Park / LLawbreakers - Astroworld
- 03-October 18
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- Comments 16
65.00%(required: 60%) Silver
Cocoa 75% RWE 75% Scoop 75% bigshootergill 70% Ling 65% CoasterCreator9 60% csw 60% Poke 60% G Force 55% Xeccah 50% 65.00% - No fans of this park
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Round 4 | Match 2
LLawbreakers - Astroworld
ILLuminnati - Learnatorium: Age of Dinos
Voting Rules
- You should only vote if you have viewed both parks in game.
- Take your time to reflect on each park. The poll stays open for three days, not three minutes.
- Everyone but players belonging to either team in the match may vote.
Liampie Offline
I really love Age of Dinos. It's quite unique. Lots of coasters too. Our park has a little less coaster but I also think it's quite special. Hope it will get some (re)views in the coming days/weeks, both parks deserve it!
posix Offline
bigshootergill Offline
Fun park from both teams, here's my highlight reel:
Age of Dinos:
+ The theatre in the far corner was actually really cool, simple construction but looked great
+ Entrance area was lovely... great idea with the sunken magnolia trees (Enterprise was facing inward instead of outward)
+ That batwing on Apex Predator was so picturesque and well placed with the queue and water
+ A few building bunches were well done
+ It looks like someone had fun building this park, that's always a highlight!
- Would have liked to see more dinosaurs, push the theme a bit more
- Kind of torn on the foliage, some things I loved, other areas seemed a bit sparse
+ Clever use of space objects & making that the colorbase for the rest of the park, the palette was great
+ The overall mix of great archy, green goo and height elevations make this park unique
+ I loved the tower on the upward portion of Glorpiôs (but that station was 'meh')
+ Trackitecture really cranks this park up a notch, well placed and choosen track pieces
+ Layout of Znurk was pretty good too
- A few little things I didn't like, maybe ride design/integration could have been better
Overall, great match. Astroworld gets my vote
MrTycoonCoaster Offline
01) The pyramid was well positioned
02) The roller coasters very nice layout, curves, colors chosen, passing between mountains, underneath, over, loved it
03) The train is indispensable, has to have, train brings a certain balance to the park, it seems to complete the park
04) Brachiossaurus loved this name hehe, very good I liked the roller coaster passing around
05) Mushrooms and cactus scattered, and the different colors of the soil looked good, maybe more flowers
06) Tiger animator inside the volcano got nice
07) Layout of the mountains, on unevenness was good
08) I liked the DINO DIG and the space with objects where are the 2 mechanics
09) The name of the rides was a good differential
10) The gorilla I understand is fighting with the Roman soldiers, it was good and I liked the theater / arena
11) I love themes with dinosaurs
It's really a good work.
01) Monorail with the two space towers was excellent, nice idea
02) The bubbling green water in conjunction with the stone ground got pretty good
03) Space objects are well placed and distrib-
04) I loved the roller coaster tower _29
05) The roof of Viby Vloby was great and the color well chosen, and the red detail on the track gave a special touch
06) All objects with this signal _1 _2 _3 etc., were excellent, the globe in yellow became cool
07) Loved the stairs going to Qlippo Mux
08) Hehe I liked _posix in green water
09) I liked the detail of the catwalk going to the dome (object _12)
10) Only object _27 hid the Znurk station
It has been a wonderful work
Poke Offline
Both parks were solid. Age of Dinos had moments of great atmosphere but the composition and colour co-ordination I found too chaotic and nonsensical. Thus, my vote went to Astroworld which was a lot stronger in that regard, and also in terms of theming. Those big swamp pools looked very cool!
Austin55 Offline
Cocoa Offline
sorry for taking so long for reviews! been a busyboy
This park is super awesome. I love the landscaping and the use of swamp, something I've been thinking of trying for a while now. some really great archy- the log flume station, dome near the invert, the pipes going into the dome in the middle of the path, the dodgems roof, the building that glorpios (best name in the park) goes through, the grey one with red tile path in funny layers. all great stuff, with good atmosphere. It somehow felt a bit "dead" but thats something thats just so hard to avoid in rctll these days when we're used to rct2 and peeps
age of dinos
Another great park. Much more colorful and lively. The best thing this park has going for it is the coasters and their interactions. lovely layouts, and they use the landscape and paths well. I like the general park theme but would have loved a bit more dinos and clear themeing- it felt a tad random. pyramid worked well though. it generally has a good, vibrant atmosphere at the expense of being a bit rougher and harder to read. I think possibly the path that goes by the pyramid could have been axed for some smoother landscaping there, although that does sacrifice the 'loop' of the park.
Anyway, for me the higher quality park was astroworld so it got my vote. but still a good matchup!
SSSammy Offline
when does this close
Liampie Offline
Lawbreakers vote count: 7 (41.18%)
Illuminati vote count: 10 (58.82%)
Astroworld was made by Bubbsy41 (50%) and Liampie (50%).
Learnatorium - Age of Dinos was made by SSSammy (99%) and Xtreme97 (1%).
SSSammy Offline
thanks all for the kind words and thanks xtreme for helping me out when none of my trainers would work. also super great job to bubbs n liam, i thought for sure you had it in the bag. very tasteful use of very unconventional palette choices so huge props there.
Mine was a standard no hack thing because my rct is really poorly behaved for some reason. I meant to use more dinosaurs but i just kinda built this for fun, so im glad that other people found the same fun i did.
Ling Offline
Congrats SSSammy!
ottersalad Offline
Congrats on the win SSSammy and Xtreme97!
RWE Offline
Two really awesome parks! Astroworld has some very cool architecture and some top level color choices. The invert is a cool coaster and the landscaping + all the space objects are really bringing a great atmosphere to me. On a compositional level this park is also probably one of the best we've seen in this contest. Glad to see Bubbsy worked on this with Liampie, showing off his talent again over here and probably learned a lot.
Age of Dinos was a bit worse in terms of composition, but it got my vote, cause it had more fun moments in it and the coasters really impressed me. This park directly strikes me with lots of nice simple SSSammy RCT and shows off a lot of proves why i think he is kind of underrated. Some stuff felt random, but somehow it's done so it doesn't bother me that much.
Congrats on some great RCT guys!
Liampie Offline
So, it's a silver for Astroworld! I never responded after closing this thread, but I'd like to say that this really is a Bubbsy park. He built everything in the centre of the map, and I finished it mostly just trying to imitate his style. Not sure if he imagined having so much bubbling goo, but my heart wasn't in this 100% so I just wanted to take an easy route to completing the park and this was a quick way to fill tiles. But coincidentally it also fit the theme and aesthetic very well, for which the credit again goes go Bubbsy. What I like about the stuff that he did is the trackitecture, just trying different things. I personally rarely have the patience to do anything with track other than the occasional boring awning. Hope to see more LL Bubbsy in the future. Just a small thing or an area in a park or something.
Ling Offline
Wow, both dead on 65.0%. Guess at the end of the day more roller coasters > less roller coasters
][ntamin22 Offline
such is the credo of the sam