Park / [H2H8/8] Blizzard Bay
26-September 18
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- Comments 18
63.13%(required: 60%)
RWE 70% Scoop 70% Cocoa 65% G Force 65% Ling 65% CoasterCreator9 60% csw 60% Jaguar 60% Liampie 60% Xeccah 50% 63.13% -
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Voting RulesRound 4 | Match 1
Lisa & The Domain Names - Mount Playstack
Tropical Storms - Blizzard Bay
- You should only vote if you have viewed both parks in game.
- Take your time to reflect on each park. The poll stays open for three days, not three minutes.
- Everyone but players belonging to either team in the match may vote.
Really cool park Tropical Storms! Just some thoughts I had while looking at the park:
- The layout for Abominable was great I thought. The barrel roll over the rapids was pretty.
- My favorite area of the park was over by the maze. Cool archy. The restaurants (?) were well done. Colorful and well composed area.
- Theres so many snowmen.
- The turbines were a bit ugly.. What was the purpose of them?
- The area around the Volcanic Tours ride was cool. I really enjoyed the jagged rocks and ice mixed in with colorful buildings. Neat idea to have the coaster be that train type.
Interesting that both parks are winter themed!
These look awesome!
Mt. Playstack is sort of mind bending to me, the planning and composition is both great and not so great at the same time. Perhaps its due to being a bit rushed? But it feels very much like two different building styles to me.
The coaster, foliage, ski slope and crystal cave ride were all really nice. The entrance being so similar to our park was particularly funny. Overall, a nice little submission, perhaps a bit more creative than ours, but I think a slightly lower quality. Interested to see how the match goes.
But I'm sad
The ski resort side of Mount Playstack is a bit messy, but the dedication to a uniquely "Christmas" theme rather than just a winter one is a nice change of pace. The ski lodge and chairlift in particular are just lacking in the same kind of composition and atmosphere that the rest of the park has. I love the entrance plaza though, feels extremely H2H1. I also love the use of strings of light, streamers, and decorations throughout. The layouts in Blizzard Bay are very unusual, but I like them. I don't really understand the use of the steep-ish lift on Snarl though, couldn't you just have hacked a steep lift hill? I also think the park could have done with some music. Foliage and landscaping were on point.
I'm really torn. I think Blizzard Bay is technically the better, more cohesive park but Mount Playstack has a more fun and original atmosphere, and is, I think, truer to the spirit of the contest.
3 votes, this could go down as the lowest vote total in H2H history.
I'll post a Mount Playstack review soon, but initial thoughts is: SO MUCH FUN!!! Great job LATDN.
Alright, here's my Playstack feedback:
+ Entrance is pretty simple, but I actually really like it
+ One of the best things on the map is the ice rink... so good!
+ Some of the little touches, like hanging banners, ribbons,
+ Another highlight --> chair lift, ski hill, ski lodge at the top... just need some skiers
+ Really nice themeing around Gumdrop Spin
+ Liked the coaster station and the candy canes up the lift
- Needed more life to it, felt dull
- The archy details & colors were kind of boring at the front of the map (maybe that's just LL)
? Unsure if I like the glass objects or not
Overall, great match up guys! You're team is really pumping out the LL parks, nice work!
I apologize..accidentally clicked the null vote. My vote goes to Tropical Storms.
Nice parks for Round 4! Blizzard Bay was great, I love the unique layouts and landscaping. Architecture is also quite pleasant. My only complaint is that there is no actual bay...
Mount Playstack feels very cartoony, probably due to the gifts in the front corner. I enjoyed the coaster and ski resort area, but the rest of it was less impressive. The stuff on the top side of the hill was better than the town area below.
My votes goes to Blizzard Bay, handily. A little surprised at the voting and low turnout..
really lovely park storms. I think the main thing it suffers from is a bit of over-texturing and not having one real consistent architectural motif, but in each sort of corner it actually all comes together really well. I enjoyed the landscaping a lot. The best bit is probably to the right of the entrance, with the ice maze- that area just oozes atmosphere and is put together really well. I also liked the style of buildings behind the mountain, with the black wood and rust. I think sticking to what you did in these corners throughout would have made a slightly more cohesive park. That said, still plenty good and I think a silver would do from me. The beemer station area was quite nice too, although the layout was not as good. the area with the inverted hairpin stuck out the most to me as not fitting. also, I liked the way you did the lift on the mine train, reminds me of playing scenarios back in the day.
anyway that review was all over the place and not though out well, oh well
Currently tied! One more day to get your votes in before the match (finally) will be closed.
Speak to me before you close GF as I need to fix pierrot's vote.................
Please be mindful when you vote!! It's very tedious to fix this in the backend.

Lisa and the Domain Names vote count: 9 (56.25%)
Tropical Storms vote count: 7 (43.75%)
Mount Playstack was made by SupraTheHedgehog (50%) and ottersalad (50%).
Blizzard Bay was made by Milo (33.33%) and bigshootergill (66.67%).
Blizzard Bay didnt have a specific concept going in other than snow, I just wanted to have some fun playing around in LL. So most of the decisions for the park were purely from a fun perspective, hence they amusement park for snowmen. If we had started with that idea, the park may have taken a different direction, but it was great just getting build rct with no real purpose and just try out funky ideas. After I got the park started, Milo jumped on board, bringing some old school style to the park. It was fun building with him, and glad to see some new Milo work!
The breakdown of who build what is fairly straightforward. Milo build around the mine train and volcano tours. I did the rest of the park, helping out in the volcano tours section with some of the archy.
@csw - The edges of the park are along the bay, but its beyond the map to see the whole bay.
Looking forward to R5!
Well done Supra and otter. It is awesome to see some people pick up LL and have fun with it. I owe you guys (and many more) an in depth review.
BSG's enthusiasm and build speed were infectious. I had a tough time getting started and leaned on some old Blitz and WME Project Anti style to get moving. BSG's fresh LL style with the colorful buildings around the maze was inspiring and I carried it over to the volcano tours area. Overall we had a blast with this park; passing it back and forth and coming up with themes as we went.
Great work BSG and Milo.. really cool bedroom incident we had!!
Thanks Supra for letting me build on this. I Wanted to add as much playful stuff as possible. Did the Christmas villages and the virginia reel. And most of the dense foliage. You could definitely tell two different builders worked on this, but I think the contrast was good. H2H8/8 has been fun!