Park / Blue Lagoon Bay


  • Emergo%s's Photo
    BLUE LAGOON BAY - winner Road Rally May 2006

    Won another Road Rally.....

    It was not my intention at all to enter this one, for many reasons:
    I knew beforehand that in May I would have severe time-problems;
    I thought it would be nice if someone else would win a Road Rally;
    Although I love these Road Rallies, I wanted to do something else for a change and planned to wait for the finals, and last but not least H2H4 started in May....;

    But in my topic of the other RR winner "China Charms" Phatage and XCoaster challenged me to join a Road Rally all 3 together, and compete to see which one of us 3 could win it.

    They chose May and pm'ed me about that, and I did not want to spoil the fun, and neither spoil the chance that some "fresh faces" as well as great builders would enter a Road Rally again (they both did a long time ago), so I promised to go along with it and and worked my ass off in the 10 days in April in which I still had some time to build, and some days before the deadline I doubted if I still should finish and send this park, the more so as I had no clue if Phatage and XCoaster, who "lured" me into this one, would send in anything.........

    Obviously they did not, for I really don't believe that if they had, they would not at least have made a Runnerup............(To be honest I am rather disappointed about that, and I would have loved it to be beaten by one of them.... or anyone else, for that matter) )

    The theme for this one was "Jamaica", which sounds cool, but after some research it just was a great letdown: apart from a breathtaking nature, Jamaica does not have any inspiring own archtecture at all and indeed seems nothing more than just "Rum, Reefers and Reggae. Ok, and some tourist-hotels and "wedding gazebo's". (Toon also dropped out partly because of this reason).

    For sure not my best Road Rally, but there are some funny things in it, so here it is....

    The rules:

    - Build on the provided workbench (50x50 map)
    - Build a Watercoaster and a River Rafts
    - Theme it all to Jamaica.

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    Edited by Emergo, 03 December 2006 - 06:41 PM.

  • ekimmel%s's Photo
    I tried to beat you but failed....again. Maybe next time.
  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    Congrats for being the winner. I like the banana themed ride...
    Great park.
  • posix%s's Photo
    how about a solo?
    independent of contests and such.

    you seem to be capable of finishing your projects!
  • Phatage%s's Photo
    I honestly forgot completely about this one, sorry on my part.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    looks great, and the ship is a nice touch. Congratulations.
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Looks like id need to bring my A game to beat you at one of these :p

    Congrats on winning, it looks great.
  • JKay%s's Photo
    What a wonderful little park this is!!

    I actually like this a little better than china charms; its more refined with a better atmosphere imo. Let's see, lots of things i liked to mention here:

    -Theming - you captured everything I would think about Jamaica except for rum, Jimmy Buffet and marijuana. :SA:
    -Ride placement - well done considering the number of them
    -Number of rides - I always enjoy lots of 'em
    -Architecture - Getting better
    -Foliage - Decent
    -Landscaping - Decent

    A few dislikes though (although minor):
    -The watercoaster was nice, but something seemed off. All the helicies sort of looked the same and a took a bit away from the uniqueness of the design.
    -I didn't like some of your color choices, like having the watercoaster gold and the rapids boats yellow. It all blended too much imo. I prefer more contrasting amoung the tracks/cars of the bigger rides, in other words.
    -While the foliage & landscaping were good (as mentioned above), I still felt they could've been better. I personally would've preferred less foliage and more landscape.

    But seriously Wow. A really good release you have here Susanne. You're really starting to establish an elegant style for yourself in this game. Congrats! :mantis:

    Kumba, this is just begining. I promise you'll be kicking yourself for trading her come soon! :p
  • JJ%s's Photo
    yey another great park by Emergo :D
  • Tom_Dj%s's Photo
    I really liked this one , the atmosphere was nice and i loved that custom boat :D

    If i have some time next month i'm gonna try to beat you ;)
  • Paradox%s's Photo
    Emergo, do you mind if I use the 'boat as the way guests get to the park' idea in my park? I was making a small park on an island as practice for the road rallies (I might enter the June one) and I wanted to know if I could use the boat idea as the way to allow guests to get to the park. So, is it alright? :evil:
  • Emergo%s's Photo
    Thanks all for the reactions, much appreciated.



    :I tried to beat you but failed....again. Maybe next time.

    Yep, maybe next time.....
    that will be in the finals then, for as I said I won't enter anymore before, nice chance for you to still make a winner in July or September.....(wish you do so, I know you least when I'm not there....LOL! sereously, your work is getting better and better and you deserve a win.... )

    thank you. Yes, a banana-ride seemed fitted here.



    : how about a solo?
    independent of contests and such.
    you seem to be capable of finishing your projects!

    My first park ever was a solo. Sent in rightaway for VP and won. (a bit, but just a bit, ashamed now as I look back on it, for in a year and a half one learns a lot, LoL!)

    Another solo has been started up, but now H2H (and private life of course) comes first. So don't expect it next months, might as well be next year.....
    Don't worry however, I (nearly, LoL!) always finish any project I pick up........



    I honestly forgot completely about this one, sorry on my part..

    Yeah, that can happen......
    Very disappointed about that, but no hard feelings......
    Same goes for Xcoaster, who already replied earlier at RCTspace

    @Ling:Thanks! I loved making the fact when working on that one I thought: "Well, even if Jamaica does not have anything attractive for me to want to make it in RCT, it maybe can still give me some fun".... and that's how it turned out......



    Looks like id need to bring my A game to beat you at one of these tounge.gif

    Congrats on winning, it looks great.

    Also thanks!
    Whatever game you bring though, I' m pretty sure you cannot beat me in these ones...
    So try and get in (with a winner or runner-up for July or September, while as I said I won't enter those so you do have a chance.....) and then we can compete in the finals.......Looking forward to see you there.... (and to beat you......LoL!.....but I guess you don't dare.... :lol: )

    @JKay: Thank you...
    For the rum: there is a rum and coke stand on the beach, and a shop in a pub that sells the Jamaican home-brand Kulu-rum, but yes I left out the sugar-cane fields and a distillery ,as I did not have enough room for that......
    Jimmy Buffet is an omission indeed........I had a lot of names that should be in, in a spot or a name or whatever, but obviously in the hurry I "overlooked" him on my list (stupid....)
    The marijuana: well, we do have a lot of that in Holland (partly legal), so I did not consider that to be something "special" for Jamaica...... :lol:

    To be honest: Watercoaster was just made to look nicely flowing with the park (and still having decent stats), as I was not very inspired by the -not so many- layouts of existing watercoasters around the world, apart from the fact many do have a big part "dark ride" for theming, which I did not want in Jamaica. But you are quite right about the helices (ekimmel's watercoaster was much better anyway).

    Can imagine how you prefer colours that stand out more for main rides, but, though I love the colourfullness in your parks as you can pull that off amazingly well, I like them a bit more modest in my own parks, especially if it are small ones like these. I already found this one so "restless"..........but still I agree with you that the colour-choice for those two rides so close upon each other could have been better...

    Nope, less foliage and more landscape was not possible in this one.....I searched some hundreds pics of Jamaica, and everywhere it is heavily and densely treeed to the brim, right up to and over the beaches.........

    Funny how we all have our preferences on architecture: I myself like China Charms far better on that one, or even parts of AVV and parts of Acropolis Revisited....
    But happy you like this one, after all that is rather personal and it would get soooo boring if we all only and exactly liked, and made, the same things......

    Thanks again for the elaborate answer, much appreciated.....

    @JJ: Thank you



    I really liked this one , the atmosphere was nice and i loved that custom boat bigggrin.gif

    If i have some time next month i'm gonna try to beat you

    Thanks, happy you like it and: as I said I won't enter next month or September, but if you just make a runner-up or winner (and I know you easily can) one of these months, we'll meet in the finals and you can beat me there :D

    @ Paradox:


    Emergo, do you mind if I use the 'boat as the way guests get to the park' idea in my park? I was making a small park on an island as practice for the road rallies (I might enter the June one) and I wanted to know if I could use the boat idea as the way to allow guests to get to the park. So, is it alright? evil.gif

    Well as far as I know there is no "copyright" on things one builds in RCT..... (unless of course you copy a complete park....) :D so go ahead......
    If it will look rather similar to this idea, I would appreciate it if you mention, in Readme or at the release, which park inspired you to this little funny thing, but after all that is up to your own courtesy.... , thank you for asking anyway...

    (Small advice though: if you plan to do this for a coming Road Rally this year, that might not be in your own advantage:judges will have this one still fresh in their mind and might think it not so creative anymore.......but again, up to you.....Happy building :D .)


    Edited by Emergo, 20 June 2006 - 07:39 AM.

  • Kumba%s's Photo
    Maybe next road rally season or whatever, and FYI very few people thought I could beat Voodoo in QFTB-X, let alone X-Sector, but what do you know, I owned them both :p

    Or heres an idea, we have it out sooner, maybe on a mini map, like 25x25 or 30x30 and find out who is better that way?
  • Paradox%s's Photo

    Emergo, on Jun 20 2006, 08:40 AM, said:

    Well as far as I know there is no "copyright" on things one builds in RCT..... (unless of course you copy a complete park....)  :D  so go ahead......
    If it will look rather similar to this idea, I would appreciate it if you mention, in Readme or at the release, which park inspired you to this little funny thing, but after all that is up to your own courtesy.... , thank you  for asking anyway...

    (Small advice though: if you plan to do this for a coming Road Rally this year, that might not be in your own advantage:judges will have this one still fresh in their mind and might think it not so creative anymore.......but again, up to you.....Happy building :D .)


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    Don't worry, I would have mentioned the idea when I released the park. And, I wasn't going to use it for a Road Rally, I was just practicing on a mini park with the workbench and I couldn't think of an easy way for the guests to get to the island. Thanks for letting me use it! I might not have to, because I can't get my boat to look right, so instead I might just make an isthmus-like-thing. Although, if I get my boat to look right, I will use it. Thanks! :)
  • Ling%s's Photo

    Emergo, on Jun 20 2006, 06:40 AM, said:

    @Ling:Thanks! I loved making the fact when working on that one I thought: "Well, even if Jamaica does not have anything attractive for me to want to make it in RCT, it maybe can still give me some fun".... and that's how it turned out......

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  • RCFanB&M%s's Photo
    That ship is pretty cool, and I forgot to say that the atmosphere is nice and that you developed well the theme "Jamaica"
    Oh, and...Ekimmel, you did a great job also...congrats for both. :nod:

    Edited by RCFanB&M, 21 June 2006 - 08:17 PM.

  • Ling%s's Photo
    someone here besides me has at least been to Jamaica before, right? So someone else knows what it really looks like?
  • Leighx%s's Photo
    Some good details...
    The flag was done well:)
  • ekimmel%s's Photo

    RCFanB&M, on Jun 21 2006, 09:17 PM, said:

    Oh, and...Ekimmel, you did a great job also...congrats for both. :nod:

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