30.

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