Park / Kitabasaki Dragonland
27-August 06
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we're gonna have another close one.
I'll post my more detailed comments when I get back from Disneyland, but I will say now that both parks are pretty darn good, and there's more than meets the eye in Dragonland.
So yeah, I can't make up my mind, both parks were amazing in there own ways, id put them both up with SM for park of the year at this point and this is by far the best match-up this season and one of the best ever.
Tigers - The details where amazing, the bamboo, the wooden dams and boards all over, the fireworks stuckture, all awesome looking. The watercoaster duel started out great, but they seem to lose eachother or try not to duel in the end, pretty mush all the rides confused me, lol. id say it's like a 9/10
Strangelove - Amazing atmosphear, I loved the look of the park and that station entrance on the invert was the best I think I have ever seen. I think the coasters where better in this park, but the detail in the LL park has you beat. Great work, the only thing I did not really like (tho it was still good) was the wooden coaster, I also would say this is about a 9/10
Im hoping for a tie here, nither park deserves to lose and it would make the mess in the division even more confusing
Still it's not obvious which park deserves the win, and unlike many of the matches this year it's because both parks excel at what they're trying to accomplish (Mag, it's a park themed to Africa, Theming at parks is often embellished or even down right inaccurate).
Either way I pitty the looser because the rest of the season is going to be an uphill battle for the team that doesn't take home the prize.
Ok off you go
I went with the Tigers. The tiger's park was relaxed and atmoshpheric. Strangelove's park had some nice theming and details, but overall there was just too much motion and chaos for me to get into it.
Great match up though.
Dragonland is the 2nd best LL park this year (behind Slime Meridian imo)
Strangelove -
Anaconda was awesome. Accentor was also very nice (should've used articulated trains, though). The theming, for the most part, was very nice... but perhaps a little overdone in places.
Tigers -
Sorry, but it still looks a bit unfinished. It'll probably grow on me, but I don't understand all the grass?
Still, Year of The Dragon was pretty nice, as was Black Powder. I haven't had time to watch the dueling watercoasters all the way through yet, but that layout looks fucking amazing.
My vote's going to go to the Tigers, I think. But it was very tight.
Good matchup, I think.
Strangelove's park was, well, strange, for me. At first glance, I thought it was too busy. Then I looked further, and really appreciated a lot of it, mostly the colours and textures. REALLY nicely done. However, in the end I just got pissed off with all the swinging monkeys and shit like that. Still, there are a couple of bits that I think are pure gold.
Strangelove- 26 votes
Ferocious Tigers- 20 votes
Both parks were great.
My vote goes for Mamba Kilima, I was an hour to decide. That park catched me more when I had a closer look, I like the architecture and theming in it; the coaster is also good...I guess that, since it's RCT2, it looks more complete than Dragonland, but I know it's not like that...I'm sure that both teams made a huge effort.
Dragonland also showed a lot of talent. The dragon head incorporated into the drop of the splash boats, was amazing. I think you made an outstanding job with what you had available, considering it's a LL park.
Well done, both teams.
Edited by RCFanB&M, 27 August 2006 - 03:41 PM.
the ll player in me can't not vote for the tigers.
sorry guys.
edit- after looking at it again, there's really only one thing about this park which kind of irks me. the fact that it's a primarily chinese theme with chinese zodiac, the fireworks, and the shrine to the tiger (hah, genius.), yet most, if not all, of the names are of a japanese nature?
unless those things are part of the japanese culture as well, which i don't think they are.
other than that, though. fuck. park of the year candidate, no doubt. my hat goes off to you, you ferocious tiger. this kicks the shit out of the japanese area in my solo, seriously.
Edited by tracidEdge, 27 August 2006 - 05:39 PM.
Anyway: Null vote for now.
The LL park has a superb water ride and nails the hacking like few other parks. I enjoyed such things as the entrance torii, the "shoddy scaffolding," and the interaction with sculptures at the end of the twister. But it seemed to lack in a few things. The basic architecture itself, notwithstanding the great hacking surrounding, seemed uninspired and blocky. If you took away the curved Asian rooves it'd kinda be crappy. Also the unmowed grass really bugged me because it looked messy and because it was everywhere. The entire park, in parts, seemed a bit messy, although with genius interspersed.
The RCT2 park's woodie kinda lags, even though it looks good. The architecture is ridiculously good though, something the LL park can't claim everywhere. Lots of nice little touches here and there. The invert was a bit fast but number one, so is Black Mamba apparently, two the layout still kicked ASS, and three the LL twister was even more extreme on the speed. What I think I like about this park in comparison to KD is just that it's well-organized.
I dunno. The RCT2 park seems more "artificial" but that's just a characteristic of a lot of RCT2 as a result of how you have to build stuff. But the LL park didn't seem to have much more to offer than the RCT2. It's a rather good matchup, though.
Edited by Panic, 28 August 2006 - 12:21 AM.
Interesting. Maybe there shouldn't be overview shots, since it seems to be hindering KD in this matchup.
Anyway I voted for MK. Great woodie and invert. The invert is a bit too cramped though and I really would have liked to see how it would have become if it had a bit more space.
Corkscrewed Offline
Cannot vote though, as I don´t have RCT1 installed yet on my new computer.
Mk (could see that one) is a truly awesome park, I liked the rides an it's overall feel, however in it's archy/textures etc. it seems a bit too cluttered in "wanted/needed" details, as if they were put there more to still the hunger of the detail-lovers than for the real sake/need of the park (made it too artificial for my taste). So by now I think it will not be at all one of my favourites, but still a really very good park, so all compliments!
To the RCT1 park, even if I cannot view/compare
a very personal note:as there are 65 votes total now, and one park seems to be winning clearly, imo it can be called/closed now. This obviously is because I clearly don't understand why some matches are up for such a long time before closing (in the case when one of them is winning clearly in an earlier stage already, of course I do understand why they will be up longer for voting if they are going on ties) that the total votes can get up to around or >100, while others are closed long and long before that with the same things (one obviously winning over another), but the total amount of votes being cut off before they even reach a total of 65 or so.....still just puzzled how this works......) So, what is it that the total amount of votes one gets for a park does tell us?
Perhaps, but maybe it's an idea next time to have two/three fixed weeks where you can only enter a LL-park.