Park / Kitabasaki Dragonland
27-August 06
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Corkscrewed Offline
Jesus fucking christ, Tigers. Finish your goddamn parks. This is getting pitiful.
More after a closer look...
Corkscrewed Offline
Edited by eman, 27 August 2006 - 01:11 AM.
I'm really starting to get sick of this double standard. Either RCT2 parks should receive the same treatment or the whole thing should be dropped.
I thought that whole business died after the (people-voted) best park of Week 1 lost to a shit RCT2 park.
Edited by Panic, 27 August 2006 - 03:03 AM.
Mamba kilima = What a lovely detailed park to look at...... The entrance street was nice and detailed and i could spend awhile looking at this. A loved the way either side as you moved across a fraction, you could see either the wooden coaster or the invert. Both of which were very nice to watch. Im not a great fan of woodens, but this one i liked as i thought it fitted in well. Acanconda was so detailed and exellent i watched it more than once. And the entrance was extra speacial with the entrance and exit elevators. I really liked the £1000 golf challange, not that, that isn't ripping anyone off?!? lol. Also the stand up freefall i don't think i have seen that done before, pulled off very nicely aswell. There isnt anything i really dislike in this park.... expect for the animated hippos!!! though the humping ones were kind of funny? Anyways very good job guys.
Vote = Strangelove
Fatha' Offline
It's not a double standard. People have the choice of playing LL or RCT2, so they shouldn't be given extra lenincy because they chose to make an LL park. So if they choose to make an LL park that's great, but I'd much rather see more Slime Meridian-esque LL parks or other creative parks, since just about everything else is both overdone in LL and hard to vary upon due to the lack of resources compared to RCT2. If I see an LL park that is generally a standard LL park and it's up against a standard RCT2 park, I'm gonna pick the RCT2 park, even if it is slightly worse made, because it will still look better than the LL park and contain at elast a bit more variety more often than not. Granted I haven't seen Dragonland ingame, so there could be some cool parts I'm missing out on. But to say it's unfair is bullshit....nobody makes you build a park in's a concious choice and therefore IMO a RCT2 park and an LL park should be evaluated on the same scale.
I know that from the screens it looks bare and unfinished but seriously if you look at this in game youll see it completely differently. There are LOTS of little details to look at such as the shrines to different animals scattered about, the bamboo shoots made of coaster supports, how youve hacked the paths so they reach all the way across the tile and i know its not really a little detail at all but DUELLING WATER COASTERS!!!!!
I also enjoyed Battle at Koshinji Temple, i loved it how there were 2 trains following each other one as the attacker and the other the defender that was really cool.
wait, you're this is a standard ll park?
the rct2 was 'nice'. but i guess lots of people are gonna vote for it based on the overview of the ll one.
i'm voting tigers here.
I love all the little details in dragonland like the entrance sign, the ghost train and the shrines. THe dragons head is awesome too. but the coasters dont really do it for me.
In Strangeloves park Annaconda (blatent rip off of Black Mamba
Either way im going to have to have another look before i vote
i think this will be a close matchup, the rct2 park is quite nice and has plenty of details. The coasters too, have their upsides.
i hope people take the time to fully explore the ll park, for one.. it is NOT unfinished. The landscaping is barren for a reason. Year of the Dragon is by far the most unorthodox coaster this h2h. With an amazing section where it enters the dragon, i love that part. Totomo Dragonboat Race is just crazy, i love the way it all looks messed up yet comes together anyways. All the shrines are pure class, and the buildings have detail to them that has hardly, if ever, been matched in an ll park. The castle is possibly my favorite castle ever. Different, unique, and it works all the same.
Maybe the rct2 park looks more finished, and has more of a classic rct park feel to it.. but that's all the more reason to take a real good look at the ll park and decide for yourself if you don't like this even better. I can see both sides of the story here but i must the ll park is quite impressive. Maybe more impressive, less clean and regular.
Firstly the LL park, its very good. I looked at the overview at initially thought that it wasn't really up to much, but in game it has quite a lot of cool little structures and ideas and other stuff. I especially liked the fireworks ride, great hackwork! The foilage in my opinion could have been done better, but i suppose it was acceptable when looking at the theme.
The RCT2 park was pretty damn awesome aswell, lots of great realistic details hidden everywhere and some really cool structures. What impressed me most was the invert, it had such an amazing, compact layout and what amazed me is it hits top speed at the end of the ride! As far as coasters have gone in H2H, I'd say that 'anaconda' is so far the best. It looked like it had heavy influence from 'Black Mamba', but i think the actual layout for anaconda is better! Incredible architecture aswell, great use of textures all round. Great job guys.
My vote is Strangelove, because im on their team and i thought our park was slightly (only just) better than the tigers.
The rct2 park from strangelove is good but not super. the architecture is nice and there are some nice idea's in it but I don't find a things that really draws me in the park.
the LL park looks nice from the screens but because I haven't LL I cant see it in game.
I'm pretty sure Toon didn't want them to be released like that as he told me he is still working on those and wants to change them.
And could someone tell me if that was meant to be an african theme? I'm still not sure if someone really just tried to copy things without any background knowledge or if this was not meant to be africa.
Edit: Didn't vote yet as I still have to look at the LL park.
Edited by Magnus, 27 August 2006 - 06:24 AM.
Xcoaster Offline
In the meantime, I'll be wearing my Tatsu shirt today in celebration of the dragon park.
Tiger's had a sense of humor with those boosters, and its obvious one of the parkmakers who made it and they deserve the win. not sure why I posted the 2nd part of this park's comments from me but whatever