Park / Feuervogel

Park_4148 Feuervogel


  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Here is the topic for my match-up against FK+Coastermind. The download is there too.

    Posted Image

  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    Hey just checked these out, pretty different styles. My vote would go to Gwazi, because he kept it pretty simple and neat, but made it pleasantly interesting. I think that FK's entry looked a bit forced. Like you tried to hard to make the castle wall structure, when infact it because monotonous and boring. Although, the challenge was to make a corkscrew coaster, and on that front, none of them were amazing really.

    Both nice entries, but none held my attention for more then a few minutes.

    Gwazi wins IMO.

    Well done guys.
  • JDP%s's Photo
    Yeah, Lloyd basiclly hit everything on the head. I vote for Gwazi...
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    looks kind of like you're trying a little too hard to be slob.
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    Congrats for the win mate :)

    Hope you keep succeeding...well, you know the rest of my thoughts.


    FK+Coastermind's entry was also nice, although it was a little bit overdone in some places. Was it finished? If it was, the foliage really lacked. Anyway, you're improving man...hope to see more from you soon.