Park / House of Happiness
06-December 07
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- Comments 6

64.00%(required: 60%)
Jaguar 75% geewhzz 70% In:Cities 70% CedarPoint6 65% CoasterCreator9 65% Cocoa 65% Liampie 65% RWE 65% posix 60% saxman1089 60% bigshootergill 55% Scoop 45% 64.00% -
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I remember the days Anolis and I showed the one we made on our team forums and Janus saying he and pBob had a similar idea.
When we released it and Roomie basically did the same it was really strange - and funny.
This room was larger than the H2H ones, but did not really appeal to me, as it looked way too copied.
The desk with the model one it, the railroad and even the station, the yellow wheel loader, the lego, the wooden ground, the cars track, the shelf and even the mouse track looked like directly copied from what Anolis and I did for H2H3.
Many other ideas like the clock etc. looked a lot like Roomie's park.
Apart from that I am not sure if the war area fits into a "House of Happiness".
Nevertheless this is a solid Creation, with a great but old Concept.
The new ideas like the buildings behind the window and the power sockets looked great to me.
Congrats on winning this one you two,
thats why we call it a concept creation
nice job guys
FullMetal Offline
Overall, a very nice Creation. I'd really like to see something like this again in the near future, but maybe expand on the idea a bit. (e.g. Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom, etc.)
then what's the reason of your post other than to point out that this goes against the way you feel the game should be played?
anyway looks nice from the screens... some cool new details to the standard bedroom theme. overall I'd say that this is a nice CC so congrats guys
Looking at this to vote brings back some nostalgia, even though it's not the first, it's really a cut above the other bedroom parks with the extra details and recognizable toys. The board games are very well-done, as is the army base. The floorboards with the mice running under them and various pipes and wires adds a lot of depth, really makes it more immersive. I also appreciate the scale here, it's not massively huge like the others and has enough detail that it's still probably the best bedroom park made.
This theme is rarely done outside of secondrun's stuff and micro madness, which is a bit of a shame imo. Someone could probably use Openrct's cutaway view to their advantage with this.